In this title, fans of Phantasy Star will once again become Operators for ARKS, this time working for space-faring organization Oracle. In Phantasy Star Online 2, ARKS Operatives need to explore and defend a new star system from the Dark Falz, entities who want to destroy the universe. While the efforts of ARKS succeeded so far, there's more than meets the eye to PSO2 lore.

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With the in-game New Genesis overhaul exploring the adventures of ARKS Operatives of 1,000 years into the future, it's evident that threats endangering the universe have yet to vanish. Before players venture in New Genesis, what should they know about the world of PSO2?

10 Does It Have Anything To Do With The First PSO?

Is it the same as PSO1 - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

In the first Phantasy Star Online, the planet Ragol becomes the new home of settlers from a ship called Pioneer I. Seven years later, a second ship called Pioneer II is on its way to add more civilians to Ragol's new population. However, when communication with Pioneer I is mysteriously lost, Pioneer II sends the player to Ragol to investigate.

Those playing PSO2 for the first time might wonder – if the game is a sequel, does this mean players need to know what happened in Phantasy Star Online first? Not necessarily. PSO2 happens within its own continuity and timeline. Moreover, PSO2 takes place across a wide variety of planets, with more added as the game gets updates.

What is ARKS - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

Despite the separate continuity, PSO2 remains faithful to the other Phantasy Star titles with the inclusion of the ARKS Organization. As fans remember, Arkz is also a prominent exploration organization in the previous games. In PSO2, it still remains the premiere exploration team, but this time for the colony fleet Oracle.

In terms of a timeline connection, however, ARKS remains an individual entity separate from Arkz. Moreover, ARKS in PSO2 serves as exclusively a part of Oracle and not anywhere else. This cements the fact that PSO2 occurs in its own timeline.

8 What Is This Oracle?

What is Oracle - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

In the PSO2 timeline, interstellar travel and space colonization has become commonplace. In this world, Oracle serves as the universe's definition of a colonial fleet. Oracle sends a lot of ARKS Ships traveling across the universe to explore undiscovered areas.

However, as players will soon realize, the Oracle fleet will soon shift its focus into eliminating the Falspawn threat throughout the universe. In turn, players belonging to ARKS will eventually get more missions that deal with the elimination of Falspawn (through advanced weapons) and discovering their true nature.

7 What Is Photon?

What is Photon - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

Players who get past their first few minutes of PSO2 will remember the abundance of flashy lights and the existence of "magic," despite the sci-fi setting of the game. However, the PSO2 universe does have a justification for this concept. Known as Photon, these magical lights are the same as the real world's version of photons, which serve as the carrying particle of light. The people of the Oracle eventually managed to control Photons to help them travel the universe. They also weaponized Photons to combat the threat of the Falspawn.

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Fans of PSO2 who hear of Photon might remember the same concept from the rest of the Phantasy Star series. Photons serve as a version of light energy that "forces of good" can use for their cause, be it in the form of powerful Technics or devastating Photon Arts.

6 What Are The Falspawn?

What are the Falspawn - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

Every MMO needs a "universal threat," and PSO2 has the Falspawn. These creatures travel the universe to corrupt and consume. Even worse, Falspawn have the ability to manipulate space, letting them teleport over huge distances. Their mysterious nature makes them a huge threat for the Oracle, and ARKS are the only warriors that can handle them.

The exact nature of Falspawn remain unknown. However, Falspawn do actively seek and fight the native residents of planets they try to conquer. Sadly, the Falspawn almost always have superior physical skills that dominate those of the natives. In terms of gameplay, Falspawn possess a red core that players can strike to deal more damage.

5 What Is The Dark Falz?

What are the Dark Falz - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

Players will soon discover that Falspawn colonies each have their own leader. Known only as a Dark Falz, these leaders all act upon the orders of a mysterious benefactor. Thankfully, Dark Falz are easily recognizable, courtesy of their stylish black outfits and velvet-colored accents.

Gamers who are longtime Phantasy Star fans will recognize the name Dark Falz. In the older games, the Dark Falz is also called the Dark Force. This entity served as the primary antagonist throughout the Phantasy Star series, as the main embodiment of evil in the universe.

4 Are Humans From Earth?

Are Humans from Earth - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

Fans who create their characters can select the familiar Human as their starting race. Though they don't have an original starting planet, the Oracle soon discovered that Humans have a great potential for Photon control. In fact, it's due to this natural aptitude that Humans became the basis for the other playable races in the game.

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Interestingly, there are Humans that indeed come from Earth. Known as Earthlings, they also have hidden aptitude towards Photon control. However, they also control something called Ether particles. Unbeknownst to them, Humans that tap into Ether can access the world of PSO2 through their avatars. That's right — PSO2 added the real world into their canon.

3 What's So Special About The Newman?

What are the Newmans - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

In terms of aesthetics, the Newman serve as the equivalent of the "elf" race in fantasy games. In other Phantasy Star games, Newmans have a great aptitude for Techniques and age much slower compared to Humans. They're evolved from Humans for research, and as such tend to become much smarter than ordinary folk.

Newmans share this origin story in PSO2. As an evolved race, Newmans have the ability to maximize their Photon aptitude. This greater control is courtesy of their larger ears, intended to act as antennas that can tap into more Photons. Stats-wise, their special aptitude explains why Newmans favor Techniques.

2 Are CASTs Robots?

Are CASTs Robots - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

CASTs remain an iconic race throughout the Phantasy Star universe. Originally known as Androids, they cannot use Techniques. In Universe, they were originally created as Human servants, but gained self-awareness. However, in the first Online game, CASTs deemed the word Android offensive and opted to use the term Humanoid instead.

In PSO2, CASTs are also an evolved race descended from Humans, with the goal of capitalizing on Photon control. During their first incarnations, CASTs were originally "new" bodies for people with massive Photon aptitude that their ordinary bodies couldn't handle. However, when they're transferred to a CAST body, a person retains organic tissue and can therefore still reproduce.

1 Are The Deumans Also Beasts?

Are the Deumans also Beasts - Phantasy Star Online 2 Things To Know About Lore

At first glance, the Deumans seem reminiscent of the Beasts in classic Phantasy Star games. After all, Beasts are noted for their immense strength and animalistic traits such as horns and fur. In PSO2, Deumans also possess horns — so does this make Deumans similar to Beasts?

As a matter of fact, this isn't the case. Deumans are a race exclusive (so far) to PSO2. Unlike Beasts and Newmans, Deumans aren't genetically-engineered species; rather, they've naturally mutated from humans. This also explains why their special characteristics include horns and dichromatic eyes. In the game's story, Deumans are actually a temporal anomaly, who came into existence after a timeline change.

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