It took almost a decade, but the release date of Pikmin 4 is finally in sight. After being stated to be late in production by Shigeru Miyamoto himself in 2015, nothing else about the game came out except that it was still being worked on by 2017. It took until the September 2022 Nintendo Direct to premiere an actual Pikmin 4 trailer, and now fans have learned that the game is only a few months away. It’s an incredible turnaround for a game once thought to have been canceled.

Even after two trailers, there’s a lot to take away about Pikmin 4. A lower camera angle now emphasizes how gigantic Pikmin’s world is in comparison to its characters, and suggests that the play space might be a lot bigger than in past games. Climbing, Ice Pikmin, and a multipurpose dog ally have all been shown so far, but some of the biggest gameplay revelations directly affect players’ exploration. Pikmin 2’s cave dungeons have returned, but alongside them is the first access Pikmin players have to planet PNF-404 at night — and that could be several times more important.

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The Return of Pikmin 2’s Caves Is A Big Deal

Pikmin 4 With Pikmin 2 Caves

Pikmin 2’s caves are a divisive topic. Their semi-random item and enemy placement, combined with their tendency to dot later levels with explosive traps, contribute to Pikmin 2’s higher but less fair difficulty. However, the thrill of taking a dwindling Pikmin army into a large, hostile environment can’t be denied. Combined with the lack of a timer allowing players to plan their route through most floors, Pikmin 2’s caves form the core of its unique identity. Love them or hate them, there’s no separating them from what Pikmin 2 is, and Pikmin 3 proved to be a vastly different game by excluding them.

Now, Pikmin 4 is bringing Pikmin 2’s caves back. The specifics aren’t known yet, but in the name of complimenting the lower camera, they will be designed to be more sprawling than they once were. Bosses will still serve as the climaxes of these dungeons, and air vents will replace geysers as the player’s escape method. Players will still be on the lookout for treasure, but also for castaways separated from the main protagonist crew. Some Pikmin types could still be met underground if the trailer's introduction for Ice Pikmin is anything to go by. If Pikmin 4 can take the best parts of Pikmin 2’s caves and add more polish, they could massively enhance the new game.

Night Time Play Will Revolutionize Pikmin 4

pikmin 4 evil enemy

The return of Pikmin 2’s caves is certainly nothing to scoff at, and has many fans buzzing with excitement. However, as the large clock in Pikmin 4’s teaser hinted at, Pikmin’s rigid time limits are about to have a massive shake-up. A conceit that every numbered Pikmin game has shared is that after sunset, the face of PNF-404 becomes inhospitable towards small prey animals. Enemies rush into Pikmin's landing sites immediately after the spaceship and Onions take off, killing any straggler Pikmin. After three games and two real-life decades of fearing Pikmin’s darkest hours, players will finally get to experience them personally.

It’s not a stretch to say that this is the biggest change Pikmin 4 could have made. The daily clock has been a sacred part of Pikmin games that only Pikmin 2’s caves were allowed to subvert, and the image players have of the night is quite fearsome indeed. With regular Bulborbs and other foes now potentially homing in on the player or their base, the difficulty should be much higher than regular Pikmin play. However, avid treasure hunters will need to brave that danger to carry home the best loot. This should bring back the sense of challenge that veteran Pikmin fans have been clamoring for, and appear to make Pikmin 4 a worthy new installment in the franchise.

Pikmin 4 will be released July 21, 2023, for the Nintendo Switch.

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