Persona 5 Royal is chock-full of unique personalities, and you are the lucky protagonist who gets to know each and every one. Even with their uniqueness, Jungian psychology says we can still group these well-loved characters into pretty concise groups. And hey, you can fit yourself into one, too!

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Surely that means there's someone in Atlus' Tokyo you're a lot alike, right? Ever wondered which of Jokers' confidants you resemble closest? Would you be a fast-talking politician like Yoshida or a reserved creator like Takemi? Well, sit back and relax, because we've got your government assigned kin ready for you!


16 ISTJ: Inspector - Sae

sae niijima talking to joker.

Sae's reserved, responsible, and logical nature make her a perfect fit as an ISTJ. Inspectors scrutinize everything with an analytical eye, their directness allowing them to be incredibly thorough. However, Inspectors view dependency as weakness, shouldering everything themselves. Sae's frustrations with being the sole provider for her family reflect this. Even though they can be viewed as cold, Inspectors have unshakeable integrity and will, which Sae demonstrates perfectly.

15 ESTJ: Executive - Makoto

Makoto Niijima in Persona 5

ESTJs are realistic and practical, making Makoto's principled nature an obvious choice. Executives are excellent organizers, as well as being incredibly strong-willed and reliable. Makoto's difficulty in relating to others her age reflects as an ESTJ, too--Executives have trouble relaxing and become uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations. Although Executives may focus a bit too much on social status (hello, Miss Class President), their honesty and desire to help others push them towards greatness.

14 ISTP: Crafter - Takemi

tae takemi p5 Cropped

Crafters are individualistic, curious individuals that delight in constructing and deconstructing systems to make them better. Takemi's dedication to perfecting her medication shows both creativity and practicality, key traits of ISTPs.

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However, Crafters struggle with boundaries and can be insensitive when pursuing their goals. Takemi does perform medical experiments on a teenager, after all.

13 ESTP: Persuader - Ohya

Persuaders passionately pursue problems as bold, action-oriented individualists. Ohya's energetic and perceptive nature read ESTP through and through. Still, Persuaders are prone to leaping before they look, as well as being insensitive and impatient. Ohya's habit of snipping at others when frustrated with a problem are very ESTP, and her relentless (and reckless) chase for Kayo ring Persuader, too.

12 ISFJ: Protector - Haru

Quiet, warm, and altruistic, Haru fits ISFJ perfectly. Her practical skills with gardening, throughness when growing coffee, and reliable nature point to Haru being a Protector. Sadly, ISFJs' giving natures are often taken advantage of, and Protectors overload themselves all too frequently (as shown when Haru nearly fainted from exhaustion from all her responsibilities). Still, Protectors' are enthusiastic allies and sensitive friends, making them valuable to any team.

11 ESFJ: Consul - Kawakami

ESFJs have a very strong sense of duty and community, taking it upon themselves to connect with those who need help. Kawakami's dedication to her students and readiness to give her time and energy to them shows strong Consul traits. However, ESFJs are notoriously concerned with their image and social status; Kawakami's deal with the Takases and hiding her job as a maid shows fear of how others view her, although she overcomes this eventually.

10 ISFP: Artist - Yusuke

Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5

ISFPs are open-minded individualists who love pushing social conventions by experimenting with beauty and aesthetics. Additionally, Artists' curious, passionate nature points directly to Yusuke. However, ISFPs are plagued with fluctuating self-esteem and take criticism poorly. Remember when he collapsed in a museum because a stranger said they didn't like his painting? Yeah, enough said.

9 ESFP: Performer - Sumire

A gymnast as the Performer--getting a bit on the nose, huh? Still, there's no doubt Sumire fits the role of an ESFP perfectly; Performers often get caught in the moment, their vibrant and bold nature making them spontaneous entertainers.

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Sumire's outgoing nature and sensitivity to others' emotions point to her being a classic ESFP. Additionally, her sensitive and conflict-avoidant personality ring ESFP, too. She's the queen of apologies, after all.

8 INTJ: Architect - Akechi

Akechi as an INTJ is the least surprising thing on this list. Architects' independence, rationality, and strategic nature are so Akechi he couldn't not be one. Architects are jacks-of-all-trades, innovatively approaching their goals with unrivaled determination--and yes, a 3-year-long murder-revenge plan certainly shows dedication. However, INTJs are prone to arrogance, believing others to be stupid and incapable. Akechi states multiple times how little he thinks of the people around him, so his placement as the Architect is an obvious one.

7 ENTJ: Commander - Shido

Sorry to any ENTJs who desperately don't want to be Shido, but it's the most natural placement for him. ENTJs are natural-born leaders, possessing unrivaled charisma and confidence. Commanders enjoy long-term plans and being challenged--surely you could consider a toppling of the government a challenge, right? Commanders cut to the root of every problem they face with determination and efficiency. However, ENTJs are prone to coldness and ruthlessness, willing to do almost anything for their goals. Once again, toppling the government. Also, murder.

6 INTP: Logician - Futaba

Futaba is basically a mad scientist, making her a perfect fit for INTP. Logicians are unconventional thinkers, their highly analytical minds always moving--Futaba's tendency to move on to a new idea before anyone could understand her last one is very INTP. Logicians' enthusiasm when faced with an interesting challenge and imaginative approach to problem-solving makes them invaluable to any team. However, INTPs fear failure like the plague and have a tendency to be a bit rude without noticing, shown by Futaba's reluctance to go to school and her accidentally condescending attitude.

5 ENTP: Debater - Yoshida

Outspoken, bold ENTPs love playing the underdog, making Yoshida an easy fit. Debaters love nothing more than changing someone's mind through a good argument, an essential skill for any politician.

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Additionally, Yoshida admitting to his past misdeeds demonstrates the honesty and directness of a Debater. However, a weaker ENTP may find themselves buckling when their arguments are challenged--Yoshida's anxiety when heckled show a Debater not necessarily at their best, though he overcomes this once you get to know him more.

4 INFJ: Advocate - Chihaya

INFJs are idealistic, loving to help others through any means they possibly can. People-oriented and thoughtful, Chihaya's work as a fortune teller allows her to craft advice for her troubled patrons. Additionally, Chihaya throwing out her Holy Stone showed a decisive strong will characteristic of Advocates. However, when confronted, Advocates can view any criticism as a personal attack, clapping back irrationally. This is shown in your early relationship with Chihaya, as she didn't take kindly to having her beliefs questioned.

3 ENFJ: Protagonist - Ann

Ann Takamaki in Persona 5

Protagonists find meaning in helping others, their confident and personable nature making them ideal leaders. Ann's desire to inspire others through modeling and her work as a Thief show a will to improve herself, a distinctly ENFJ trait. Additionally, ENFJs are analytical of their own feelings, as shown when Ann takes the time to consider why she felt unconfident in Shiho. However, Protagonists are prone to sensitivity and struggle to make tough decisions--after changing any heart, Ann is always the most concerned with whether they did the right thing, taking criticisms of the Thieves to heart.

2 INFP: Mediator - Maruki

Mediators are idealistic altruists, seeking to make the life around them one that fits with their values, and Maruki's desire to reshape reality clearly demonstrates this. INFPs are passionate, curious individuals, preferring to discuss the hypothetical and philosophical. However, there is such a thing as being too idealistic; Mediators are prone to extreme idealism that becomes unrealistic. Additionally, Mediators frequently become upset when seeing all the things in the world they can't change. If only there was a way to create a world without any suffering for everyone...

1 ENFP: Champion - Ryuji

Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5

Spontaneity and enthusiasm mark Ryuji as a classic ENFP. Champions are excellent communicators who love offering appreciation and support to their friends ("you have a place here, too, right next to me," anyone?), finding meaning in the emotional connections they make with others. However, ENFPs' fierce independence and high running emotions can make for a bit of a messy person, reflected clearly in Ryuji's punk attitude and temper. Still, although Champions often leap before looking, their empathetic and passionate nature makes for dedicated friends and energetic allies.

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