The alien world of Pikmin is alluring to many, and exploring it is one of the main selling points for the franchise. Pikmin 4 is offering a new perspective on that world after years of minor releases, and fans are very excited. The last major Pikmin title, Pikmin 3, came out on the Wii U in 2013, with a promise for Pikmin 4 coming shortly afterward. The 2017 spin-off Hey! Pikmin did little but annoy fans eager for the next numbered entry, and Pikmin Bloom wasn’t what many wanted either. After a successful return to the Pikmin planet of PNF-404 in Pikmin 3 Deluxe, it's finally time to see what's on offer in Pikmin 4.

As of right now, nobody knows what that might be. Pikmin 4 currently looks like a return to Pikmin, albeit with a lower camera angle and possibly a new captain. Perhaps Pikmin 2’s caves will return, or Pikmin Bloom could see some Pikmin 4 integration. It may even be feasible for Hey! Pikmin elements to make it into Pikmin 4. Hey! Pikmin is a 2D game set on an unknown planet, although its wildlife is still comparable to PNF-404. This spin-off introduced many new enemies and mechanics, and it would be a waste to leave the better ones behind.

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Centipares, Blubbugs, and Other Environmenal Enemies

Pikmin 1 + 2 Collection Before Pikmin 4

Pikmin is no stranger to harmless enemies, with various types having existed since the first game. They rewarded strategy and precision by helping the player, and that logic could be extended to exploration itself. Hey! Pikmin introduced the Centipare, Adult Centipare, and Muggonfly to serve as aerial platforms in certain levels, and Flatterchucks as jump pads for an entire Pikmin army. Blubbugs and Puffy Blubbugs were akin to harmless boulders that the player could shove or bounce around for puzzles, but players needed to make sure they didn’t trigger any traps. These creatures, or things like them, could all appear in Pikmin 4 with even more uses in a 3D environment.

New Takes on Bulborbs

hey pikmin screenshots

Even iconic enemies can benefit from Hey! Pikmin's additions. The Crumbug is a unique take on the iconic Dwarf Bulborb that walks forward with its mouth open, being stopped in a single hit but also instantly eating any Pikmin left in front of it. Such dangerous traits found in a horde would be a good test of the player’s skills. There could be even more unique Bulborb variants like the Fireflap Bulborb, which is both aflame and airborne, and the Eye-Stalker Bulbeel, which jumps out of underwater holes. Hey! Pikmin makes it clear that Bulborb and Breadbug families still have lots of room to evolve.

Hey! Pikmin's Interesting Bosses

Hey! Pikmin Berserk Leech Hydroe

Each of the nine worlds in Hey! Pikmin is capped off by a boss fight. Several of these introduced concepts that would be interesting to see in a regular Pikmin game. The last of these is the Berserk Leech Hydroe, which can fuse with other plants and animals to create bizarre organic beasts on par with Pikmin 2’s giant mechanical spiders. The Electric Cottonade is a rare electrical boss that demands understanding of Yellow Pikmin’s higher throw arcs, and the Luring Slurker introduced ice powers to the Pikmin franchise. Finding unusual monsters like these on PNF-404 could lead to considerably more varied fights.

Filling Out Pikmin's Elements

hey pikmin boss screenshots

A common theme with interesting Hey! Pikmin enemies is that many of them are built around elemental hazards. It may have been on to something there, as a lot of Pikmin types feel like they don't have enough challenges designed for them. More instances like hitting an Electripede with Yellow Pikmin to light up a room would be great. Even White Pikmin can get in on the action, with Hey! Pikmin including many poison-based enemies such as Shooting Spiners, Sporegrubs, and Spornets. Hopefully, Nintendo will take notice of the most interesting parts of Hey! Pikmin, and can carry on the highlights to Pikmin 4.

Pikmin 4 will be released in 2023 for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Nintendo is Leaving Money on the Table Without a Pikmin 1 + 2 Collection Before Pikmin 4