Papers, Please can be a grueling game at times. Players have a family to feed, documents to pore over, and an oppressive regime looking to make their lives miserable with new rules every day. For those who enjoy checking documents, though, it can be a lot of fun - and for completionists, the game offers several endings with varying levels of complexity. Some are also accompanied by a trophy/achievement, too.

Believe it or not, Papers, Please features 20 endings - and most of them could be considered bad outcomes for its protagonist. Players will no doubt want to see them all, and this guide will provide full details on each one to help both new and expert players see everything the game has to offer.

Warning: This list contains spoilers!

RELATED: The Papers, Please Short Film Is Here

Papers, Please Endings (and How to Get Them)

Papers, Please

Ending Number / Achievement

How To Unlock

Special Conditions

Ending #1

Have a negative money balance at the end of any day


Ending #2

All family members die from hunger or illness

Day 4 or above only

Ending #3 - 'Too Honest'

Give EZIC documents to the booth inspector

Day 12 only

Ending #4

Turn away the EZIC agent on day 14 and start day 15

Take a bribe on day 11 or 12

Ending #5

Shoot a random person with a sniper rifle

Day 23 or above only

Ending #6

Shoot a random person with a tranquilizer gun

Day 16 or above only

Ending #7

Shoot a guard with a sniper rifle

Day 23 or above only

Ending #8

Shoot a guard with a tranquilizer gun

Day 16 or above only

Ending #9 - 'Hired Rifle'

Shoot the man in red as he's running on day 23

Day 23 only

Ending #10

Tranquilize the man in red as he's running on day 23

Day 23 only

Ending #11

Get caught with unauthorized booth decorations hung up

Day 30 only - after getting caught on day 20

Ending #12

Detain Shae Piersovska on day 25 and start day 26


Ending #13

Only shoot the lower attacker on day 31

Help EZIC fewer than four times

Ending #14

Shoot both attackers on day 31

Help EZIC four times or more

Ending #15

Shoot an attacker, and let the wall blow up on day 31

Help EZIC four times or more

Ending #16

Escape to Obristan without all family members

Day 29 or later only. At least 25 credits are needed.

Ending #17

Shoot both attackers on day 31 and end the day normally

Help EZIC 1–3 times.

Ending #18 - 'Snowier Pastures'

Escape to Obristan with all family members

Day 29 or later only. 1 Obristan passport and 25 credits per family member are needed.

Ending #19 - 'Member of the Order'

Do not shoot the attackers on day 31

Help EZIC four times or more

Ending #20 - 'Glory to Arstotzka'

Shoot both attackers on day 31

Do not help EZIC - not even once.

Bonus Ending

Get killed by any means


Papers, Please is available now on Mac, PC, PlayStation Vita, and mobile devices.

MORE: Papers, Please Review