Despite some complaints about a lack of offline play and microtransactions, Party Animals certainly seems to be a success. Not only has Party Animals reviewed quite well, but the game’s player count on Steam suggests it has been a sales success on top of that. With the charming Gang Beasts-like title also being available through Xbox Game Pass, a massive player base is essentially guaranteed. And with that success comes an opportunity for crossovers, with one particular Marvel franchise coming to mind.

Even if this cute Xbox Game Pass title is not able to secure an official deal with Marvel, some parody skins could easily be released. After all, Party Animals already offers unofficial crossover skins based on Neo from The Matrix, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. As such, sneaking in a reference to Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy could very much be in the cards. Specifically, Rocket and his companions from Vol. 3 could be adapted, with a few character models already existing that would be perfect for the collaboration.

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Rocket, Teefs, Floor, and Lylla Would Be Amazing Additions to Party Animals

baby rocket raccoon in guardians of the galaxy 3

With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, James Gunn finally got the opportunity to explore Rocket’s origin story, and the result was a genuine tear-jerker. In a short amount of time, Gunn was able to establish three important figures in young Rocket’s life, those being Teefs, Floor, and Lylla. While their lack of appearances in the previous films made their fates clear from the get-go, the journey to that inevitable tragedy was unforgettable. All three of these characters are likable, and while none may be as deep as Rocket, fans would surely love more time with them.

Like Rocket, the other three critters have distinct designs, with Floor boasting a mechanical jaw, Teefs being stuck in a wheelchair, and Lylla having robotic arms. These traits would help make potential skins stand out in Party Animals, as they are different enough to be sought after but do not change so much that they would make the animals indistinguishable from their base looks. While the skins would be a sad reminder of Rocket Racoon’s trauma, they would also be a cool homage to a stellar MCU film, and Recreate Games already has three out of the four models it needs for such a crossover.

While the character model for Carrot the Bunny is certainly larger than the tiny Floor from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, a makeover resembling Floor is still very doable. A white coat of fur, red eyes, a mechanical jaw, and spider legs could make Carrot look like a fully grown Floor, allowing players to imagine what life could have been like for the character. Since Lylla keeps her Otter appearance despite being larger than a normal Otter, she could easily be translated to the game, with Otta simply needing Lylla’s arms and other small touches for the skin to work. Teefs would be the easiest to pay homage to, as Tuskarr just needs to be placed in a wheelchair.

However, while Rocket’s companions would be quite simple to make skins for, Rocket himself would require a bit more effort. This is because there is currently no Racoon character in Party Animals, so Recreate Games would have to design one before it can even make a Rocket cosmetic. Still, given the popularity of Raccoons, it seems likely that one will come eventually. Similarly, the enduring love fans have for the Guardians of the Galaxy makes a Rocket skin very likely, even if it comes in the form of an unofficial design with a clever name like “Missile.”

If Recreate Games can land a Marvel crossover, though, official skins based on these four High Evolutionary test subjects would surely be a big hit. Plus, if the developer wanted some cosmetics based on less tragic characters, Cosmo the Spacedog could be adapted, with the character Fluffy donning a cute space suit. Considering that a Party Animals crossover with the Ori franchise has been announced, collaborations do seem to be on the table, making a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 team-up a genuine possibility.

Party Animals is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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