In his recent episode of Meme Review, YouTuber PewDiePie takes a look at the biggest memes to rise up over the past few weeks: the plan to storm Area 51 and the fact that "Gamer Girl" Belle Delphine has begun selling her bath water. PewDiePie gives the Area 51 memes a confusing score of 8 minus 5 (though he seemed to enjoy them) and the bathwater memes a solid 2.

For those not in the know, roughly 700,000 people "plan" to raid Area 51 on September 20 "to see them aliens." This viral (and satirical) Facebook event made way for a ton of hilarious memes to surface, with PewDiePie stating that the plan makes a lot of sense. He then moves on to review various memes including those related to Minecraft and Forrest Gump, and it's worth mentioning that we have created a list of the best 20 Area 51 memes as well.

One noteworthy meme is that of Elon Musk coming to Area 51 because it has anime cat girls. PewDiePie states that Musk is going to be there handing out flamethrowers, tying into yet another meme. Considering the fact that Musk has hosted Meme Review with PewDiePie in the past, it's definitely not the billionaire's first time seeing himself in a meme.

He reviews these memes for the first 6-7 minutes of the video before moving on to others like the aforementioned Belle Delphine bath water memes. These memes cropped up just before the Area 51 memes and began after Belle Delphine revealed she was selling her bath water. Many of these are tied to famous bathing scenes in video games, such as Geralt from The Witcher 3 sprawled out in a bath.

The Belle Delphine bath water meme review occurs around the 9-minute mark of the video above, with PewDiePie slightly more critical of these memes than he was the Area 51 memes. And once the video is done, PewDiePie announces that he is going back to Minecraft tomorrow. However, considering how the Internet enjoys churning out memes, it's likely there will be more for him to review in the coming weeks, potentially unrelated to Area 51 or Belle Delphine.