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  • Accessories in Persona 3 Reload are crucial for boosting characters' stats and abilities in battle.
  • The best accessories can be obtained through trades at the antique store in the Paulownia Mall.
  • Each character can equip only one accessory, so choose wisely for maximum effectiveness in combat.

Persona 3 Reload characters have the need to accessorize in the game. Accessories are a staple in classic RPGs that can often give bonuses to characters far beyond what any piece of armor can bestow. Every character in the game, even Fuuka who is not playable, can equip one accessory.

6 Beginner Tips For Persona 3 Reload

Looking to start Persona 3 Reloaded for the first time? Here are a few key things to keep in mind.

Some of Persona 3 Reload’s best accessories can be obtained through trade at the antique store in the Paulownia Mall called Mayoido Antiques. Players will need Persona-specific items to get these accessories along with gemstones gathered in Tartarus. It can be a lot of work but for the final battles, these accessories will be worth the effort.

8 Soldier’s Flag

+100 HP

Soldier’s Flag accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Mayoido Antiques
  • Cost: Wisdom King’s Locks and Malachite

The Soldier’s Flag is an easy enough accessory to grasp in an RPG because it will increase the hero’s HP by 100. The more HP players have in battle, the more secure they should feel. This should be equipped to a character that has a lower HP count for one reason or another like perhaps if they are under-leveled compared to the rest of the group.

Like most of these accessories, the Soldier’s Flag is an item that needs to be traded at the antique shop, and getting the right parts can be tricky. Players can get the Wisdom King’s Locks from the Strength Arcana, Atavaka.

7 Rudra Ring

Reduce HP Cost

Rudra Ring accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Mayoido Antiques
  • Cost: Destroyer’s Drums, Opals, and Rubies

The Rudra Ring is related to HP as well but it technically helps reduce HP funnily enough. There are two kinds of special attacks in the game: Magic uses SP while other physical abilities use HP. The Rudra Ring will reduce the HP cost of those types of moves so this would be a good accessory for Aigis to equip as she has no magic.

Players can get the Destroyer’s Drum from the Tower Arcana, Shiva, and this version of Shiva does not look a thing like the Shiva from the Final Fantasy series.

6 Queen’s Alice Band

+100 SP

Queen’s Alice Band accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Mayoido Antiques
  • Cost: Preceptress Silk, Diamonds, and Opals

The Queen’s Alice Band is a great accessory for Persona 3 Reload’s magically inclined characters like Mitsuru. It will increase SP by 100, giving players more energy to cast spells at enemies or to heal the party. Persona 3 Reload relies heavily on weakening enemies to get the upper hand meaning that players will have to use SP a lot.

Persona 3 Reload: All Class Answers

If you want to ace the exams in Persona 3 Reload, you will need to make sure to answer the questions correctly and keep up with your studies.

One could argue that it is even more important than HP in the game but players definitely have to find a healthy balance to stay fit for battle. Players can get the Preceptress Silk from the Priestess Arcana, Scathach, who looks like a goth girl ready to get down on some poetry.

5 Chakra Ring

Reduce SP Cost

Chakra Ring accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Mayoido Antiques
  • Cost: Carnage King’s Gear, Opals, and Rubies

The Chakra Ring falls under the same category of accessory as the Rudra Ring. Instead of reducing HP cost, the Chakra Ring will lessen the SP amount for spells. This is an even better accessory than the Queen’s Alice Band as it goes beyond increasing SP although equipping both would be nice.

Unfortunately, this game only allows one accessory per hero and there is no way to increase this capacity. The Carnage King’s Gear can be acquired by gaining the power of the Sun Arcana, Asura, who looks nothing like Asura from Asura’s Wrath.

4 Sacrificial Idol

Full Revive After Death

Sacrificial Idol accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Mayoido Antiques
  • Cost: Sacrifice God Wrap and Emeralds

There’s nothing more devastating than having a party member die in battle in an RPG. It’s even worse in Persona 3 Reload if the main character falls because that means Game Over. Thankfully, there are accessories like the Sacrificial Idol which will help alleviate stress.

If a character dies, they will be revived fully on the spot but this will only happen once per battle. To trade this accessory at the antique shop, players will need to get the Sacrifice God Wrap from the Hanged Arcana, Attis.

3 Victory Headband

Protect Against Status Ailments

Victory Headband accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Tartarus

The Victory Headband is something that cannot be traded at the antique shop. Instead, players will have to explore Persona 3 Reload’s version of Tartarus to find this fabled accessory. It will help prevent status ailments from harming the equipped hero. Some of the worst status ailments in the game include Charm and Confuse which act similarly as they have heroes betray the party in battle.

Persona 3 Reload: How to Increase All Social Stats

Here's a handy guide for Persona 3 Reload players on the best ways to raise their social stats.

It’s even worse if the entire party gets the same status ailment. That’s why at least one party member in Persona 3 Reload needs to go into battle with a status-protecting accessory like the Victory Headband so that they can cure the others.

2 Bracelet Of Life

Survive Instakill Attack With 1 HP

Bracelet Of Life accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Mayoido Antiques
  • Cost: Soul Sea Droplet and Malachite

The Bracelet of Life is an accessory like the Sacrificial Idol but it doesn’t revive players. Instead, this bracelet will help a hero survive an instakill attack. One of Persona 3 Reload’s biggest changes was the addition of Light and Dark magic. There are spells within these two types that can kill characters instantly such as the Light attack called Hama.

It’s a cheap way to kill heroes in battle but the Bracelet of Life will brace the targeted character and give them 1 HP. The rare item needed for this trade, the Soul Sea Droplet, is not that rare at all as most hearted Persona carry it in the lower tiers.

1 Avaricious Amulet

+50% EXP

Avaricious Amulet accessory in Persona 3 Reload
  • Location: Tartarus

One of the best early accessories to get early on in Persona 3 Reload is called the Avaricious Ring. It’s expensive but it can be bought within the club at the Paulownia Mall. It will raise the EXP rate of the equipped hero by 15% which helps with that typical RPG grind.

The Avaricious Amulet is the upgraded version of it and it will give a character a whopping 50% EXP boost in battle. This item can only be found in the upper floors of Tartarus, so players will have to cross their fingers to find it in the last month of the game.

persona 3 reload
Persona 3 Reload

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February 2, 2024