The Persona series has featured a silent protagonist ever since the third installment for a few reasons. It shifted the franchise into part RPG, part dating sim territory with plenty of dialogue choices. A lot of developers like to have players immerse themselves in the role of their hero and making them a silent protagonist is one way they can accomplish this goal.

6 Beginner Tips For Persona 3 Reload

Looking to start Persona 3 Reloaded for the first time? Here are a few key things to keep in mind.

Most dialogue choices in Persona 3 Reload aren’t going to change large outcomes like choices made in The Witcher series. However, some of them are wildly inappropriate for certain situations and it’s hard not to choose them just to see what will happen.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead.

8 “He’ll Probably Forget.”

Talking with Maiko in Persona 3 Reload

Maiko is a young girl whom players can visit at the local shrine in Persona 3 Reload. Her Social Link revolves around her parents getting divorced which she is upset by, so she wants to run away. There are a lot of dark turns in this side quest including Maiko getting hit by her dad, Maiko wondering if her parents remember her birthday, and just a lot of crying.

Players can have a lot of unsympathetic replies to her qualms including this one in response to the birthday question. Players can even blame her for the divorce, so there are a lot of inappropriate avenues to explore.

7 “That Might Be Difficult.”

Talking to ken in Persona 3 Reload

One of the biggest changes in Persona 3 Reload is that party characters can have Link Episodes. Link Episodes are like Social Links but players don’t have to answer questions correctly to get characters to want to hang out more.

Ken is the youngest member of SEES who joins the party late into the game. Players can begin his Link Episodes wherein he’s a bit shy but finally invites the player into his room to see what he is hiding: a hamster. Ken wants players to take care of it if he dies which is where this bad reply comes in. Who would not want to take care of a chubby hamster named Hamburger?

6 “We Came To Hit On You.”

Junpei’s Beach Idea

Talking to a beach girl in Persona 3 Reload

The Persona series usually has a trip to the beach for the party to relax. It’s a trope in a lot of anime as well including the hot springs episode which Persona 3 Reload also has. During the beach trip, Junpei wants to score with girls, so he recruits the main character and Akihiko to help out.

Persona 3 Reload: 6 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid When Exploring Tartarus

Players who are new to Persona 3 Reload often face these common stumbling blocks when venturing into Tartarus. Here's what not to do.

Players can have some wild answers during these interactions which are cringe-inducing because these are teen boys hitting on adults. The scene goes on for way too long as well but eventually leads to the introduction of Aigis.

5 “Why Aren’t You Wearing A Top?”

Takaya Opens Up

Talking to Takaya in Persona 3 Reload

Takaya is one of the game’s central villains who belongs to a group called Strega. Takaya and his two comrades can also summon Personas but they don’t want the Dark Hour to end so they revolt. Takaya tries to reason with the main character to see his side of the story.

In their first non-hostile situation, he allows players to ask one of three questions, two of which are pertinent to the story. The last one is a question about why he is shirtless which is admittedly funny but not the right question at this time.

4 “You’re A Girl, So…”

Talking to Yukari in Persona 3 Reload

Most of the party can be interacted with in those aforementioned Link Episodes. However, the female members of SEES do have proper Social Links in Persona 3 Reload as they can be romanced. Yukari is one of these girls and there is a particularly bad choice about halfway through her Social Link.

There is a bit where she is being accosted by thugs and players can step in to save her which Yukari doesn’t like at first. She especially won’t like it if players imply she is weak because she is a girl which no one should ever say in real life, to be honest.

3 “It Tastes Horrible.”

Talking with Fuuka in Persona 3 Reload

Fuuka is another one of Persona 3 Reload’s party members but she can’t be played. Instead, Fuuka navigates the others through Tartarus’ which is the game’s main dungeon. She can also be romanced and most of her Social Links revolve around getting better at cooking.

Persona 3 Reload: Best Early Game Cards To Get During Shuffle Time

To make the most out of Persona 3 Reload's Shuffle Time, players should snag the following cards at their earliest convenience.

The first thing she cooks will make the main character’s stomach churn but it’s best to be nice about it. There are dialogue choices to make it obvious she is a bad cook though which will discourage her so it’s best to avoid those.

2 Saying “I Love You” More Than Once

Don’t Get Caught In A Love Triangle

Talking to Fuuka in Persona 3 Reload

There are a lot of romance options outside of Persona 3 Reload’s party members including Yuko of the track team and Chihiro of the student council. When players reach level eight of any Social Link, these girls will typically confess their love for the main character.

If players say something like, “I love you” back then that will change the dialogue in the last two Social Link dates. In reality, it’s best to choose one partner in the game and not toy with others. However, players can say yes to multiple partners which will bite them in the butt later.

1 “Kill Ryoji And Forget Everything.”

The Game’s Ultimate Choice

Talking to Ryoji in Persona 3 Reload

There is one choice that will directly affect the game’s ending. After players destroy the last Arcana boss in Persona 3 Reload, The Hanged Man, it is believed that the Dark Hour will disappear. Instead, the party will eventually meet Death incarnate through a teen named Ryoji.

The destruction of the Arcana bosses combined to create Death who will help a god named Nyx bring about the end of the world. So, Ryoji gives players two choices. Players can kill him which will lead to the bad ending or they can spare him and get the “good” ending although it is still quite sad.

persona 3 reload
Persona 3 Reload

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February 2, 2024