
  • The snappy and responsive combat in Persona 3 Reload should be emulated in Persona 6.
  • Persona 6 should achieve a similar balance of early-game power for its playable party, based on Persona 3 Reload's satisfying early hours.
  • The Theurgy system in Persona 3 Reload is an essential feature that should be included in Persona 6's combat.

Thanks to its comparatively short campaign when stacked up against its sequels, many players have now rolled credits on Persona 3 Reload. Hot on the heels of its release are recent rumors that Atlus is already planning similar remakes of Persona 2 and Persona 4 done in the style of Persona 5, making Persona 3 Reload a template of sorts for a new series release strategy not all that different from Resident Evil's. With this remake now on the market, there's still the question of how Persona 5 and Persona 3 Reload will influence the eventual Persona 6.

Not much is known about Persona 6 at this point except for the fact that it's currently in development and will see release sometime beyond 2025. Atlus already has a stacked release calendar for 2024 between Persona 3 Reload, Unicorn Overlord, and Metaphor Re:Fantazio, but that by no means is an indication that an official reveal of Persona 6 is off the table later on in the year. In terms of how Persona 3 Reload's updates and quality of life changes should influence the development of Persona 6, the snappy and responsive combat takes center stage as something that future games need to emulate.

Persona 3 Reload Proves Atlus and P Studio Have Mastered One Important RPG Feature

One of Persona 3 Reload's best features is a perfect example of Atlus and P Studio's excellence in designing a crucial aspect of any RPG.

Persona 3 Reload's Heroes' Damage Output Should Be the Series Standard

In addition to its complete visual overhaul bringing it more in line with the fantastic style and art direction of Persona 5 , Persona 3 Reload 's new battle mechanics benefit from the additions that the latest Persona brought to the series back in 2017. This includes things like One Mores, All-Out Attacks, and the Baton Pass, returning in P3 Reload as the Shift mechanic.

For all of the improvements Persona 5 made to the series' combat, it was hard to escape the feeling that characters were extremely underpowered in the early hours. Even battles against weaker Shadows initially felt like a battle of attrition, with Joker and his fellow Phantom Thieves barely scraping out a victory. Persona 3 Reload corrects this problem by rebalancing character damage output to make the early game battles much quicker and more satisfying.

Normal attacks in Reload deal significantly more damage, and exploiting enemies' elemental weaknesses results in one-hit KOs quite often. Perhaps best of all is that the increases to damage output are still balanced properly to make the rank-and-file enemies rife for grinding, while stronger Shadows still maintain a fair challenge. Future entries in the Persona series should replicate this balance between enemy defense and character damage output to make the early hours feel like less of a struggle and help players develop a sense of power scaling as they level up their party.

The Theurgy System from Persona 3 Reload Needs to Be a Series Constant

Explaining P3 Reload's New Theurgy Mechanic

Persona 3 Reload also has a few tricks of its own, including the brand-new Theurgy system. Similar to a Limit Break from the Final Fantasy series, players can execute certain actions in battle that build towards filling a Theurgy gauge. Once full, the character's Persona can use extremely powerful attacks capable of turning the tide of battle. These range from helpful defensive buffs for the whole party to devastating elemental attacks that open enemies up for an All-Out Attack.

Against the standard Shadow enemies, Theurgy can end up being overkill, but it is an absolutely essential feature for the game's more challenging battles. After the system's introduction in Persona 3 Reload, Persona 6's combat would feel incomplete without Theurgy or a similar mechanic. Reload is more than a reimagining of a fan-favorite using Persona 5's art style; it's a reminder of how the series can boldly move forward while pulling the best aspects of its past into play.