WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS for Persona 5 Tactica ahead. Proceed at your own risk.


  • The story of Persona 5 Tactica focuses on the new characters Erina and Toshiro, rather than the Phantom Thieves, giving a refreshing take on the series.
  • The Phantom Thieves have a supporting role in Tactica's story, with no real character arcs, while Toshiro and Erina's journey of self-discovery is the main focus.
  • Toshiro and Erina's character development in Tactica effectively explores the themes of rebellion and freedom in a new and relatable way.

There's no denying that Persona 5 Tactica differs greatly from other Persona 5 spinoffs mechanically. As it dives into the strategy genre, it puts new spins on just about every Persona convention, from Persona use to All-Out Attacks, and largely to great effect. However, it's worth acknowledging that the story is very different from its peers as well. It's still all about the Phantom Thieves espousing the virtues of rebellious spirit and willpower; however, the Phantom Thieves are arguably peripheral to the plot. From beginning to end, Persona 5 Tactica is really about series newcomers Erina and Toshiro.

Both characters make their debut early on. Erina serves as the Phantom Thieves' latest spunky temporary ally, not unlike Sophia in Persona 5 Strikers, while Toshiro adds the perspective of an adult to contrast with the team's ideals, also like P5S's Zenkichi Hasegawa. Unlike Sophia and Zenkichi, however, Toshiro and Erina are in the spotlight the entire time, driving the plot and defining the lore more than even Joker does. While it was a risk to make the ever-popular Phantom Thieves play second fiddle to a couple of strangers, it ultimately pays off and makes Persona 5 Tactica tell a refreshing story that paints the themes of Persona's current generation in a new light.

Toshiro and Erina are Persona 5 Tactica's Real Main Characters

Persona 5 Tactica Doesn't Prioritize the Phantom Thieves

Overall, the Phantom Thieves have a surprisingly limited role in Tactica's story. While they go on all kinds of adventures to defeat the rulers of Persona 5 Tactica's Kingdoms and find a way home, none of them have any real character arcs. This stands in sharp contrast to other spin-offs like Persona 5 Strikers, which devoted multiple story arcs to developing characters like Haru and Yusuke. Tactica's side quests provide some minor character moments, but these generally open and close over the course of a couple of minutes and are a far cry from Toshiro and Erina's 30-hour journey of self-discovery.

In contrast, the game is constantly revealing things about Toshiro and Erina. Toshiro starts the game as a coward with little backbone, but he gets braver as he sees the Phantom Thieves fight valiantly for freedom. He also has a rich backstory that constantly defines the game, given that all the Kingdoms are formed from his life. Similarly, Erina aspires to be more like the Phantom Thieves, and learns she's actually a reflection of Toshiro's lost friend Eri Natsuhara. The game is packed with revelations about these two characters, and all the while the Phantom Thieves are mostly just there to support them.

This is a stark contrast to a lot of other P5 spin-offs. Strikers' guests get screentime, but only alongside the Phantom Thieves' personal quest. Persona Q2 also introduces characters, but it and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight emphasize the Phantom Thieves interacting with past Persona teams. Through and through, Persona 5 Tactica is all about Toshiro and Erina; the Phantom Thieves prop up their character growth rather than take the spotlight with arcs of their own.

Toshiro and Erina Use P5's Themes of Rebellion in Great Ways

In the end, this makes Persona 5 Tactica an excellent departure from normal P5 stories, playing on P5 ideas while focusing on new characters. Toshiro's blend of mature, political struggles and trauma from youth make him well-rounded and relatable. Although his backstory is partially a cautionary tale about the risks of overthrowing a corrupt establishment -- something the unshakable Phantom Thieves rarely discuss -- that only makes his choice to fight injustice and live freely more poignant.

Similarly, Erina is a very different kind of non-human party member, which pays off her character arc quite well. Erina spends the game idolizing the ideals that Joker's team is built upon, which makes her true identity as a combination of Toshiro's Persona and a cognition of Eri all the better. She is the manifestation of the exact rebellious will she adores, and wears the face of a righteous young woman who would've made a great Phantom Thief.

It's hard to say if Persona 5 Tactica's storytelling model says something about the shape of future Persona spin-offs. Regardless, Toshiro and Erina taking the lead was exactly what Tactica needed. The Phantom Thieves are popular, but to keep them interesting, Atlus needs to put them in new situations. Tactica was undoubtedly a new story for this group, and hopefully that means they'll be the subject of more experiments with rich new characters and stories in the future.