Even a cursory glance at Obsidian Entertainment's new game Pentiment will tell players that it isn't like other titles they've seen from the studio before. The painterly aesthetic, unique 16th-century Bavarian setting, and story that unfolds over twenty-five years all combine to make the Xbox Game Pass release that bit more special. With a well-paced narrative that takes place over several Acts, gamers must make a myriad of decisions both big and small to solve the town's mysteries, with very some tough choices to be made along the way.

Each Act within Pentiment's gameplay is characterized by a central mystery, and players must get to know the residents of Tassing to determine who's behind it all. Decisions drive the narrative, and as gamers progress through the game, Pentiment will confront them with many different paths as they try to uncover the truth, with some having more significant consequences than others.

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Shaping Andreas' Character

Pentiment Background (1)

Pentiment is a role-playing game, and in addition to making every day decisions like who to share meals with or larger choices like who to accuse of murder, it also lets players shape the protagonist. Gamers are able to make decisions regarding the journeyman artist's background, with options like where Andreas used to live determining what languages he's able to understand.

It can be hard for players to know which options will give them the best advantage as they try to solve Pentiment's many mysteries. Picking what subjects he liked to study at university will open up different dialogue options as Andreas gets to know the variety of NPCs, but knowing the right ones to choose so early in the game is tough.

Naming The Baron's Murderer

A screen of Pentiment showing the trial for Lorenz's murder

The first Act of Pentiment is defined by Andreas' quest to prove his friend's innocence and find the real killer of Baron Rothvogel, a prominent benefactor of Kiersau Abbey where Andreas is undertaking his apprenticeship. With Abbot Gernot's attempts to hurry along proceedings, mysterious notes sent to potential suspects, and an impending inquiry to contend with, players have a lot on their plates.

The time constraint adds another dimension to the tension as Andreas must race against the clock to conduct his investigation before the archdeacon arrives and his friend Piero is condemned. Evidence against other NPCs is circumstantial at best and motives aren't as cut and dry as players might want, so picking a person to accuse as Pentiment's first Act comes to a close doesn't feel like an easy decision by any stretch of the imagination.

Solving Otto's Murder

a screenshot from Pentiment in which a crowd decides who killed Otto

Andreas returns in Act 2 of Pentiment as a famous illuminator. His penchant for solving a mystery is tested again when the local firebrand Otto starts to rally the townspeople against the Abbey after its harsh treatment of the local inhabitants. Otto is killed, and Andreas has another tight deadline to solve the case as players search for clues.

Pentiment does a great job of shedding just enough light to raise a player's suspicions without providing a full answer. This, in part, is what makes these decisions so hard – there is never enough definitive evidence to point to an obvious killer. The player's accusation will have consequences, but they can never really be sure they've chosen the right person.

Pentiment's Saint Conspiracy

a screenshot from Pentiment in which a priest talks about the origins of the saints

The final Act of Pentiment presents another difficult choice – whether to reveal the truth of the town's patron saints and their unchristian origins or maintain Father Thomas' cover-up. Players are able to decide what is depicted in Magdalene's mural as she paints the history of the town, and the crucial last panel is based on how gamers choose to resolve this decades-long mystery.

Conversations, relationships, and storytelling are key pillars of Pentiment's gameplay and that means that players are able to form deep bonds with the town and the people that live there. They're able to see them grow and change over the years, and they can become truly invested in Tassing's fate. This makes the final decision feel particularly weighty as they decide what Andreas and Magdalene will do with the revelation.

Pentiment is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. It is also available on Xbox Game Pass.

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