
  • The Perfect Dark reboot has faced numerous delays and setbacks, including staff switch-ups and the impact of the pandemic.
  • The announcement trailer for the reboot was revealed too early, as the development team supposedly hadn't even nailed down core mechanics at that time.
  • The Initiative, the studio behind the reboot, has faced several challenges on the project such as developer departures, highlighting the retrospective need for a delayed reveal.

The upcoming reboot to iconic N64 FPS title Perfect Dark has become something of a mystery. After more than three years of waiting, very little news has come out about the remake. A mix of studio switch-ups and pandemic struggles have put the new Perfect Dark in the unfortunate position of being revealed too early.

Revealed in 2020 but rumored as early as 2018, Perfect Dark is being rebooted by The Initiative in collaboration with Crystal Dynamics. The original game released in 2000 on the N64—a Rare title that followed up on the FPS mechanics of 1997's Goldeneye 007. Both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have gone on to be big influences in the genre, and the latter got itself an Xbox 360 remaster in 2010, which itself featured in 2015's Rare Replay compilation.

8 Games To Play If You Miss Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark is a sci-fi shooter that many fans still love, and thankfully there are several games that are similar to the series.

Perfect Dark's Reboot May Have Been Announced Too Early

The Initiative has been tight-lipped about its Perfect Dark reboot. Neither gameplay nor a release date have appeared in regard to the title. All fans can really claim to know are a handful of behind-the-scenes fiascos, from departures to engine switches. With IGN's report that the title will be restarting development on Unreal Engine 5, it's pretty clear that Perfect Dark is a long ways off. In this respect, the game may have found itself in Metroid Prime 4's shoes—its announcement coming far too soon in development.

Perfect Dark's Reboot Should Have Waited For a Later Development Stage

According to IGN, The Initiative 'hadn't even figured out' core mechanics for the Perfect Dark reboot by the time the announcement trailer dropped (according to a developer present at the studio during 2020). While it's unlikely that this is a one-off scenario in the industry, it's undeniably a huge aspect to leave in doubt by the time an announcement trailer is made. This can be hand-waved somewhat by the fact that the reboot will likely stick to many hallmarks of the original, but it still shows how much the reveal jumped the gun. If devs don't have a clear plan once hype starts building, the difficulty in answering fan questions can cause interest to drop off.

In addition, the title has also shifted greatly in regard to which studios are working on it. Though Crystal Dynamics has reportedly helped Perfect Dark progress, its later involvement almost a year after the announcement trailer (and three years after rumors first flared) undoubtedly led to a settling-in process that took up time. Moreover, The Initiative has been faced with numerous key departures over the years—including design director Drew Murray in 2021 and game director Daniel Neuburger in 2022. Waiting for the team to be better established would have provided more security for the unveiling to come to fruition sooner.

The Initiative Was Thrown In At The Deep End

On that subject, The Initiative has the disadvantage of having Perfect Dark be its first project. Though Perfect Dark may not be as widely known now as it was in its heyday, it's still a recognized IP. A reboot of a franchise beloved by many is a tough project for a studio's first work. It's very important for The Initiative to take its time to iron out its growing pains while making the game the best it can be. In retrospect, PerfectDark may have been better off with a delayed reveal.

Furthermore, The Initiative has had to work through the COVID-19 pandemic. The reveal trailer dropped in December 2020—right in the middle of the event. With the possibility of the Perfect Dark reboot making big changes, The Initiative really could've used a longer headstart before an announcement trailer.