Naoto Shirogane is the last member of the IT to join in Persona 4 Golden. The protagonist will have until October 5th to complete the Secret Laboratory and defeat Naoto's Shadow. After this, Naoto's Social Link will become available in late-October.

Since there are only a few more months left in Persona 4 Golden, players will want to rank up Naoto's Social Link quickly. If players are on the route to the True Ending, they'll also get the third semester/January to complete the Social Link. However, there are some requirements for Naoto's Social Link, making it possible to miss on a first playthrough.

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Where to Find Naoto

p4g naoto shirogane

Once P4G players formally unlock Naoto's Social Link (available from October 21st onward), they can find Naoto in the Classroom Building 1F on Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, and Saturday. She's also available Saturday and holidays, and can be found at the Samegawa Flood Plain. Like the rest of the IT, she's unavailable during rainy days.

Since Naoto's Social Link is one of the trickier ones, players will want to make sure they have a Persona of the Fortune Arcana in their lineup. These include:

  • Ananta
  • Atropos
  • Clotho
  • Fortuna
  • Lachesis

Like most of the other female Social Links in P4G , the protagonist can date Naoto. However, they'll need to choose two, specific answers in order to "unlock" the dating option in Rank 8. Missing them/Choosing the wrong answer can easily lock players out of the romance route.

persona 4 golden ai ebihara reverse social link rank 3

Just like with Ai Ebihara, P4G players will want to be careful when choosing their responses with Naoto. Her Social Link can potentially be Reversed (during Rank 5) if the wrong answer is given. Thanks to Naoto's late join time and the limited free time in the latter months of the year, Reversing Naoto's Social Link is not recommended - especially on a first playthrough. Fortunately, there's only one Rank where the Link can be Reversed, so players won't have to be as cautious with Naoto as they would with Ai.

Reversing Social Links will "stall" them. The Social Link will Rank Up, but if it's Reversed, any points gained from that Rank will be reduced to 0. Reversing a Social Link on purpose is a waste of time, but unlike Breaking a Social Link, a Reversed Social Link can still be saved.

With Naoto, players can earn a total of 9 Social Link Points in Rank 5. The Social Link will then Rank Up. There will be one more question for players to answer, and saying the wrong thing Reverses it. The 9 Social Link Points gained from Rank 5 will cease to exist, resetting the counter to 0. The protagonist will then need to speak to Naoto to set the Social Link back to normal/Upright. Then they'll need to start farming Social Link Points until they have enough to advance to the next Rank.

Fortunately, unlike Ebihara, Naoto's Social Link cannot be Broken. A Broken Social Link is irreparable and will act as if it never existed in the playthrough. The protagonist won't be able to summon Persona of a Broken Social Link/Arcana.

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persona 4 golden naoto

Rank 1

Naoto's Social Link is locked behind two Social Stat requirements: Level 5 Knowledge and Level 5 Courage. At this point in P4G, players should at least have Knowledge maxed out. If they've been consistent with the part-time hospital job, then their Courage should also be Level 3-4 by the time Naoto joins the team.

To start Naoto's Social Link, do the following:

  1. On October 21st, the protagonist can speak to Naoto on the Classroom Building 1F.
  2. From there, go to Aiya's in the North Shopping District, and speak to the man in black to get a white card item (this requires Level 5 Knowledge).
  3. After this, return to Naoto and speak to her (this requires Level 5 Courage).

Rank 2

These are the best responses for Rank 2:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"I'd chalk it up as a prank."

That's no fun.




[Any Answer.]



"I don't know about those, but my belongings aren't of any particular value, so..."

You should be careful.



Remember that card...?

Rank 3

These are the best responses for Rank 3:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"> Naoto is holding a sealed letter..."

A challenge for a duel?



That card business again...?

"How misleading... A sealed letter at a time like this..."

[Any Answer.]



Rank 4

These are the best responses for Rank 4:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"> Naoto is holding a card."

That 'card' again?



"I haven't the time to waste on this..."

[Any Answer.]



"But... to ignore it only makes me angry!"

[Any Answer.]



Rank 5

persona 4 golden naoto fortune

The final dialogue tree in Rank 5 is where players can potentially Reverse the Social Link. Pay close attention to the answers and avoid upsetting Naoto.

These are the best responses for Rank 5:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"*sigh* What should I do...?"

Burn it.



"'Eating letters with a red face'...? This is..."

A mailbox.



"Grampa had this? Why did he keep it...?"

Good, you got it back.


Level 5 Understanding is required.

"I, er... I think I'll let this play out... And, umm, if possible..."

I guess I'll help.


Choosing "You're on your own." will Reverse the Social Link.

Let's do it.

Rank 6

naoto shirogane p4g

For those that want the protagonist to date Naoto, they'll have the chance to seize the first "Relationship Flag" in Rank 6. Choosing "I'm glad you're a girl" is Relationship Flag #1, and is one of the two requirements for dating Naoto. Choosing a different answer will lock the romance route.

These are the best responses for Rank 6:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"Why you, though...?"

[Any Answer.]



"'When the banks close, the fruit tree grows. By the large seven at the third is the spot I chose'..."

The numbers are important.




I'm glad you're a girl.

Relationship Flag #1*


Your gender doesn't matter.


Rank 7

These are the best responses for Rank ​​​​​​​7:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"Perhaps the 'minus' part is important..."

Subtract '40' and '4'?



"I feel that... I'm undergoing a change."

Don't be afraid.



Rank 8

naoto shirogane social link

The second Relationship Flag is gained from the "Protect Naoto" choice. If players didn't select "I'm glad you're a girl" in Rank 6, then this choice won't have any influence, and the protagonist will get a slap on the wrist for his actions... and nothing else. However, getting both Relationship Flags will introduce a third prompt, and the answer here will start (or not) the relationship between the protagonist and Naoto.

These are the best responses for Rank ​​​​​​​8:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"We may be able to catch him in the act."

[Any Answer.]



"> The man brandished a knife!"

Protect Naoto.

Relationship Flag #2*


Fight back or Run with Naoto

0 (Platonic route)

* "Why...?!"

Because I love you.

Romantic Relationship

* This only appears if both Relationship Flags (from the previous response and Rank 6) were selected.

Because we're friends.

Platonic route.

Rank 9

These are the best responses for Rank 9:


Best Answer

Points (with matching Persona)


"A place I'd be fond of...?"

Somewhere high.



"Next, what I 'can't stand' to do. There are several possibilities, but..."

Throwing things away?



Rank 10

Since this is the final Rank in Naoto's Social Link, it will Rank Up automatically. The dialogue will change depending on whether the protagonist is in a relationship with Naoto or not. P4G players will still receive the Detective Badge Key Item.

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persona 4 golden yamato takeru

The Detective Badge Key Item will carry over into a NG+. It allows players to fuse the ultimate form of the Fortune Arcana, Norn. Players can create Norn in a Special Fusion with the following:

  • Atropos
  • Clotho
  • Lachesis

Players won't be able to create Norn unless they're level72 or higher. Norn absorbsWind, resists Ice, and has an AffinityWeaknesstoElectric. It's also one of the Personas that can null Dark, meaning it's immune to skills such as Mudo.

Since Naoto is a party member, her Persona will undergo a transformation. Sakuna-Hikona will become Yamato Takeru. It'll learn Abilities such as Vorpal Blade and Megidolaon. Even if P4G players don't use Naoto in battle, getting Yamato Takeru is needed to unlock her third-tier Persona, Yamato Sumeragi, in the third semester. Players will want to keep in mind that the third semester is only accessible in the True Ending.

Persona 4 Golden is available on PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Persona 4 Golden: How to Beat Shadow Rise & Teddie