After making its debut last year at E3 2015, PC Gamer's 'PC Gaming Show' will be returning For E3 2016 and promises 'tons of new announcements and exclusive reveals'.

It's only the middle of February and E3 2016 is still four months away, but planning and preparations are in full swing for the year's most hyped video game convention. Today's announcement comes from PC Gamer, who revealed that its PC Gaming Show is coming back for E3 2016.

PC Gaming Show's inaugural showcase at E3 2015 was a welcome addition to proceedings, but it wasn't without its faults. While last year's show saw the announcement of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition for PC and Frontier's Planet Coaster, it also clocked in at a lengthy two and a half hours, featured a number of superficial special guests, and was stuffed with numerous advertisements for AMD. PC Gamer has acknowledged last year's shortcomings and promised that this year's show will be "even better," "more focused," and that there will be "tons of new announcements and exclusive reveals."

With the announcement of PC Gaming Show's return to E3, that brings the number of confirmed briefings for this year's show to three. What's interesting is that the PC Gaming Show's timeslot actually clashes with the slot usually occupied by EA's Press Conference. However, EA is also doing things a little differently, by holding its press conference on the Sunday prior to E3.

Just a couple of weeks ago, EA announced that it plans on scrapping its traditional E3 booth display in favor of a new initiative called "EA Play". This new EA initiative will kick off with live showcases in Los Angeles and London during the week of E3 2016, and each event will feature hands-on game demos, competitions, live streams, special guest appearances, exclusive memorabilia, and “much more.” For those interested in attending, EA Play is free and spaces are limited, so fans should sign up through the EA Play website as soon as possible.

The third confirmed E3 2016 showing so far comes from Bethesda, who recently announced plans for their second official E3 Showcase. The publisher's 2015 keynote was one of E3 2015's highlights, but there is speculation that they have some big announcements in store for this year. With Doom launching prior to E3 and Fallout 4 DLC on its way, perhaps this year's show will see new reveals pertaining to some of Bethesda's other popular franchises such as BrinkWolfenstein, or The Evil Within. It may be a long shot, but there's also a chance that the long-awaited follow-up to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim could be announced.

With four months still to go and many more E3 2016 announcements expected to come in the following weeks, gamers can quell their E3 cravings by taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting some of E3's greatest moments.

PC Gamer's E3 PC Gaming Show is scheduled for June 13 and will start at 12 noon PST / 3 PM EST.

Source: GameSpot