Knowing the HP and abilities of your opponents in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door can be incredibly useful in battles. Though players can find and use the Peekaboo badge to see HP at all times, Goombella's Tattle ability can clue them in on important stats and information and also becomes permanent after a single use.

This information is stored in the game's Tattle Log and can be referenced at any time, both in and out of battle, if players need a refresher. Completing the entire Tattle Log will earn players a reward, but some entries may be more difficult for players to obtain.

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How to Get Missed Tattle Log Entries in TTYD

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Tattle Log for Hammer Bro

Unlike some RPGs, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door thankfully does not have any important missable content, and Tattle Log entries are no exception. Players are able to return to an enemy's location at any point during their adventure and have Goombella use her Tattle. However, for some one-off characters, a different approach will be needed.

For any enemies that players may have previously faced but can no longer encounter, their entries can be acquired by returning to Professor Frankly's lab in Rogueport. Across from his desk is a waste bin that is usually empty. If Mario has recently defeated a boss or an enemy (such as those from Chapter 7), a piece of paper can be seen in the bin. When interacted with, the enemy or enemies will be named, and their entries will be added to the Tattle Log.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Rawk Hawk Rematch in the Glitz Pit

If an enemy's entry does not appear in the bin, that means that they can still be encountered in battle somewhere in the game. For example, bosses and unique enemies from the Glitz Pit like Rawk Hawk or the Iron Adonis Twins can be challenged again after completing Chapter 3.

Complete the Tattle Log in TTYD

Players can use the complete Tattle Log in the gallery above to determine which entries they may be missing from their own logs. Most enemies will be easily encountered over the course of regular gameplay, but players may not come across a handful of them unless they purposefully seek them out.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Tattle Trophy

Once all the entries have been collected, Mario will receive an email congratulating him on the achievement. Players will also receive the Tattle Trophy for their efforts, one of three collection trophies needed to earn the final endgame reward.

Tattle Log 10: Where to Find Goomboard in TTYD

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Tattle Log Goomboard

One of the easily missed Tattle Log entries, especially for players familiar with the original game, is #10 Goomboard. This hand-drawn Goomba is only found within the Battle Master's practice room, where players are able to practice their action commands and timing on stylish moves. To find this enemy, players just need to speak with the Battle Master at any location and ask to practice.

Tattle Log 64: Where to Find Amazy Dayzee in TTYD

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Amazy Dayzee Tattle Log Entry

The most difficult of the entries to find comes as a shiny variant of a Crazy Dayzee, #64 Amazy Dayzee. This golden enemy has a very rare chance to spawn in battles on the Twilight Trail, specifically in the deeper, wooded areas. Although slightly less rare, they also have a chance to appear in battles on the final ten floors of the Pit of 100 Trials. They won't appear in the overworld, but players can keep running away from battles and leaving the area to try again.

Tattle Log 75: Where to Find Atomic Boo in TTYD

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Atomic Boo in Creepy Steeple

A secret, optional boss that players may have missed can be found within the Creepy Steeple as early as Chapter 4. Deep within the church, players can release and battle with Atomic Boo. Players first need to open the box beneath Creepy Steeple to release all the Boos. Back in the main hall, there will be a lone Boo that asks if Mario will be mean to it. If players say no, the previous flood of Boos will pour in and Mario will be surrounded each time he tries to pass through this area of the church.

He can dispel them using his hammer, but to summon Atomic Boo, players will need to specifically use the Super Hammer's Spin Attack twice. Upon doing this, the Boos will form together to create the giant Atomic Boo and attack Mario. Players will need to be ready to combat a range of status effects while remembering to use Tattle to secure their entry into the log.

Tattle Log 133: Where to Find Whacka in TTYD

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Tattle Log Whacka

In addition to Goomboard, two new entries exclusive to the Switch remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door can be found at the end of the Tattle Log. Both are incredibly challenging and not the most straightforward to find. The first of these entries is the mythical Whacka. This secret boss can only be found once players have cleared the Pit of 100 Trials at least once. Additionally, they must hit the Whacka found on Keelhaul Key eight times so that it no longer appears.

After both of these criteria have been met and some amount of time has passed, Mario will receive a special extra issue of Rogueport Direct Mail describing a fabled creature spotted in the depths of the Pit of 100 Trials. Players will once again need to delve through all 100 floors of the pit to find Whacka sitting in the middle. It's a tough fight, but as long as players remember to use Goombella's Tattle, they'll be able to walk away with the entry.

Tattle Log 134: Where to Find Prince Mush in TTYD

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Tattle Log Prince Mush

The second of the two new hidden boss fights is the Glitz Pit's original champion, Prince Mush. Although the idea of fighting him has always been hinted at, players are finally able to face off against him in the ring. In order to be able to challenge Prince Mush, players will need to fight their way back to the Champion title sometime after completing Chapter 3.

Following Chapter 7, Mario will receive a personal email from Prince Mush challenging him to a match in the ring. Players can return to their champion's room in the Glitz Pit and find Prince Mush at the top of the Exhibition Match menu. In the fight, knowing how to Superguard is required to overcome the former champ, but luckily, even if Mario is knocked out, players can still walk away with a Tattle Log entry.