E3 season is a wonderful time for just about anyone in the gaming world. The E3 festivities took a slight break last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but now they're back in full force and with all-new, digital formats. Companies from all across the industry are making their names heard this year with huge reveals, and Koch Media has announced a slew of new things to get gamers excited. Perhaps one of the most thrilling is the fact that the next installment in the Payday franchise, Payday 3, is in early development.

The Payday franchise is known for its frenetic, FPS gameplay that allows players to live out a lavish life of crime. The games are known for their particularly silly nature at times, especially with Payday 2 recently introducing a comically large spoon to the game, so they're perfect for gamers that are just looking for some fun. Game ZXC attended a Koch Media pre-show that included some information on Payday 3, and what players can expect when it releases.

RELATED: The Payday 2 Community Spooning Challenge Explained

What To Expect From Payday 3

Payday 3 Artwork Koch Media

Payday 3 is still in the very early stages of development, but even still it seems like the game is in pretty good hands. It's currently being helmed by Starbreeze Studios, the same developer that worked on Payday 2, and it will also be a part of the newly introduced Prime Matter publishing label from Koch Media. Given how early in development Payday 3 is, there isn't much information that is ready to be revealed just yet, but Koch Media did provide a general summary for fans to build hype over.

"The latest upcoming installment in this high-octane first person co-op shooter game, set in a Hollywood-like environment, lets players live out the fantasy of being a world-class career criminal who joins the legendary PAYDAY gang to master the art of heisting."

Hype has already been pretty high ever since it was announced that Payday 3 is happening, and the news of it being in early development is a great sign for fans. With the full support of Koch Media and the new Prime Matter label on its side, Payday 3 appears to be in very good hands.

Now that the newest console generation is starting to gain steam, hopefully Payday 3 will take full advantage of the new technology to expand on the franchise while maintaining the Payday spirit.

Payday 3 is currently in development for a projected 2023 release.

MORE: Payday 2: 10 Must-Use Skills That Make Heists Way Easier