
  • Path of Exile 2 is revamping skills and classes to provide players with more variety and depth in gameplay.
  • The addition of seasonal Ascendancy classes could offer unique bonuses and challenges for players to explore.
  • While the idea of temporary classes is exciting, it may also lead to overwhelming choices and FOMO for players.

Path of Exile 2 seeks to be an overall improved and more polished version of the original game launched over ten years ago, dramatically updating graphics and gameplay along the way. Nearly every aspect of the original is touched upon in some way, with a big example being how Path of Exile 2's skills and their linked support Gems work. Another massive change comes in the form of Path of Exile 2's classes, which are nearly double the original's in terms of numbers, and they offer plenty of variety with each class having its own specialization and accompanying Ascendancy classes to further spec into. With a continued focus on live-service elements, Ascendancy classes are precisely what Path of Exile 2 can work with to create exciting seasonal offerings.

Diablo 4's live-service approach hasn't been doing well so far, with the game suffering from a lack of meaningful endgame grinds and poor itemization, meaning Path of Exile 2 has a chance to steal its thunder and double down on it. Not only does Path of Exile 2 have a strong basis for seasonal content in the original title, with the approach being tied to Leagues - releases where new activities, bosses, and items are introduced, but its staggering number of classes can come in handy for extra hype.

Why Path of Exile 2 is Skipping Over the Scion Class

Path of Exile 2 is seemingly dropping one of the original's most iconic classes, as the Scion is not listed as a returning class for the sequel.

Path of Exile 2's Leagues Could Take Ascendancy Classes To The Next Level

The Argument for New Path of Exile 2 Ascendancy Classes

It's not uncommon for Path of Exile Leagues to add many new things that keep players engaged, from powerful new Skill Gems to endgame grinds that feature hidden or very difficult bosses. However, what the game hasn't really experimented with so far is the concept of "seasonal classes," meaning that a new Ascendancy class is added for each character. This may seem like an exceptional challenge, and from a developmental standpoint it is, but these temporary classes could have nodes and Notable passives that work alongside the themes of a given League or seasonal release.

These new Ascendancy classes could hypothetically provide players with passive boons for their characters when tackling all content, but give increased bonuses in seasonal activities and when finding League-exclusive loot. Then, these Ascendancy classes could have Notable nodes that experiment on the initial concepts of each of Path of Exile 2's classes, essentially allowing Grinding Gear Games to experiment with abandoned ideas, archetypes, and potential changes to the formula. The temporary classes would only be available for a given League, which would make for a powerful marketing tool when revealing new releases to players.

The Pros and Cons of Seasonal Ascendancy Classes in Path of Exile 2

Why Temporary Path of Exile 2 Classes Can Be a Blessing and a Curse

With Path of Exile 2 featuring 12 classes and three Ascendancies for each, a fourth Ascendancy class can be a lot to manage, and it may end up giving players too many options for their own sake. In an already complex game where new seasonal content will already increase the offering by a significant margin, extra classes may not only feel too much, but they may also end up fostering FOMO (the fear of missing out) due to their limited availability. This is something live-service games have to be wary about, especially in the current era.

However, new Ascendancy classes tied to Leagues may end up spicing Path of Exile 2's gameplay very often, especially if the current three or four-month schedule for each release is kept the same. Many new options in each League can be an enticing prospect for veterans and newcomers alike, making for an interesting addition to the existing formula. Another option could be releasing temporary Ascendancy classes with yearly expansions rather than Leagues, providing players with some respite if they want to experience new games without the fear of missing out on live-service elements. Either way, this is a unique concept that Path of Exile 2 could pull off, but it remains speculation for the time being.

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Path of Exile 2

Grinding Gear Games' Path of Exile 2 is an action RPG that takes place years after its predecessor's events. A free-to-play project with multiplayer, POE2 features a six-part campaign along with an endgame.

PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PS5
Grinding Gear Games
Grinding Gear Games
Action RPG