As PewDiePie has finished his Let's Play series of Resident Evil Village, he offered quite a bit of positive feedback. He was surprised and pleased at how strong the story was overall, believing it to be an excellent installment in a great series of horror games.

Resident Evil Village became one of the most anticipated games of 2021 thanks to Lady Dimitrescu. After Capcom successfully used her as a marketing tactic for the game, she quickly became known as the step-on-me lady. In terms of hype, Lady Dimitrescu did Resident Evil Village wonders, and it even saw over 100,000 concurrent players on Steam. It's been a hit among Let's Players like PewDiePie and Twitch streamers as well, but Dimitrescu is only a portion of the entire game. According to PewDiePie, Lady Dimitrescu's chapter isn't what makes the game shine, but rather the overall story and gameplay itself.

RELATED: Resident Evil Village Fan Reveals the Real-World Inspiration for Castle Dimitrescu

"I loved it. Really fun game," PewDiePie said as he entered Resident Evil Village's end credits, visually pleased at the experience. The YouTuber explained that Village started off strong with Lady Dimitrescu, but it surprisingly ended on a solid note as well. "I didn't think it would pick up," he said, continuing on to complement Resident Evil's characters as well as the narrative.

The game's protagonist is the returning Ethan Winters, a fan-favorite personality from Resident Evil 7, which was similarly well-received by players. While Ethan may not have been the main eye-catcher for Village the way Lady Dimitrescu was, players still find his role in the story pivotal and his character writing impressive. PewDiePie felt the same way.

However, PewDiePie didn't feel that the game was "that scary" in general. While Resident Evil Village had a handful of scary moments, he said, the gameplay pulled through and was enjoyable to the popular YouTuber. He said that the game made him "excited" for the Resident Evil series again, and makes him hope for another Silent Hill game in the future. The last Silent Hill installment was P.T. in 2014, but after a falling out between Konami and Hideo Kojima, it's unclear where that saga stands, but later installments didn't live up to the reputation set by earlier games in the Silent Hill franchise.

In the end, PewDiePie offered the game an 8 to 8.5 out of 10, very pleased with the journey as Ethan Winters. As he reached Resident Evil Village's stunning post-credits scene, it's clear that the YouTuber would be interested in a follow-up installment continuing the story, after Village leaves off on somewhat of a Marvel-style cliffhanger.

Many critics have the same takeaway about Resident Evil Village. Instead of focusing on its horror aspects, the game instead focuses on its gun gameplay and gripping story, which was a well-received move by Capcom.

Resident Evil Village is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: How Resident Evil Village Twists the Franchise's Ending Cliche