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  • Persona 3 Reload reunites fans with SEES, the shadow-fighting group of Persona users, and introduces new players to them.
  • Each character in SEES has their own unique personality, story, and motives, with a few becoming fan favorites.
  • The player-controlled protagonist is a crucial and powerful character, with the ability to hold multiple personas and determine the fate of the world.

Persona 3 Reload has reunited many fans with SEES, the name given to the shadow-fighting group of Persona users, or introduced first-time players to them. As with most JRPG parties, every character is unique, embodying a few tried and true character tropes without being too cliché or one-dimensional.

Beginner Tips For Persona 3 Reload

Looking to start Persona 3 Reloaded for the first time? Here are a few key things to keep in mind.

With them all having their own distinct personalities, stories, and motives, it is difficult to say who is better than whom, but there are certainly a select few that have become rigid fan favorites, and the release of Reload has only solidified some of these choices.

10 Ken Amada

Mature Beyond His Years

Persona 3 Reload Ken

Ken is one of the SEES members who join later on in the game, and he is one of the few who doesn't attend Gekkoukan High. He shows he is very mature beyond his years as a result of losing his mother at such a young age. Often a kind and polite young man who shows respect towards his senior teammates, he is not immune to bouts of anger if he is ever underestimated or treated like a young child, despite him being one.

While Ken is a mostly amicable character, he may not be as interesting on the surface compared to others. However, behind that young boyish appearance hides a tragic past surrounding his mother's death and the aftermath it had on him.

9 Akihiko Sanada

The Exercise-Motivated Senior Falls a Little Flat Compared to Other Teammates

Persona 3 Reload Akihiko

As one of the senior members of SEES alongside Mitsuru, Akihiko prides himself on being one of the strongest Persona users on the scene. He itches to jump back in on the action after an injury benches him for the first section of the game.

While Akihiko does prove himself once he is reinstated on the front lines, his tunnel vision focusing on working out and getting stronger does make him seem slightly more shallow and single-minded than other members. If given a proper Social Link, like in Persona 3 Portable, Akihiko probably could have been so much more. While there is nothing to inherently dislike about his palatable character, he isn't likely to be remembered as fondly as other Persona users.

8 Shinjiro Aragaki

A Hard Exterior Hides a Soft Interior

Persona 3 Reload Shinjiro Persona

Shinjiro seems like the stereotypical tough guy, always acting cold, aloof, and too cool for school. He has a dark past tying into Ken's, which is the reason he pushes others away and at first shirks his duties as a Persona wielder.

That said, there are other facets to Shinjiro, as he is revealed to be a gentler person inside, with a hidden love for dogs and cooking. But, players might have a hard time looking past his past sins as they are revealed, even if inside Shinjiro isn't such a bad guy after all.

7 Junpei Iori

Relentless Humor Can Make His Character Taxing, But His Intentions Are Mostly Good

Persona 3 Reload Junpei

One of the first companions the player will be acquainted with, Junpei immediately marks himself as the class clown and ladies' man with his words and actions. He spends just as much time leering over female classmates as he does ignoring his studies and sleeping through class. But, he does take his role in saving the world seriously, often asking to go to Tartarus even during the lead-up to exams.

Though Junpei can often act recklessly and display immaturity, it is important to remember he is still a teenager. He also shows some of the most growth out of all the SEES members, becoming more mature and even beginning to study to try for a successful future. Not only that, but he always tries to lighten the gloom for his fellow teammates.

6 Yukari Takeba

Despite First Impressions, Yukari is One of the Kinder SEES Members


Yukari is one of the first SEES members the player will meet when they reach Iwatadoi dormitories, and one of the two available party members available to the player during the opening hours. One of the most popular girls in school, Yukari manages to avoid most of the stereotype clichés that come with that status, but she can appear standoffish during some of the early conversations and can be relentless towards Junpei.

Persona 3: Every Possible Romance, Ranked

There are several romance options available for players to pursue in Persona 3; here are all of them, ranked from worst to best.

Despite this, Yukari does have some kindness inside of her, wanting to do her best for her fellow SEES party members. When her Social Link finally unlocks, the player will learn more about Yukari's tragic past, which is something she and the player character have in common.

5 Fuuka Yamagishi

A Kind and Caring Addition to the Team

Persona 3 Reload Fuuka

Fuuka joins the SEES party not long after Akihiko rejoins the fray, and takes over from Mitsuru as navigator. Her persona holds very limited combat abilities, but she can help the front-line party navigate Tartarus and its dangers.

A soft-spoken junior with a heart of gold, Fuuka is unfortunately a target for high school bullies and has a troubled home life. All of this should be a recipe for Fuuka to become a bitter and angry individual, but she displays remarkable strength of character by holding onto her good nature, even showing concern about the well-being of her bullies. It is hard not to like a character as sweet as Fuuka.

4 Mitsuri Kirijo

Intelligent and Graceful, Mitsuru is Everything an Heiress Should Be

Mitsuru Kirijo Persona 3 Reload

A literal Ice Queen, Mitsuru may be one of the hardest SEES members to impress, as players need to achieve an Intelligence rank of Genius to even initiate her Social Link. She is born to richness, and as such carries herself with grace, and strives to excel in all corners of her life.

As such, Mitsuru can be dismissed as rigid and haughty, but there is more to her character than being a stuck-up noble. She genuinely shows care for other SEES members, constantly chiding Akihiko to not push himself after his injury, and urging others to not act recklessly. Every friend group has a mom figure, and Mitsuru definitely fits the bill.

3 Koromaru

Proof That Dogs Are Men's Best Friends

Makoto and Koromaru in Iwatodai Dorm

Persona 4 has Teddy, Persona 5 has Morgana, and Persona 3 is home to Koromaru, the adorable four-legged furry friend of SEES, and a Persona user himself. He awakens to his powers on July 29th, slaying a shadow to defend the shrine and landing himself a place in Iwatadoi dorms. After this, he is a fully-fledged member of SEES.

Best Dogs From Video Games

Dogs are animals with a ton of symbolic meaning. They stand for loyalty and friendship, which often makes them valued video game sidekicks.

Though Koromaru can't communicate with other characters like Teddy and Morgana, he is still an invaluable and beloved member, based on the tragic dog Hachiko who went down in Japanese history for his unwavering loyalty to his owner. Although the player can't enjoy a Social Link, they can still spend quality time with the adorable and irreplaceable party member.

2 Aigis

A Robot With a Heart

Persona 3 Reload Aigis Orgia Mode

Toted as the official mascot of Persona 3, Aigis quickly became a fan favorite due to the extremely unique nature of her character, and the arc she goes on throughout the plot of the game. Though other characters, such as Junpei, mistake her merely as an odd but cute girl to start with, she is revealed to be a living weapon that was invented to hunt down shadows, and even has her own Persona she can call upon.

As a machine, she is not familiar with most human customs and exhibits behavior others might call inappropriate; however, Aigis is well-meaning, fiercely protective of the leader, and eventually awakens human emotions to create an emotional, impactful ending. Without Aigis, Persona 3 Reload simply would not be complete.

1 The Protagonist

The Player Controlled-Character is a Wild Card


Last but not least is the player-controlled character, whose name, personality, and romantic option are in the players' hands. The leader will be what the player makes them to be, whether that is a mean-spirited, aloof character, or one with a heart of gold that goes the extra mile for everyone they meet.

With the ability to hold multiple personas, and the one who will decide the fate of the world, the protagonist is ultimately the most important character as well as the strongest. There is no denying that SEES would likely fail in their noble task without his aid. Leaving the protagonist as mostly a blank slate is a Persona staple but also a smart move, as the player can project themselves onto that character, creating a strong bond that will make them care for that character even more.