In the ancient world of Pax Dei, crafting is crucial for your character to survive. With countless resources around, you are going to have to be inventive to construct anything starting from scratch, with whatever resources you can scavenge.

Thus, it goes without saying that the initial resources are vital for your survival, and taking some time to find these items is important. Among these vital resources is Flint, which is used to craft many items in the game. If you wish to get this particular resource, read this guide.

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How to Get Flint

Flint is a crucial resource in Pax Dei, used to craft numerous tools, such as Flinthead arrows and other cooking equipment. Luckily, this particular resource can be picked up directly, so you are not going to need any pickaxes or gathering tools.

However, finding Flint can be challenging since it’s not available everywhere. To locate Flint, look for a rock-shaped, gray-colored object on the ground. Stay observant as you move around, and when you spot one, approach it and press the E key to gather it.

Where to Find Flint

The most reliable places to find Flint is along rivers. When you explore, look for Flint deposits near the riverbanks. Flint usually has a distinct dark appearance, but you can adjust your game's brightness to make it easier to spot.

These rocks usually spawn in clusters, making them easier to collect once you've found one. Make sure to check the area thoroughly to avoid the chances of missing one. Nevertheless, you can carry up to 20 Flint in your inventory.

If you're having trouble finding Flint, it could be due to other players having already gathered it in heavily populated areas. In such cases, try to move further away from high-traffic areas to those with fewer people around. Additionally, as this resource respawns again, you can wait until it reappears, although the respawn time is currently unspecified.

How to Use Flint

In Pax Dei, Flint serves a crucial role as a crafting material. Its primary uses include:

Flinthead Arrows

These arrows are more powerful than wooden ones and become available once you find Flint. They are essential for hunting and combat.

Basic Fletching Tools

Flint is a component in crafting various basic fletching tools, which are necessary for crafting arrows and other ranged weaponry.

Basic Cooking Tool

Many essential cooking tools require Flint. These tools are vital for preparing and cooking food to sustain yourself in the game.

Basic Leatherworking Tools

Flint is also used in crafting basic leatherworking tools, which are needed for processing and crafting leather items.

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Pax Dei

July 18, 2024
Mainframe Industries
Mainframe Industries , New Tales
MMO , Sandbox