Table of contents


  • Collect Personas with physical skills like Sonic Punch to turn the tide in battles by inflicting distress on foes.
  • Vacuum Slash is a low-level skill great for dealing AOE damage to multiple foes, making it useful in later-game levels.
  • Consider learning Fatal End, which deals medium damage and has a chance to inflict fear on foes, turning the tide in battles.

Persona 3 Reload tells the tale of a bunch of teens with the power to manifest a Persona, a creature they can summon forth to fight off shadows, dangerous entities that are threatening the lives of all. Personas come with skills such as elemental damage, healing, buffing allies, as well as physical abilities.

Persona 3 Reload: All Personas Players Can Get In The Thebel Block Of Tartarus, Ranked

Persona 3 Reload players can get six Personas in the Thebel Block of Tartarus. Here's how they compare to one another.

These physical skills call on the users' HP rather than their SP, which can be extremely useful when characters are low on the latter and are capable of dealing out good amounts of damage. Players should take care to collect these Personas as they could help turn the tide of a grueling battle.

8 Sonic Punch

Potentially Distresses Foes

Persona 3 Reload Akihiko Sonic Punch

Available to:

  • Mokoi (Innate)
  • Chimera (Level 11)
  • Jack Frost (Level 11)

When coming face-to-face with tough shadows, sometimes dealing out damage is not enough, and players may need to switch tactics to try and debuff enemies or throw them off their game. Inflicting status ailments is a great way to do this, and thankfully, there are skills players can gain quickly to do just that.

Sonic Punch combines the two, allowing players to deal light physical damage while also having the chance to cause distress. This status ailment has a negative effect on the inflicted attack and evasion, making them easier to tackle. This makes Sonic Punch an extremely useful physical skill to have when exploring lower levels of Tartarus, which players can make use of instantly with the Persona Mokoi, or ranking up Chimera or Jack Frost.

7 Vacuum Slash

Damages Multiple Foes

Persona 3 Reload Junpei Vacuum Slash

Available to:

  • Rakshasa (Innate)
  • Matador (Innate)
  • Valkyrie (Level 13)
  • Arsene (Level 25)

This low-level physical skill is one of the most useful to have even in later-game levels of Tartarus, as rather than focusing on one enemy, it deals damage to all foes. Though the damage dealt is only weak, dealing AOE damage like this can be a good way to end a fight, specifically if players are struggling to target their specific weaknesses.

It is readily available on Personas such as Rakshasa and Matador who have it as an innate skill, but it can also be unlocked on Valkyrie and Arsene should players decide to keep them long enough to level them up to the corresponding level. It is certainly worth the player's consideration, but SEES member Junpei can also learn Vacuum Slash.

6 Zan-Ei

Even More Damage Closer To A Full Moon

Persona 3 Reload Oberon

Available to:

  • Jikokuten (Innate)
  • Yatagarasu (Innate)
  • Titan (Innate)
  • Ares (Innate)
  • Mithras (Innate)
  • Oberon (Level 18)

In Persona 3 Reload, players must pay close attention to the phases of the moon, as strong boss shadows emerge on each full moon, and players need to be ready, spending the rest of the month leveling and stocking up.

The new moon is by far the safest time of the month for the players, especially those who have the skill Zan-Ei. Zan-Ei is a physical skill that deals medium damage to one foe, but what's more is that during new moons, this skill deals more damage to foes. Medium damage to start with is pretty considerable, but having the chance to dole out even more means this is a skill players definitely should not overlook. The Persona Oberon can learn it at level 18, but multiple other Personas have it as an innate skill.

5 Fatal End

Deal More Damage And Potentially Inflict Fear

Persona 3 Reload protagonist fatal end

Available to:

  • Yakshini (Innate)
  • Arsene (Innate)
  • Orthus (Innate)
  • Narasimha (Innate)
  • Pale Rider (Innate)
  • Take-Mikazuchi (Innate)
  • Tam-Lin (Level 15)
  • Valkyrie (Level 15)
  • Rakshasa (Level 16)
  • Hokuto Seikun (Level 33)
  • Taraka (Level 37)
  • Hanuman (Level 38)

For players who don't want to sacrifice dealing a good amount of damage while also potentially inflicting a status ailment on their foes, Fatal End is the skill for them, as it is both fatal in name and nature.

Rather than dealing weak damage, Fatal End doles out medium damage while also having a chance to inflict fear on foes. Fear can be essential to turning the tides of a losing battle, as it can cause the enemy to skip their turn or flee from the battle altogether, making this an almost essential physical skill to learn. What's more, it is readily available as an innate skill to multiple Personas, or on high enough levels for other Personas.

4 Heaven's Blade

Higher Rate Of Critical Hits

Ken holding a staff with a concerned look on his face

Available to:

  • Michael (Innate)
  • Uriel (Level 63)

Landing critical attacks is a boon in any game, as it ensures mass amounts of damage are dealt to the enemy. In Persona 3 Reload, landing critical hits down enemies the same way that targeting their weaknesses does, allowing players to shift their focus to another enemy, or perform an All-Out Attack if all enemies are downed. This is what makes Heaven's Blade such a powerful ability, as it has an increased chance of being critical.

Persona 3 Reload: Best Almighty Skills & The Persona That Have Them

Persona 3 Reload's Almighty Skills are some of the most powerful abilities in the player's arsenal, capable of dealing big damage when used correctly.

In addition to potentially being critical, it also deals a base amount of severe damage to a foe, making it a powerful physical skill even if players don't land a critical. Players gain Heaven's Blade innately on Micheal or by leveling up Uriel, making it a skill that can be tougher to come by, but well worth working towards.

3 Blade Of Fury

Deal Medium Damage


Available to:

  • Hanuman (Innate)
  • Ose (Innate)
  • Matador (Level 28)
  • Goemon (Level 31)
  • Yakshini (Level 33)
  • Izanagi (Level 48)
  • Narasimha (Level 51)

AOE damage is one of the most useful types of damage when faced with multiple foes, as it allows players to hit more than one target in their turn, which can help tip the odds in their favor. Blade of Fury stands as one of the best AOE attacks and physical skills, as it allows players to deal medium damage to all foes by slashing at them 2-4 times, which can mean some enemies take more damage than others.

This allows players to prioritize enemies so they can take them down, hopefully before they even have the chance to retaliate. Available innately to two Personas and available to more at specified levels, it is not too difficult to obtain and is certainly worth players having in their repertoire.

2 Deathbound

Heavy Damage To All Foes

Makoto summoning a persona in Persona 3 Reload

Available to:

  • Siegfried (Innate)
  • Ganesha (Innate)
  • Okuninushi (Innate)
  • Mishaguji (Innate)
  • Seiten Taisei (Innate)
  • Surt (Innate)
  • Abaddon (Innate)
  • Kali (Innate)
  • Yakshini (Level 37)
  • Ose (Level 42)

Deathly in both name and nature, Deathbound is a powerful physical ability that all Persona players should learn. Rather than targeting one foe, it deals heavy damage to all foes, which will certainly make a dent in their health pools.

Persona 3 Reload: Best Recovery Skills & The Persona That Have Them

Recovery Skills are some of the most crucial abilities in Persona 3 Reload, ensuring the party can recover from devastating attacks and Ailments.

Readily available on many Personas and Yakshini and Ose able to learn it at higher levels, it's one of the more easily obtainable skills, as well as being one of the hardest hitting. This makes it a must for Persona players looking to learn the best physical skills in the game.

1 Pralaya

Inflicts Mass Amounts Of Damage

persona 3 reload yakurai

Available to:

  • Shiva (Level 83)

While pierce damage seems to mostly be in Yukari's wheelhouse, that doesn't mean that the protagonist is unable to make use of it either. In fact, one of the most powerful physical abilities in Persona 3 Reload deals pierce damage, and that skill is Pralaya.

Available only to Shiva who can learn it once they reach level 83, players will need to be high-level to make use of it, but it is worth the work. Pralaya deals severe amounts of damage and also has a high chance of instilling fear in all foes in battle. Even if the shadows survive the onslaught of damage, they will be too terrified to retaliate.

persona 3 reload
Persona 3 Reload

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February 2, 2024