Makoto/Queen joins Persona 5 Royal's Phantom Thieves at the beginning of the Third Palace, supplying nuclear damage and useful healing skills too. This guide will break down the best gear available to Makoto over the course of the game.

Acquiring the best gear in Persona 5 Royal requires players to engage in a variety of different methods, including gathering loot from shadows, cleaning up gear at the laundromat, and executing personas using the Electric Chair. This guide will be covering the best available gear for Makoto after she joins the team.

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Best Weapons for Makoto

Old Man's Fist

persona 5 kichijoji

The Old Man's Fist is an unusual but handy weapon that is easy to miss on a typical playthrough. In order to acquire it, players need to get hold of Melon Pan and give it to Trader Sakai in Kichijoji between 8/22 and 8/27. With 160 attack and 94 accuracy, along with a medium chance to inflict burn, these can be a very useful addition to her kit.

Bear Gloves/Big Bear Gloves

Persona 5 Royal_Bugs

A fantastic weapon for giving Makoto an extra kick in melee combat, the Bear Gloves are acquired by executing Bugs using the Electric Chair. Bugs is a level 49 Fool persona, meaning Joker will need to hit level 49 or max out the Strength confidant in order to fuse it. The Bear Gloves have 240 attack and 90 accuracy, along with a medium boost to critical hit chance, making them an excellent boost to Makoto's raw power when using basic attacks.

Waiting for a Fusion Alarm will allow players to instead acquire the Big Bear Gloves via the same execution, which has 260 attack but are otherwise identical.

Vajra/Unparalleled Vajra

Persona 5 Asura Cropped

Players going for Makoto's ultimate weapons should consider creating the Vajra/Unparalleled Vajra. The Vajra is created by executing Asura using the Electric Chair. Asura is the ultimate Persona of the Sun Arcana, requiring players to complete Toranosuke Yoshida's Confidant before it can be created. Asura is level 76, requiring Joker to reach that level or max out the Strength confidant before it can be fused.

Vajra has 305 attack, 90 accuracy, and a high chance of inflicting a random status ailment on hit. This makes them excellent for dishing out damage while providing additional crowd control utility. Executing Asura during a Fusion Alarm will instead create the Unparalleled Vajra, providing 325 attack but otherwise identical to the original Vajra.

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Sabazios/Gordios are Makoto's other ultimate weapon option and prove superior to the Vajra/Unparalleled Vajra in raw stats. Sabazios features 315 attack, 90 accuracy, and a high critical hit chance effect, making it excellent for downing foes that aren't resistant to physical attacks.

To create Sabazios, players will need to execute Cybele using the Electric Chair. Cybele is the ultimate persona of the Priestess Arcana, requiring players to complete Makoto's confidant before it can be fused. Cybele is level 83, so Joker reaching that level is a must if the Strength confidant hasn't also been completed. Executing Cybele during a Fusion Alarm will create the Gordios instead, which has 330 attack and 95 accuracy, with the same critical hit boosting effect.

Mirrirmina/Mirrirmina EX

Makoto in Persona 5

The revolver Mirrirmina can be acquired by executing Yurlungur, a level 43 Sun Arcana persona, using the Electric Chair. It has 220 attack and 75 accuracy, while also granting Makoto a +5 bonus to her magic stat. This makes it useful for powering up her healing and nuclear magic, in addition to serving as a decent sidearm.

Waiting for a Fusion Alarm and performing the same execution will instead produce Mirrirmina EX, which has 235 attack and grants +7 to magic.

Judge Of Hell/Judge End

Persona 5 Royal_Michael

Makoto's ultimate revolvers are acquired by executing Michael using the Electric Chair. Michael is a level 87 Judgement persona created via a special fusion. He can only be fused after rank 5 of the Strength confidant has been reached and requires Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel as fusion materials.

Performing this execution yields the Judge of Hell, which has 340 attack, 70 accuracy, and grants Makoto +10 to all stats. This makes it a fantastic power booster for Makoto, along with dealing excellent damage, but it is surpassed by the Judge End. Judge End is created by performing the same execution during a Fusion Alarm, has 360 attack, and raises all of Makoto's stats by 11 instead.

Best Armor for Makoto

Golden Vest

Kaneshiro/Kaneshiro Palace

A decent early improvement to Makoto's armor can be found in Kaneshiro's Palace, in the Vault 2F area, inside a locked chest. This is the Golden Vest, which provides 114 defense, 7 evasion, and a +3 to endurance. This is useful for giving Makoto some extra combat survivability, which is useful due to her acting as a damage dealer and healer.

Robe Of Hatred

Persona 5 Futaba Palace

The Robe of Hatred is another solid upgrade for Makoto, which can be acquired while exploring Futaba's Palace. Found in a locked chest in Chamber of Sanctuary 1F, this robe provides 129 defense, 12 evasion, and renders Makoto immune to curse insta-kills. This is useful when going up against enemies that wield mudo skills, who can appear throughout Futaba's Palace.

Lovely Witch's Robe

Persona 5 Joker Okumura Palace

The Lovely Witch's Robe is a fantastic piece of armor for Makoto that has 320 defense, 20 evasion, and a +5 bonus to the magic stat. This makes it a great boost for Makoto's magical skills, including her healing abilities. The Lovely Witch's Robe is acquired by washing the Sooty Dark Armor at the laundromat.

To acquire Sooty Dark Armor, players will need to successfully negotiate with Scathach, who can be found in Okumura's Palace and the Adyeshach area of Mementos. It isn't guaranteed that players will receive the Lovely Witch's Robe, with there being a chance to receive the weaker Old Witch's Robe instead, so grabbing extra and washing in bulk would be a good idea.

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High Archangel's Bra

Makoto Niijima in Persona 5

The High Archangel's Bra is another excellent piece of armor for Makoto and is also the strongest piece of female-exclusive armor in the game in terms of stats. It has 325 defense and 20 evasion and provides a large reduction in electrical damage taken. Its raw stats make it the best defensive option for the late game, though the electrical damage reduction is only situationally useful.

Best Accessories for Makoto

Soul Choker

Persona 5 Strikers Makoto

The Soul Choker is a useful but expensive accessory that increases the equipped character's maximum SP by 30%. It can be purchased from 37 Degrees Celsius in the Shibuya Underground Mall for 80,000. More SP is always useful, allowing characters to make use of their skills with greater freedom and regularity.

SP Adhesive 3

tae takemi animation p5 Cropped

The SP Adhesive 3 from Tae Takemi's Clinic is a fantastic accessory that restores 7% of a character's SP at the start of their turn in battle. This provides them with a steady supply of SP, reducing the need for SP restorative items and allowing the group to press further into Palaces in a single day than normal. It costs 100,000 by default, but unlocking the Clinic Discount from Tae Takemi's confidant will drop this price to a more reasonable 50,000.

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Ring of Gluttony

Persona 5 Royal Shadow Kaneshiro boss battle opening cutscene

The Ring of Gluttony is an item that requires players to scour Kaneshiro's Palace for will seeds before it can be acquired, but it is a tremendously useful item that Makoto can make excellent use of.

It auto-casts Tetrakarn and Makarakarn on the equipped character at the start of battle, allowing them to reflect a single physical attack and a single non-almighty magic attack, greatly enhancing their survivability.

This alone makes it invaluable for protecting characters who are essential to strategy, such as characters with revival skills to aid in recovery from a bad situation. The Ring of Gluttony also allows the equipped character to use the skill Vault Guardian, which increases the defense of the entire party for three turns.

To get the Ring of Gluttony, players must acquire all three will seeds in Kaneshiro's Palace, defeat Kaneshiro, and then speak to Jose in Mementos.

Idaten's Belt

persona 5 kichijoji

Idaten's Belt is another good pick for Makoto's accessory slot, auto-casting Masukukaja at the start of battle. This boosts the party's evasion and accuracy for three turns, which is always a useful buff to have. It can be acquired from the secondhand clothing store in Kichijoji.

Persona 5 Royal is available for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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