
  • Persona 6 should continue the tradition of Social Links, which have been a key element of past Persona games and make the series stand out from others.
  • Bringing back Social Links based on school clubs could be a great idea for Persona 6, as it introduces the protagonist to new characters and utilizes the school setting effectively.
  • Persona 6 has the opportunity to explore new ground with club-related Social Links, introducing characters from different types of clubs that the series hasn't seen before.

Persona 6 can bring back a tried-and-true Social Link dynamic that previous games have found great success in using. Past Persona titles have used all sorts of setups for Social Links, with Persona 5 even giving them a new angle in the form of Confidants, granting bonuses with each Link. It's virtually a guarantee that Persona 6 will continue this tradition, granting its protagonist a new list of Social Links to form with various members of the game's supporting cast. While designing these Social Links, the developers can take a few notes from those that worked in the past.

Social Links are a contender for Persona's most important franchise tradition. The turn-based combat, summonable personas, and long, high-stakes stories are all part of the norm for Shin Megami Tensei games. However, Social Links are what make the Persona series stand out from the others. Social Links are a game mechanic that tracks certain relationships that the protagonist forms with various NPCs, including party members. As the Links advance, they also guide the player through a story with said character, often seeing them confront a prominent issue in their lives. Seeing a Social Link through generally provides a satisfying conclusion for both the character and the player, and to make the feature as good as it can be, Persona 6 should tie Links to clubs.

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Kou Ichijo's introduction in Persona 4

Many Social Links, such as Kou and Daisuke from Persona 4, come from members of school clubs that the player can join. In Persona 4 and Persona 5, every club that the player joined had a corresponding character that they would form a Social Link with. From there, every club meeting would grant progress toward the corresponding Link. Although each of these Links started in more or less the same way, the variety of personalities that the players would encounter led to wildly different stories. The scheduled meeting days were also helpful to remind players when the Links would be available.

While Persona 5 did a lot to upgrade Social Links with the Confidant system, school clubs are a Persona Social Link feature worth bringing back. One major reason for this is how effective it works as a way to introduce the protagonist to a new friend. By joining a club, they can encounter a new character that they reasonably haven't met before due to them typically not crossing paths otherwise. Not to mention, such a setup makes good use of the school as a setting. If Persona 6's protagonist is also in school, clubs could be the key to new Social Links.

Another advantage of bringing back club Social Links in Persona 6 would be exploring ground that the series hadn't tried before. A good change for Persona 6's Confidants could come with some new concepts. For example, Persona 3 and Persona 4 both had Social Links from athletics clubs, but neither game had one from a science club, for example. This could also extend to more niche ideas, like computer and gardening clubs, to come up with new types of characters that Persona hasn't seen yet. Persona has only scratched the surface of school-related Social Links, giving Persona 6 plenty of room to expand.

Persona 6 has several games to work off of, so it should be able to deliver a satisfactory selection of Social Links. While there are many things that Persona 6 can fix regarding Social Links, the aspects that worked should be kept, if not expanded upon. Having Social Links start through school clubs and other such groups was a natural way to introduce new Social Links without feeling forced or coincidental. Not to mention, the setup is highly flexible as well. Persona 5 missed out of club-related Social Links, but Persona 6 can pick up from where it left off.

Persona 6 is in development.

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