Pikmin 2 is a popular game that was released in 2004 by Nintendo and later ported to Wii. It follows the adventures of Captain Olimar and his loyal Pikmin as they explore various places, solve puzzles, and collect treasures to save Olimar's company. As players embark on an exciting journey, they will discover new types of Pikmin with unique abilities.

Among these magical creatures are the Blue Pikmin, known for their ability to overcome water obstacles. In Pikmin 2, getting them is a vital part of completing the game and overcoming challenging obstacles. Therefore, in this guide, players will find information on how to get Blue Pikmin in Pikmin 2.

How to Get Blue Pikmin

Pikmin 2 How to Get Blue Pikmin (1)

To obtain a Blue Pikmin, players need to reach a specific location in the game and find the corresponding Onion. Onions are colorful structures that serve as the home for some Pikmin. Almost every type of Pikmin has its own Onion, and the blue Pikmin is no exception.

So first, to unlock Blue Pikmin, players need to unlock Yellow Pikmin. After that, in Awakening Wood, gamers will find an electrified gate that has to be destroyed. To accomplish this, players have to throw the Yellow Pikmin on the rock and take a detour into the water. But they must be careful because the entrance to this gate is guarded by enemies.

Behind this gate, players will find Blue Pikmin and their Blue Onion. This is expected to happen on the fifth day, but if the player is slow, they may find them later. Right next to the Blue Onion, gamers will find flowers with blue centers that will bring them even more Blue Pikmin when they are delivered to the Blue Onion. Also, to increase their population, players can bring dead enemies to the Blue Onion.

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How to Use Blue Pikmin

Pikmin 2 How to Get Blue Pikmin (2)

As mentioned above, Blue Pikmin are needed to overcome water obstacles. All other Pikmin in the game drown in water, but Blue Pikmin can safely stay in it. There will be many situations in the game when a gamer will need to break the gate thanks to Blue Pikmin and then open the way for another Pikmin.

And now, since players know how to get Blue Pikmin, they can overcome water lakes and beat the game.

Pikmin 2 is available on the GameCube, Wii, and Switch.

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