Companions. Without them, RPGs would most likely be a darker and more foreboding isolated experience. That's why any CRPG worth its salt usually gives players the best of them. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous understands this well. They know just how important companions are in their game, that they've made them a lot better compared to the ones in the preceding game.

Related: Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous

In fact, the developers might have gotten a little too generous with the number of companions this time around. There's more of them, meaning deciding which one to put in your party is a struggle worth welcoming. Well, it's a struggle nonetheless, which is why this list aims to make the decision-making process easier— by recommending the best. Now, since players can easily re-spec any characters without cost, their class has a lighter bearing on how these companions rank up. Instead, their personalities are given more spotlight.

Updated July 11 by Sid Natividad: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is more or less the best current CRPG right now and it's a huge step up to the aging formula. Part of that success is thanks to Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous' companions. There are plenty of those in the game and it can be hard to choose which to include in the limited party.

It just so happens that the latest DLC for the game has added even more Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous companions. Players get to have even more choices in their rather complex quest to stave off some demons.

Thus, it pays well, both literally and figuratively, to pick the best Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous companions. Because nothing beats the doom and gloom more than some interesting banter in the middle of a demonic invasion. These Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous best companions are all interesting in their own right, but these new additions are some of the best.

20 Staunton Vhane

  • Original class: Warpriest
  • Race: Dwarf/Undead
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil

He's a sturdy dwarf with some nifty abilities and stats, but right off the bat, Staunton Vhane doesn't set a good impression. In fact, the game even yells at the player's faces that this dwarf is up to no good. Sure enough, he runs back into Minagho's arms like a relapsed victim.

However, if players pick the Lich path, then they can reanimate Staunton Vhane as an undead dwarf Warpriest. Players can do this right after the liberation of Drezen in Act 3. That means there's still plenty of time to utilize this problematic dwarf. Just don't expect him to be apologetic or talkative.

19 Sosiel

  • Original class: Cleric
  • Race: Human
  • Alignment: Neutral Good

Sosiel is a standard Cleric typically found in preset or premade characters for tabletop RPGs or even other video games. To that end, he's bland enough to be treated like a wallflower but still useful in a pinch. That's because he follows the Cleric path religiously.

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That is until war takes its toll on Sosiel, and he starts gambling with his ally soldiers. In one instance, Sosiel even invites violence as a means of coping. Beyond that, he's a straight-laced gentleman and not someone who finds conflict or arguments with other party members too often.

18 Trever

trever in pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Fighter/Paladin/Hellknight
  • Race: Human
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Trever is Sosiel's brother, and he's a lot less altruistic than that goody-two-shoes Cleric. In order to recruit him, players must also follow a set of triggers and dialogue choices involving Sosiel during Act 4. It boils down to making Sosiel think of Trever as a "victim."

In any case, players would want to have Trever as he's one of the most versatile melee fighters in the game. It's just that he's too easy to miss and by the time players acquire him, it's already near the final stages of the game and there might be better-built party members that can take on his role.

17 Aivu

aivu in pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: N/A
  • Race: Havoc Dragon
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good

Ever wanted a pet dragon that could actually fight and looks fancier than a familiar? Aivu is the best option in this category. He's one of the special companions in the game that's locked behind a certain Mythic Path. In this case, players will have to have picked the Azata Mythic Path.

Once players reach level 3 of Azata, then Aivu will make herself present. Aivu's level and abilities scale based off the players' Mythic Rank. The best part is that if she becomes large enough based on progression, players can ride her into battle as a mount. She can also hold conversations well and participate in some banter.

16 Delamere

delamere in pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Slayer
  • Race: Undead Human
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil

Delamere is one of the most unique companions in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous as she's an undead Ranger or Slayer in the party, depending on some circumstances. In any case, her appearance and inclusion would have been novel if not for another CRPG, Divinity: Original Sin 2, which portrayed undead companions more interestingly.

Introducing Delamere to the party is likely to just bring a lack of synergy in the team composition due to her race or state of life (or lack thereof). Having to stock up on Inflict Wound scrolls can be daunting unless there's already an undead companion present.

15 Wenduag

Wenduag (Mongrel Ranger)
  • Original class: Fighter
  • Race: Mongrelman
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil

Wenduag is one of the first few peculiar companions that players will meet in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and it's quite hard to like her, personality-wise. That's because she comes off as shady and snarky. In fact, she'll even run off and betray the players if they take the more sensible path for the Mongrelmen.

To that end, Wenduag can be a hard sell for many people even though she might actually be better in combat compared to the other Mongrelman party member, Lann. It's just that Lann is the more pleasing of the two and provides a friendly face and voice to the party.

14 Greybor

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Greybor
  • Original class: Slayer
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Alignment: True Neutral

Don't be put off by Greybor's seemingly boring facade, he's the very definition of a True Neutral, which, in D&Dand Pathfinder, means a rigid mercenary. He's a true professional, in that regard, and only works when needed or when payment is available.

Related: Best Potions In Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous

That means his staying behind to fight for the player is quite an honor. In fact, Greybor's introduction also puts him in a good spotlight. He just walks around the battlefield all invisible and hamstrings a huge demon to submission. How cool is that for a Slayer companion?

13 Queen Galfrey

Queen-Galfrey in pathfinder wotre
  • Original class: Bard
  • Race: Undead Human
  • Alignment: N/A

Here's a weird companion some players might not even know exists. Recruiting Queen Galfrey is only possible through the Lich Mythic Path. There's a small window of opportunity in the Heart of the Fallen Land quest where players can kill her. Afterward, they're given the option to raise her as undead and include her in the party.

Galfrey starts off as a bard, which is always a useful support class to have in the game. The dialogue options are little to none after her revival but having an undead queen walking around ought to be enough as a story.

12 Rekarth

rekarth in pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Rogue
  • Race: Tiefling
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Rekarth is an additional character added through the Through the Ashes DLC adventure. As far as roles go, his spot is sadly already taken by someone more charismatic like Woljif. He also starts off as a Rogue who's also a Tiefling, very much like Woljif.

Still, the class system in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is quite versatile, and players can make Rekarth multiclass or change his class altogether. If not, then a second Rogue in the party might fare well, especially in boss fights or if players need to take out several priority targets fast.

11 Sendri

sendri in pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Sorcerer
  • Race: Gnome
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good

Sendri is another character accessible only in the Through the Ashes DLC adventure. Between him and Rekarth, however, Sendri is a bit more desirable in the party thanks to his base class which is the Sorcerer (Seeker). She functions similarly to Nenio but with the nuances of the Sorcerer class.

The thing about Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous' late-game is that players can never have too many spellcasters that either dispel illusions, cast illusions, or rain a metric ton of crowd-control spells on enemy clusters. In this regard, Sendri is always welcome as an extra pair of spellcasting hands.

10 Seelah

  • Original class: Paladin
  • Race: Human
  • Alignment: Lawful Good

Seelah starts off as a Paladin. You can change her class but truth be told, her personality and morals don't give much room for experimentation. She's a typical goody-two-shoes type that will always shoot a disapproving nod every time the player helps a lich or becomes too violent.

Still, when it comes to being a dedicated party tank, one will find Seelah more than adequate. Just let her charge first and soak up all the enemy aggression and it's smooth sailing from there. That's assuming she keeps the Paladin stereotype.

9 Camellia

  • Original class: Shaman
  • Race: Half-Elf
  • Alignment: Hidden (it's a surprise)

Camellia has had nothing but luxuries during her upbringing so that's well-reflected in her demeanor. Her personality is thus a double-edged sword. On one hand, she's sophisticated but on the other hand, she's one of the worst snobs in the game. Put her and Lann in the party and players will quickly see how much of a pampered and privileged brat Camellia can be at times.

Related: Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous – The Best Feats

Her father is no better; Horgus Gwerm is a lying and pretentious social climber and some of that has rubbed off on Camellia. Still, it's worth following up on Camellia's questline since she has an interesting secret that will surely be a narrative delight.

8 Ember

ember in pathfinder wotre

Players will find no other companion more pleasant than Ember. She just radiates positivity and benevolence with each word she utters or action she performs. The initial Witch class certainly doesn't detract from her morals.

Even as Camellia calls her a beggar or even if Woljif bullied her when they were kids, Ember doesn't harbor any ill-will toward them. To that end, she's even a better example of a good and holy paragon when compared to the best that the Crusaders have to offer.

7 Finnean

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Finnean
  • Original class: N/A
  • Race: N/A
  • Alignment: N/A

Finnean is more or less one of the most unique companions to ever exist in CRPGs. That's because he's a talking weapon. To be more precise, his soul got fused with a weapon that can turn into any weapon type. That alone makes him highly useful.

Related: Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous – The Best Traits

Such a trait makes Finnean one of the most helpful or most available companions in the game. Moreover, he's quite fun (or even tragic) to talk to as initially, he still believes that he's a human. Self-awareness kicks in later which doesn't diminish Finnean's optimism and eagerness one bit.

6 Lann

pathfinder lann
  • Original class:Monk
  • Race: Mongrel
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Speaking of optimism, Lann has that in spades but he imparts it with a more laid-back and sometimes sarcastic approach. In any case, he's just a chill character in any social aspect that players likely won't hesitate in calling him a "bro."

Thus, players can count on Lann to be a reliable dude. That's not just in conversations or combat but also in exploration. Lann has one of the highest Mobility or Athleticism scores in the game, making him a must-have for checking every nook and cranny.

5 Regill

regill pathfinder
  • Original class: Hellknight
  • Race: Gnome
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil

Regill is one of the few companions in Wrath of the Righteous that's vertically challenged. That's because he's a Gnome though that doesn't mean other party members can make fun of him without snarky repercussions. Regill is also a Hellknight, basically extremist Paladins whose morals are more "flexible."

Related: Things We Loved About Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous (& Things We Didn't)

That explains his alignment. Despite his beliefs, however, Regill is very much ready to help in the Crusade and he's also one of the few characters in the game who are immune to negative level status effects. Hence, he can be a better tank compared to Seelah.

4 Woljif

Woljif (Tiefling Rogue)
  • Original class: Rogue
  • Race: Tiefling
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

As far as stereotypes in RPG go, Woljif is almost a poster boy of the Tiefling race. He's shady, deceptive, and yes, demonic. However, he carries it so well that having him in the party is quite a riot. He makes every banter more interesting and even his quests take the players on a wild criminal underground ride.

As such, having Woljif in the crusade is high-risk and high-reward. Personality-wise, he's witty, clever, and crafty— even his upbringing ensured that he will become a Rogue; picking any other class for him is a waste of a good Woljif.

3 Arueshalae

arueshalae pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Ranger
  • Race: Succubus
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Wrath of the Righteous keeps taking the cake when it comes to unique companions and Arueshalae is another great example. She's a bad girl gone good, literally. That's because she was a Succubus or demon who killed countless people under the guise of earthly pleasure.

Related: Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous: The Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

Now, she's atoning for all her sins by joining the Crusade and fighting against her kind. What makes her endearing as a companion is how she's genuinely curious about what used to be her victims and keeps trying her best to observe and understand the opposite end of the spectrum. With her in the party, everyone's basically trying to teach a demon some "humanity."

2 Nenio

nenio pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Wizard
  • Race: Kitsune
  • Alignment: True Neutral

For some, Nenio is a polarizing character since she only cares about research and scientific experiments. She loves science and that's Nenio business. Often, she comes off as unsociable, smug, or condescending but nevertheless makes in-game activities lively that would otherwise be mundane.

For starters, her Wizard spells are some of the most devastating and useful in the game. Even without those, Nenio's character is just exuding flavor even though the taste is of bitter black coffee. That sums up Nenio well; it can be repulsive, but it makes everything more energetic and positively anxious— if that's even possible.

1 Daeran

daeran pathfinder wotr
  • Original class: Oracle
  • Race: Aasimar
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil

One would think that healer-types would fall into the "good" moral alignment but Daeran is a walking irony. He's also a walking pompous cretin, but one can't ask or find a better healer in Wrath of the Righteous. Initially, players might want to discard Daeran and shove him into the Worldwound but over time, they'll get used to his self-importance and noble snotty attitude.

That only means players can make fun of him and choose the more disrespectful dialogue options. Daeran won't mind; he'll probably come up with a colorful retort, thus resulting in a comedic exchange. This literal and figurative life of the party is one you'll love to hate and as far as insufferable people go, he's the most "sufferable."

Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous was released on September 2, 2021, and is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

More: Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous