Since being released in September 2020, Kinetic Games' ghost hunting co-op title Phasmophobia has become something of a phenomenon, especially among streamers. The indie horror game has a roster of ghosts, with additional updates continuing to add to this cast of spooky characters and making for a more interesting hunt. While each ghost in Phasmophobia has a set of evidence that will help players identify it, it can still be tricky to narrow down exactly which one is currently haunting a location, and all without getting killed.

One of the later ghosts added to Phasmophobia is the Obake, a specter that is considered perhaps one of the most terrifying in the whole game. An Obake is a spirit from Japanese folklore, with its name roughly translating to "a thing that changes." While in the folklore tales itself, it can refer to any supernatural being, for the purposes of the game, it obviously refers specifically to a ghost. This guide will clue players into how to best identify the Obake, and this notion of it changing its shape does come into play.

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The Basic Evidence

Screenshot from Phasmophobia showing the player holding an EMF reader.

As with all ghost hunting sessions in Phasmophobia, it's imperative that players look for clues and mark down evidence, so they can get a good idea of exactly which ghostly apparition is on the prowl. The Obake is no different, so players will begin as normal, going from room to room and being wary of noises, or doors opening. This is standard flare for the game.

Given the amount of items that Phasmophobia has at its disposal, players will want to utilize the best ones for capturing evidence of an Obake. The specific evidence that needs to be gathered include, an EMF reading of five, a ghost orb, and a fingerprint or handprint. Many experienced players will already be aware of which tools will be needed for these clues. For those who are new to the game, the ghost orb can be captured using the night vision camcorder, placed in the haunted room either on a piece of furniture or a tripod, while the fingerprints can be discovered with either the UV light or some glowsticks. The EMF simply needs the item to be switched on for it to gather a reading.

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More On The Fingerprints

Screenshot from Phasmophobia showing a hand print on a door highlighted with a UV light.

Sometimes it can be difficult for new players to identify the haunted room during Phasmophobia ghost hunts, but even seasoned fans can take a bit of time being certain. However, once the location is found, it's a good idea for one player to bring the UV light into the area to scan for fingerprints. These are often found on doors, light switches, or windows. Be vigilante of any doors that suddenly close or open, or any lights that turn on or off. This is perhaps the best time to begin doing a sweep of the room with the UV or glowsticks.

However, when it comes to the Obake, the fingerprints can be a real tell. In this instance, it's possible for this spook to leave a print that has six digits instead of five. While it apparently won't do this each time, and the print can disappear quickly, noting whether it has an extra finger will be a certainty that what's being dealt with is an Obake. That is one of its unique tells, even if it only happens occasionally.

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Screenshot from Phasmophobia showing the lit campfire in the campsite map.

Out of all the ghosts in the current Phasmophobia lineup, the Obake perhaps the most elusive, often not leaving evidence in its wake. The sight of six digits on its hand print is good enough, if creepy, suggesting that is perhaps not in human form, at least not when it's invisible. However, as mentioned above, the folklore has this specter down as a shape-shifter, able to change how it looks, and this in-game version is no different.

There are a number of things to bear in mind when it comes to it changing its shape. For example, it doesn't have a unique shape that it changes into, so this means players can't simply identify it when they see it manifest in the room. However, it does change into the shapes of the other ghosts. Again, while this might not be a tell straightaway, but, that is likely an indicator that it's an Obake. The downside to this is that it will mean surviving multiple ghost hunt encounters, which is when the game starts to become more dangerous. In general, the chance to see a six-digit fingerprint is going to be everyone's best piece of evidence.

Phasmophobia is currently available on Steam.

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