Persona 5: The Phantom X introduces a new set of supporting characters that the player will encounter in the upcoming spin-off, along with the Personas that they will be wielding. This mobile and PC Persona 5 spin-off game was first announced earlier this month. Atlus will be partnering with publisher Perfect World Games in its development, surprising many fans. Currently, the game is only scheduled for a release in China, though many fans have been clamoring for an international release.

More information regarding Persona 5: The Phantom X has been revealed in the last few days since its announcement, such as the concept art for its protagonist, who is designed by veteran Atlus artist Shigenori Soejima. The protagonist's Persona, Janosik, was also detailed in this art, having a unique set of weapons. More characters and their Personas were revealed recently by one of Perfect World's producers.

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These three companion characters were revealed on bilibili (with translations courtesy of Persona Central): Seiji, Mont, and Yuki, who are all dressed in Phantom Thief attire. According to the translation, these characters are implied not members of the Phantom Thieves, but are known as "TAs". While the name is a little vague, they are described to be notable members known to the public, and will fight alongside the party with a power known as "Persona II" as well.

Left-to-right (Seiji, Mont, Yuki)

The names of these Personas were also revealed, with Seiji associated with Leucothea, Mont with Terpsichore, and Yuki with Styx. All of these Personas hail from Greek mythology, being various deities from the pantheon. Leucothea is recognized as a sea goddess, Terpichore is one of the nine muses who is the goddess of dance and chorus, and Styx is the personification of hatred and goddess of oaths.

Left-to-right (Leucothea, Terpsichore, Styx)

With the likely implication that these characters aren't active members of the Phantom Thieves, along with their Personas being called "Persona II," it raises questions of their implementation and how they'll be a part of the game's storyline and gameplay. Some fans have taken a few issues with the designs themselves, with some finding them too derivative from the past characters that they feel a little bit unoriginal.

Regardless, information about Persona 5: The Phantom X will be revealed as its closed beta test starts near the end of the month, which will take place from March 29 to March 31. This beta will be available only for Android platforms (with the game being released for iOS in the future). A PC version of the game is also in development.

Persona 5: The Phantom X is currently in development for PC and Mobile devices.

MORE: Persona 5: The Phantom X - The Argument for an International Release

Source: bilibili (via Persona Central)