
  • Persona 6 may not star Phantom Thieves, but new collectibles could still add depth to the game.
  • The Phantom Thieves in Persona 5 stood out with unique costumes, thief gimmicks, and fan popularity.
  • Persona 6 could incorporate collectible Phantom Thieves merchandise for stat boosts and customization options.

Persona 6 may not end up starring the Phantom Thieves, but they can contribute a new kind of collectible to the game nonetheless. Since Persona 6 is still likely far away, there is little concrete information that is known about the game. Outside of the recurring elements that are almost guaranteed to be in the game, such as turn-based battles and the Social Link system, there is a lot of room for speculation. Persona 6 is likely to have a few new ideas to share in its gameplay. Some of them may even be able to call back to Persona 5.

The Phantom Thieves in Persona 5 had a few particular flairs that made them stand out compared to previous Persona parties. For one, they take on completely different names and costumes while in Mementos, ironically giving them an extra "persona" in addition to their actual Personas. Their thief gimmick and notoriety among the people are also unique twists compared to SEES and the Investigation Team. While their actual missions were still covert, they were a known factor among their enemies as well as the general populace. Persona 5's Phantom Thieves ended up being some of the series' most unique protagonists to date.

Metaphor: ReFantazio Skips One Feature That Persona 6 Can Swing for the Fences On

Metaphor: ReFantazio is skipping out on a mainstay of the Persona series, leaving room for Persona 6 to make drastic improvements.

Persona 6 Can Include Collectible Phantom Thieves-Themed Items

The Phantom Thieves Were Well-Known Characters in Persona 5

While players saw plenty of Persona 5's Phantom Thieves in spin-offs, they attained a lot of popularity in-universe as well as out. The Phantom Thieves, despite their identities being a secret, had their own fan site in Persona 5. Their public perception even comes up as a plot point during the game. Over the course of Persona 5, the team became something of a phenomenon. This is especially true in the final confrontation, as the people of Tokyo collectively cheer them on against the true mastermind.

Not only is this an awesome set piece but it also shows that the Phantom Thieves effectively became Tokyo's heroes.

Phantom Thieves Merch Could Exist in Persona 5

There is one significant way that the developers could let the Phantom Thieves legacy live on in Persona 6. Since Persona 5's Phantom Thieves were so popular, there's a chance that merchandise could have been made of them. Phantom Thieves merch could appear in the form of collectibles that the player can find during the game. It could potentially be found in certain spots on the overworld, as rewards in dungeons, or even on sale at certain points in the game. Collecting merchandise of the Phantom Thieves could be a fun throwback as well as an additional goal for players to take up.

Collectibles Based on the Phantom Thieves Could Be Useful in Persona 6

Persona 6 could offer several uses for Phantom Thieves merchandise. One good way to make the collectibles helpful for the protagonist of Persona 6 is for them to offer small stat boosts whenever found, either to their social or battle stats. This would make them valuable without making them overpowered. Maybe there could be some armor or weapons inspired by the Thieves that could be collected as well, complete with unique effects. Finally, Phantom Thieves merch could be used to decorate the protagonist's room. That way its look could evolve throughout the game while giving the room a memorable aesthetic.

So far, Persona 6 is still almost entirely a mystery, with it being unclear if any previous games will get a shout-out. Persona 6 can evolve from Persona 5 in many ways, but if it also takes place in Tokyo, then some references to the Phantom Thieves would not be out of place. Even with the new protagonists embarking on their own adventure, there is still something to be said about the influence of previous games. Persona 6 could pay tribute to Persona 5's Phantom Thieves through many in-game rewards.