
  • Diablo 4's Druid class has faced issues in gameplay and performance, particularly in comparison to other classes like the Sorcerer and Necromancer.
  • Path of Exile 2 needs to offer a distinct and effective Druid class to stand out among fans and avoid the pitfalls experienced by Diablo 4.
  • Grinding Gear Games has teased an augmented feature for the Druid in Path of Exile 2, aiming to provide a good depth of buildcrafting options.

In modern-day RPGs, character archetypes are usually born from popular fantasy tropes such as warriors, thieves, and sorcerers -- although developers find ways to infuse an element of unique identity in their classes through base abilities and limitations. The Druid is one of the fantasy classes enjoying a rise in fame in recent years with groundbreaking appearances in Baldur's Gate 3 and Diablo 4. Diablo 4's Druid features a few mountains for players to surmount, and Path of Exile 2 would do well to avoid the Blizzard IP's pitfalls in its class adaptation.

Diablo 4, despite its status as one of the most anticipated games before its release in 2023, has had a turbulent time in cementing itself as the premier seasonal ARPG due to a plethora of issues in its gameplay. Ideally, character class choice shouldn't impact a video game's enjoyment factor, and although this feat admittedly isn't easy to accomplish, Diablo 4's issues in this regard have taken center stage. Experiences have varied with each season of the IP, but Druid builds have felt maligned due to the consistent middling performance. Path of Exile 2 needs to offer the class a distinctly different outlook for it to make a splash among fans.

Diablo 4 Ground Stomp Is More Useful Than You Might Realize

Ground Stomp may have an undocumented functionality, as Barbarians in Diablo 4 can seemingly use it to boost their already formidable survival skills.

Druids Require More Attention in Path of Exile 2

Path of Exile 2

Druid builds had a notably tough time going toe-to-toe with Sanctuary's higher-level bosses in Diablo 4's recently concluded Season of Blood. On paper, the Druid seems fun to use and was initially heralded to repeat the original's success, combining a blend of formidable melee prowess and spellcasting.

Diablo 4's Druids Are Lagging Behind Other Classes

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However, players complained of an almost comical DPS effect compared to the likes of the Sorcerer and Necromancer, often needing no small measure of luck to succeed in battles. This is a breeding ground for frustration in a game with notoriously tough endgame boss fights.

Diablo 4's lackluster Druid performance in its seasons provides a lesson for Path of Exile 2 to learn from, avoiding the appearance of depth in favor of actual effectiveness. One of the main draws of Path of Exile 2 is its diversity in classes and subclasses, following in the varied footsteps of Baldur's Gate 3 in the hopes of emulating the title's far-reaching success. However, class diversity is only a part of what makes RPGs reach the elusive peak of video gaming fame, and fans are waiting to see what unique features Grinding Gear Games is adding to its archetypes to bring to the ARPG scene.

Path of Exile 2's Augmented Approach Could Fix the Druid

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There are some marked similarities to Diablo 4's embattled implementation, but the level of detail in the Druid teased by Grinding Gear could make all the difference in scaling player experiences in Path of Exile 2. A perfect Druid needs to walk the thin line between magical mastery and physical dominance to offer gamers the best of both worlds. Diablo 4's Druid issue lies in its balancing -- it's ideal for manipulating mobs using crowd control effects, but its matchups with bosses leave a bad taste in the mouths of its users.

Diablo 4's problem is arguably born out of Blizzard's mix-and-match approach to the Druid's skills, so Path of Exile 2 must toe a different path for it to find purchase among gamers. Grinding Gear Games has already given an insight into what to expect from the upcoming title, reportedly offering an augmented feature to advance the Druid's buildcrafting to previously unseen heights. With the push for increased personalization in the gaming industry, augmenting might be the answer Path of Exile 2 needs to avoid falling into the same trap as Diablo 4's Druid.