
  • Look closely at the environment for clues on how to fold and manipulate the paper to progress through the game efficiently.
  • Interact with objects in the environment to uncover hidden passageways and trigger environmental puzzles that will help Paige advance.
  • Pay attention to character interactions for valuable insights and clues that can unravel the mysteries hidden within the paper world.

Origami is taking the virtual world by storm. Paper Trail is an adventure puzzle game that welcomes players to a mystical world of paper. Players control Paige, a young girl venturing out on her own for the first time, despite her parents' disapproval. This gripping, single-player puzzle game is one of the first of its kind. The entire game is paper-based, and players solve puzzles by folding and manipulating the paper environment. The narrative intertwines with the gameplay mechanics, with players uncovering secrets and progressing through the story as they solve puzzles.

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While it may seem easy, Paper Trail becomes quite complex, and may leave new players feeling defeated on their first try. The seemingly simple act of virtual origami requires creative thinking and a little bit of technique. For anyone struggle on their paper-folding adventures, look no further than these beginner tips for Paper Trail.

4 Investigate The Scenery

A Keen Eye For Detail Makes For Simpler Gameplay

Paper Trail Scenery-1
  • Observe and think ahead to avoid rushing and making mistakes
  • The solution may not always be obvious, so creative thinking is necessary

The art style in Paper Trail is very pretty, and players will find themselves getting lost in the vibe. Before making a move, players should take a good look at the environment Paige is in. Examining how different paper sections connect will determine how folding one might affect others. While appreciating the scenic beauty, look for clues embedded within the artwork itself.

The solution might not always be obvious. Sometimes, folding in an unexpected direction or combining folds with other interactive elements in the environment might be the key to allowing Paige to progress her story. There is no penalty for folding, so why not keep trying?

3 Interact With The Environment

Beyond The Fold: Interactive Objects

Paper Trail In The Details
  • Pushing and pulling objects will help Paige progress through the map
  • Reveal hidden passageways, activate mechanisms, or even trigger environmental puzzles by moving objects

Sometimes the solution lies in a simple twist or turn. Try rotating, pulling, pushing, twisting, turning - try it all. Moving objects that may look locked in place could unlock doors, reveal hidden compartments, or even shift the perspective of the environment itself, offering a fresh look at the puzzle at hand.

Beginners should pay close attention all to the pages. Not everything is as it seems. Is there a faint outline or a small detail that hints at interactivity? These subtle clues can be the difference between overlooking a key element and unlocking a new path forward. Certain objects in the environment might just be designed to be moved. For example, players will find there are many large boulders that Paige can push or pull out of the way, making the paper foldable and revealing the path ahead. Keep an eye out for objects on tracks, embedded with levers, or anything that seems slightly out of place - it might be begging to be interacted with.

2 Listen To Characters

Unravel The Narrative With Important Clues

Paper Trail Talk To Characters
  • Interacting with NPCs can give valuable insight to the player and helpful clues to puzzles
  • Paige's story relies on character development and relationships that push the story forward

Paper Trail isn't just about manipulating paper; it's about the story and development of Paige as a character. Paige is on a journey of self-discovery in her young adulthood - something we all experience. Conversations with characters encountered along the way play a crucial role in unraveling the mysteries that lie hidden within the paper folds.

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The key to a puzzle might not be directly in story itself, but in the context of the conversation. Listen carefully, especially when characters discuss the history of the world or their own experiences. NPCs reveal secrets that add depth, dimension, and a small spark of joy to Paper Trail's gameplay. These seemingly casual exchanges, when viewed through the lens of a later puzzle, might hold the answer players have been searching for.

1 Perfect The Fold

Practice Folding Technique For Seamless Movement Across The Pages

Paper Trail Practice The Fold
  • Folding correctly means revealing hidden pathways to move Paige through pages
  • Almost all the mechanisms rely on folding pages correctly

The game's core mechanic is deceptively simple, yet endlessly creative: folding the paper itself. This seemingly basic act exists in a world of possibilities. Each fold transforms the environment and unlocks new pathways. After all, Paper Trail is exactly that: folding the paper to create Paige's trail. Folding doesn't just reveal new locations; it changes players' perspective on existing ones. By strategically folding sections of the environment, players might create bridges across gaps, unlock new vantage points, and view the game's beauty in a new light.

Once mastered, folding the paper is effective, and makes gameplay easy. New players may find the folding to be a bit tedious or difficult as they develop the reasoning skills needed to unlock the world's full potential. With a little patience, a keen eye, and these beginner tips in tow, players will be well on their way to mastering the art of the fold and uncovering the mysteries that lie hidden within the game.

Paper Trail

May 21, 2024
Newfangled Games
Newfangled Games
Puzzle , Adventure