Pikmin 3 Deluxe has finally arrived on Nintendo Switch and players who missed the original version on Wii U should definitely give this Switch port their attention. Though it might not take veteran players very long to beat Pikmin 3 Deluxe, those new to the Pikmin series are in for quite a challenging treat.

While there’s plenty of new content to experience in Pikmin 3 Deluxe, the core foundations of the game have remained largely the same. Thankfully, that means Pikmin 3 Deluxe’s optional suit upgrade locations, like the Scorch Guard Suit which protects players from fire-oriented damage, have stayed exactly the same as before.

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Where is the Scorch Guard Suit Upgrade?

The Scorch Guard Suit upgrade will very likely be the last suit upgrade that players come across, provided they scoured each prior area before moving on. This is because the Scorch Guard Suit is found in the fourth overall area in Pikmin 3 Deluxe: the Twilight River. While players can visit the different areas in Pikmin 3 Deluxe fairly quickly, how far you can actually progress in those areas depends on what you have completed in each area.

Players should focus on getting this suit upgrade once the Twilight River’s main boss is defeated. Players are going to need all three of Pikmin 3 Deluxe’s captains to set up everything required in the Twilight River to reach the suit upgrade. To reach the Scorch Guard Suit upgrade from the Twilight River landing zone, head across the blue tile bridge to the right, go up the black paper bag with a 10 written on it, and move to the path left of the electric gate in the next area.

Unlocking the Scorch Guard Suit Upgrade

Locating the Scorch Guard is fairly easy: it’s on a raised ledge covered in dirt the aforementioned area in the Twilight River. However, making sure all of the obstacles are cleared to reach it is a different story. The Twilight River’s main area is segmented by rivers and requires the use of lily pads to traverse through safely. Blue and Pink Pikmin will be invaluable for clearing obstacles in this area.

Switch Pikmin 3 Deluxe Ice Path

Naturally, players are going to need to switch Pikmin characters quite a lot in the Twilight River to clear obstacles efficiently. Thankfully, there are no real threats on this path to the suit upgrade. The reason players should clear these obstacles first is because Pikmin may carry the item through dangerous enemies like the Burrowing Snagret or Desiccated Skitter Leaves if they don’t.

Though it will definitely take time and planning to clear the obstacles, the hassle it will save in the long run is worth it. Though each suit upgrade in Pikmin 3 Deluxe is technically missable, the Scorch Guard Suit may be the most helpful. There are plenty of enemies and hazards who deal fire damage, so being immune to them is invaluable. This suit upgrade may be hard to find, but it’s well worth the trouble.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Pikmin 3 Deluxe Co-Op Mode Explained