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Players will face a wide range of bosses while making their way up Persona 3 Reload's Tartarus labyrinth. As the game's central location for combat, players can expect to find shadows of every type, all of which provide their own unique challenges. The toughest challenges, however, are usually reserved for the bosses and mini-bosses that wait before and after the borders between Tartarus' many regions.

One such shadow encounter is the Will O' Wisp Raven and Lightning Eagle boss fight, which is found fairly early in Persona 3 Reload. These enemies can prove to be one of P3R's toughest early-game challenges, especially if the player reaches them when unprepared. Luckily, each of these shadows has a key weakness that – when exploited properly – can significantly lessen the challenge level of the fight.

Persona 3 Reload Review

Persona 3 Reload evolves the series formula in a way that sets it apart from the original, establishing a precedent that future entries must follow.

What is the Will O' Wisp Raven's Weakness in Persona 3 Reload?


The Will O' Wisp Raven's Weakness is Ice

  • The Will O' Wisp Raven is weak to any ice-based attack. For most players, this will likely mean the Bufu spell. The Absaras and Forneus Personas both feature this attack within their arsenal.
  • The player will have to make sure to acquire a Persona equipped with an ice spell, as no other early-game party member uses one.
  • The Will O' Wisp Raven will attack with Fire-based attacks, and is also capable of giving powerful boons to itself and its allies.

What is the Lightning Eagle's Weakness in Persona 3 Reload?


The Lightning Eagle's Weakness is Wind

  • The Lightning Eagle is weak against any form of Wind attack. Luckily, Yukari's Persona comes with the Garu wind spell.
  • Players will also find the Angel Persona has Garu as well, if they would like to rely on their own attacks to weaken the Lightning Eagles.
  • As the name makes fairly clear, the Lightning Eagles attack with Lightning/Electric attacks, and are capable of causing the 'Shock' status ailment.

The player character should utilize Bafu at the very least. Yukari's Persona will always have Garu , and Persona 3 Reload 's Shift mechanic will allow for two All-Out Attacks in each round of combat. If the player does not have at least one ice-based spell, this will be far less likely to occur.

How to Beat the Will O' Wisp Raven and Lightning Eagles in Persona 3 Reload


Players will come across this multi-shadow boss encounter on floor 28 of Tartarus, in the Arqa region. This will be the first major boss encounter after crossing the obstacle in the path through Tartarus. Players will face two Lightning Eagles and one Will O' Wisp Raven.

General Strategy:

This fight is a great way to learn Persona 3 Reload's Shift mechanic, which is one of the new features that vastly improves on P3's original combat. Having the advantage of knowing each enemy's weakness, players can utilize this new addition to great effect.

  • Yukari seems to be the first to attack - this was tested multiple times for this guide, and she was always given the first attack. If this holds true across all playthroughs, begin the assault with a Garu attack on each Lightning Eagle. On the second 'one-more' attack, use Shift to switch to the player character. Use the appropriate Persona to cast the Bafu ice spell on the WIll O' Wisp Raven. This will result in the first 'All-Out Attack'.
  • When it is the player character's turn, the best choice will depend on whether you are using Personas that feature both Bafu and Garu. If only Bafu is available, use it on the Raven, then Shift to Yukari to use Garu on the Eagles. If the player has both spells in their arsenal, it will be possible to do it all without Shifting.

In this strategy, when it is Junpei 's turn, make sure not to use any Fire-based attacks on the Will O' Wisp Raven. That shadow has the Drain ability tied to Fire, which adds HP instead of taking it away. Using Physical attacks such as Power Slash or Vacuum Slash. When doing this, make sure to keep an eye on his HP, as these attacks use HP instead of SP.

  • With this strategy, the Lightning Eagles will be taken out first. Once everyone is focused on the Will O' WIsp Raven, it will be killed quickly.
  • If players get low on HP as a result of missed attacks or bad luck with their turn positions, do not hesitate to sacrifice Yukari's attacks to use Media or Dia.
persona 3 reload
Persona 3 Reload

PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One , PS4 , PS5
February 2, 2024