There are just some genres that can never truly die out, and one of those genres is heists. The concept of heists is so popular that it is introduced as important subplots in many games, and even have entire games built around it. Some involve stories while others focus on the experience. One such game is Perfect Heist 2, which is a beautifully crafted and cleverly conceptualized online multiplayer where teams of cops and robbers go against each other in an immersive experience that closely focuses on the dynamics of both security and theft.

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The game has an array of classes, divided into three main class categories for each faction. For robbers, players have Breach, Stealth, and Support classes, while for cops, players have Combat, Intel, and Support. Playstyle matters a lot when choosing favorite classes but some of them may outperform others.

10 Breach: Heavy

Watching Smoke From An Explosion with Rocket Launcher Held At Hip Inside A Bank In Perfect Heist 2

A formidable heavy balances out stealth tactics to ensure high firepower when needed, and a balanced team. The cops have a significant advantage in attacking capabilities, which is why having some power and strength on the robbers’ side is also crucial.

Make an entrance with a bang with the Heavy’s rocket launcher that can destroy weak walls. Players can also call in a helicopter to resupply or store stolen money. The Flak Jacket reduces explosive and fall damage by 50%.

9 Combat: SWAT

SWAT Character Screen In Perfect Heist 2

This class may seem like a common and predictable choice that doesn’t offer anything too unique, but cops should always have some high firepower ready to be mobilized if things ever go loud. SWAT classes come in real handy in direct confrontations to swiftly take down enemies running for cover.

He has thermal vision which allows character outlines to be visible through walls. Beware, as players cannot use their weapons while this is active. Headshots do not do increased damage to him due to his Kevlar Helmet. The SWAT operative carries a powerful rifle with very good optics choices, along with a flash launcher. Gamers that love to go full-on tactical would love to play as this class.

8 Stealth: Pickpocket

Observing NPCs On The Upper Levels Of A Bank In Perfect Heist 2

Work in the shadows and blend in with the crowd. An inspiration that comes straight from the Hitman franchise, the pickpocket can throw a coin to distract NPCs, if needed according to the player’s strategy.

The Pickpocket truly has been given a way to put a spanner in the works for cops as he can steal $5000 from them which also causes their ability to be disabled. To enable it again, cops must go back to a cop car. The ability to carry $5000 without a visible bag makes the Hitman a slippery enemy.

7 Intel: Spy

Overhead View Of A Bank's Hall In Perfect Heist 2

This particular class is not for the ordinary. It is perfect for players who have a good eye, a patient head, and a steady pace. Staying calm and blending in to maintain stealth is crucial; only then, will the player be able to take the enemy by surprise. The spy can disguise himself as a customer or employee, in order to stay blind to the robbers while he collects intel and makes smart decisions.

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He is also a bit faster than the others, with his speed increased by 10%. He is provided a silenced pistol, to engage if necessary, and a grappling hook for more mobility.

6 Stealth: Insider

Aiming Down Sights Outside a Window Using A Rifle In Perfect Heist 2

A man on the inside can sometimes give a head-start to a race that hasn’t even begun. The insider has an acute knowledge of various areas within the map and is thus easily able to put on clothes that match the area he is in currently, to always be able to stay in disguise.

He has also planted and hidden a drill in the building, which he can locate and then install in areas to use. To stay true to the name, he’s been given a silenced pistol, and he also carries an automatic pistol for added firepower. A man like that should always be on the team, keeping his allies ahead of the enemy at all times.

5 Support For Cops: Developer

Looking Across A Bank's Hall With Gun At Hip In Perfect Heist 2

Let’s put that computer degree to good use. If the robbers are trying to be smart and stealthy, there is a big chance they will be trying to hack into PCs and ATMs. The developer has up to 5 anti-viruses at her disposal which she can install in ATMs and PCs that will thwart any attempts to hack them, and then sound an alarm, immediately breaking stealth for the robbers.

She can also destroy all remotely controlled vehicles in a 3-meter radius, greatly reducing the robbers’ mobility, and giving cops an edge. She carries a versatile Bullpup MP and an automatic pistol, making her a formidable foe.

4 Stealth: Agent

Watching Smoke From An Explosion At A Reception Area In A Bank In Perfect Heist 2

Agents seem to always have all the cool stuff, and it’s no different for this game too. The agent has a variety of abilities that can be used for a very stealthy, yet unique play style. Players are given a big advantage by giving them the choice to spawn on the rooftop, allowing them to be in a strategic position from the start.

They also silently cut glass for some movie-like maneuvers and tactics. The agent is also equipped with a screen that hides whoever is behind it. To complete his class, the agent is given a silenced pistol, and a grappling hook as well.

3 Combat: Combat Medic

Shootout Between SWAT Operative And A Fox Masked Robber in Perfect Heist 2

Healers don’t often get enough love, but the support that players can get from such classes can really turn the tide of battle. The medic has the ability to revive nearby downed cops, while also being able to heal himself and friendlies past the limit to 120 HP for 5 seconds.

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The medic can also place heartbeat monitors on others which allows him to know if they have been killed, and be alerted to hostile activity. Top that off with poison bullets and players have a robust operative on their hands.

2 Support For Robbers: Tech

Aiming Towards A Brown Building While Inside A Parking Lot In Perfect Heist 2

It’s always good to stay one step ahead using the latest tech. This class allows the player to scout ahead and conduct some reconnaissance. The drone doesn’t just provide some eyes in the air but also gives the ability to transport bomb bags and money bags which can really help avoid some additional effort carrying them on ground.

Vault doors can be a huge nuisance for robbers wanting to keep it silent. The tech class has the ability to open vault doors by hacking into 3 PCs. Players are given a pistol for easy execution and a grappling hook to get to hard-to-reach places.

1 Intel: FBI

View Of A Character Wearing An FBI Vest Inside A Bank's Hall In Perfect Heist 2

There’s no going wrong with the classics. This typical class has a balance of both stealth and assault characteristics. Players choosing this role will have the ability to place up to 4 motion detectors that can alert the team to enemy presence. These also have the capability to stun enemies walking through for a short while.

What makes the class even more unique is the Kevlar vest, reducing incoming damage to the body by a whopping 30%. The class is equipped with an SMG that does decent damage but has a very high fire rate.

Perfect Heist 2 is available on PC.

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