With a wide community and a number of incredibly talented participants, speedrunning is currently one of the most popular subsections of gaming in the world. From older titles like Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time to newer games like Resident Evil 2 and Breath of the Wild, most games will have players that have discovered the quickest ways to finish reach the credits.

One of the most coveted of these records was for Perfect Dark's War! level on Agent difficulty, with speedrunner Karl Jobst setting a 25-second record on the mission that remained the time to beat for over 15 years. Many have attempted to crush the record over that time, however, all have failed, with speedrunners seemingly agreeing that 25 seconds would never be beaten.

RELATED: 10 Fastest Speedruns of Resident Evil Games

That was until March 18, however, when Rayan Isran managed to break Jobst's seemingly unbreakable record by completing the level in 24 seconds. As expected, this was a major deal for the game's speedrunning community, with Jobst himself making a video congratulating Isran for completing what he genuinely considered to be unbeatable. For a game with as wide a speedrunning community as Perfect Dark, it's evidently a massive achievement, cementing Isran as one of the best in the game.

Other games to recently get incredible speedrunning records include Shadow of the Colossus and the Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo. No one will deny, however, that the greatest record in recent memory comes from a player who attempted to pet every single dog in Breath of the Wild in record time.

Perfect Dark is out now for Nintendo 64 and Xbox 360.

MORE: 10 Most Heartbreaking Speedrun Fails Of All Time