
  • The release of Pikmin 1 and 2 on the Nintendo Switch has brought the entire franchise to modern hardware, allowing fans to experience the series in HD on one console.
  • Nintendo's decision to bring the Pikmin series to the spotlight on the Switch shows its commitment to the franchise and may attract new fans to the series.
  • With the recent release of Pikmin 4 and the availability of all the previous games on the Switch, it seems like Nintendo is confident in the appeal of the Pikmin IP and is potentially planning more titles for the future.

The Pikmin franchise has always been one of Nintendo's most overlooked series, but that seems to be changing. Not only has the studio finally released Pikmin 4 after 10 years, but it has also made the Nintendo Switch the home of Pikmin games. A month before Pikmin 4 hit store shelves, the first two games made their way to the Switch. This means that every single title can now be played in HD, and that makes it an exciting time to be a fan.

The release of Pikmin 1 and 2 on the Switch came out of nowhere, and they may have come at the perfect time. The Pikmin franchise has never been on the level of Legend of Zelda or Mario, but Nintendo seems to want to push it into the spotlight. While it remains to be seen if Pikmin 4 helped make it a household name, the recent resurgence of Pikmin content feels like a great hype-builder for the franchise

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The Pikmin Series Has Made A Home on the Switch

A screenshot from Pikmin 4 showcasing the player and their pikmin encountering a red bulborb.

The Pikmin series first began back in 2001 on the GameCube. It was met with strong reviews and would go on to sell decently well. Players quickly fell in love with its unique gameplay and colorful world, and that was all that Nintendo needed to greenlight the sequel. 2004 would see the release of the critically acclaimed Pikmin 2, but it must have failed to make an impact as the franchise would go on hiatus soon after.

Pikmin and Pikmin 2 would be ported to the Wii in 2009, but it would take until 2013 for Pikmin 3 to launch. It felt like the studio had forgotten about the series, and the original games became increasingly hard to find. Unless players were willing to track down a Wii or GameCube, the first two games were unavailable for old and new fans alike.

While Pikmin 3 would end up getting ported to Switch in 2020, the original games were still nowhere to be found. No matter how successful the third game was, new fans were unable to play the originals. As the release date for Pikmin 4 finally neared, it felt strange that the entire series was unavailable on modern hardware. However, that all changed earlier this year when Nintendo surprised its audience.

Pikmin 1 and 2 were finally ported to Switch on June 21, and fans everywhere seemed to flock to it. Finally, the entire franchise was available on one of Nintendo's most popular consoles. Not only was it a great nostalgia trip, but it also served as a fantastic way for new fans to experience these iconic games. It let players experience the beginnings of this franchise through an HD facelift, and it seemed like the perfect way to get them excited for what was to come.

Even if players have never touched a Pikmin game before, they can now experience every single one on one console if they chose. There really is no other Nintendo franchise that lets players do that, and that is extremely exciting for fans. It has made the Switch the home of the Pikmin franchise and will likely pull new fans to the series. The release of the first two games may have already succeeded in that and could have helped Pikmin 4 considerably.

It seems like Nintendo is going all in on the Pikmin 4 craze, and that could be a good sign for the future. This franchise has always been pretty sporadic, but now every single title can shine on modern hardware. Players everywhere can finally experience this adorable series, and hopefully, it means more titles are on the horizon. While that is all contingent on if Pikmin 4 is a success, it looks like the studio is at least a bit confident in the appeal of the IP.

Pikmin 4 is available now on Switch

MORE: Night Time Exploration Gives Pikmin 4 a Whole New Feel