
  • The Necromancer class in Path of Exile specializes in summoning and enhancing minions for improved damage and effectiveness in battle.
  • Certain armor sets, such as The Queen's Hunger and Bloodbond, offer bonuses and enhancements specifically tailored for Necromancer builds.
  • Unique armor pieces like Vis Mortis and Cloak of Tawm'r Isley provide unique benefits, such as trading minion life for increased damage output and granting blindness immunity for minions.

The Witch character class in Path of Exile features three ascendency classes that act as subclasses to let the player specialize within a particular element of magic. The Necromancer class is an example of this. As the name suggests, those playing as a Necromancer will have additional benefits concerning the dead and undead. This gives players access to a passive skill tree centered around builds prioritizing minion damage and more general additions to 'offering' skills.

Path Of Exile: Every Ascendancy Ranked From Worst To Best

With 19 Ascendancy classes to pick from, the Path of Exile player base is spoiled for choice. How do the Ascendancies rank from worst to best?

Minions are monsters, summoned by the player, that act as allies in the fight against enemies. The Necromancy subclass greatly improves the player's ability to use these minions, increasing their damage, health, and general ability. Numerous armor sets within the game will build upon the bonuses granted by the Necromancer skill tree. Find and equip the following armor to become the greatest Necromancer on the battlefield.

5 The Queen's Hunger

For Those Who Enjoy 'Offering' Skills

Path of exile Red armour in energy shield
  • Energy Shield: 342-453
  • Required Level: 68
  • Required Intelligence Stat: 194

Starting with the general bonuses: Queen's Hunger offers a general improvement to players magic-casting abilities with a 5-10% bonus to cast time and a 100-130% and 6-10% boost to the energy shield and maximum life respectively. With this armor, every 5 seconds an offering skill is triggered at random. This can be Bone Offering, Flesh Offering, or Spirit Offering. Bone offering will grant player's minions an increased chance to block attacks, flesh will grant minions with increased speed and spirit will grant minions with an increased critical hit chance. All of these will also apply to the player as well.

This is a powerful piece of armor that constantly benefits players and their minions. To have the best chance of acquiring this piece of armor, head to the Mastermind's Lair once at level 68. Here, defeat Catarina, Master of the Undead to have a decent chance of her dropping it once defeated.

4 Bloodbond

Dexterity And Intelligence Boosts

  • Energy Shield: 82-107
  • Evasion: 388-512
  • Required Level: 35
  • Required Dexterity and Intelligence Stat: 53

This piece of armor is perfect for those wishing to build a Necromancer while not wishing to compromise on either magic-casting or movement speed. It grants a 100-120% boost to energy shield and evasion and a minimum 15% increase to maximum life. Minions summoned will benefit from a 20-30% boost to maximum life, a regeneration rate of 1% life every second, and a chance to repel spell damage. This will keep the player's minions alive for longer, allowing for higher damage output and a prolonged distraction away from main party members.

Path Of Exile: 10 Pro Tips For The Witch Class

The Witch can help turn the tides of battle in Path of Exile. Here's how to get the best out of the class, according to the pros.

The best chance to get this piece is to collect 6 of The Army of Blood divination cards to trade for the armor. These cards can only be found in a certain number of locations:

  • Poorjoy's Asylum
  • Shrine
  • The Lunaris Temple Level 2

3 Fleshcrafter

A More Complex Style

Path of exile in game screenshot with minions
  • Energy Shield: 246-367
  • Required Level: 59
  • Required Intelligence Stat: 160

The Fleshcrafter armor should appeal to players seeking a more complex build. Fleshcrafter's most important bonus is its ability to turn any chaos resistance a minion has into an energy shield. Alongside this, enemy chaos damage does not bypass the energy shield of minions and they have a faster shield recharge rate. This armor allows minions to have incredible defensive bonuses.

Players should be careful not to stack too much chaos resistance into minions though as too much can cause minions to die immediately upon summoning due to all their life being converted away. Fleshcrafter can be dropped anywhere as well as being chanced.

2 Vis Mortis

Trade Life For Damage

In-game screenshot character surrounded by magic
  • Energy Shield: 369-470
  • Required Level: 59
  • Required Intelligence Stat: 160

This unique variant of the aptly named Necromancer Silks, Vis Mortis allows players to trade off the life of their minions in exchange for a far higher damage output. All minions have 20% less life but with a 15% boost to damage.

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Furthermore, 20% of elemental damage by minions is converted into chaos damage. This will make it far easier to bypass energy shields and attack the health of enemies directly. An additional bonus is a 200% increase to the energy shield. Vis Mortis can drop anywhere and can be acquired through various random recipes.

1 Cloak of Tawm'r Isley

Increased Chance Of Blinding Enemies

Hooded and cloaked character fighting enemies on bridge Path of Exile
  • Energy Shield: 287-396
  • Required Level: 56
  • Required Intelligence Stat: 152

Whilst using the Cloak of Tawm'r Isley, players' minions cannot be blinded and have a 15% chance to blind any enemy on a hit. This will make enemies significantly less accurate with their attacks whilst preventing minions from gaining the same condition.

It also grants the player the level 16 skill Life Leech to support any socketed minion gems. This will grant the player a certain amount of health depending on the effect of a minion attack. Due to its place in the game as a supporter-made item, this particular cloak can only be found in the Syndicate Hideouts. Specifically in the reward rooms of Elreon.

Path of Exile

PC , Xbox One , PS4 , macOS
October 23, 2013
Grinding Gear Games
Action RPG