Stylish Moves are a gameplay mechanic in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door that can fill the Special Gauge in battle. To use Stylish Moves, you simply tap the A-button. However, each character has their own Style and the timing of pressing A-button will vary based on the attack you're using. If you equip the Timing Tutor badge, you'll be able to see the A-button prompt for a Stylish Move. If you're someone who likes using Specials in battle, then you'll want to consider getting this badge. You won't find the Timing Tutor locked away in a chest. Instead, you'll want to seek out a certain traveling merchant.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - How to Get Bump Attack

Bump Attack is a badge in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door that will make quick work of your weaker enemies.

Where to Get Timing Tutor

Buy from Charlieton

paper mario the thousand year door charlieton

Charlieton is a salesman wearing a red and white striped shirt, so he's difficult to miss. Unlike the regular shops in Thousand-Year Door, Charlieton's sales are always changing. You can buy Mushrooms, Syrups, and battle items from him, but he charges more than you'll find anywhere else. Thus, it's better to just purchase badges from him instead, like the Timing Tutor. Charlieton sells a total of 9 badges that you won't be able to find elsewhere. If you're lucky, he'll have the Timing Tutor in stock.

If you speak to Charlieton in Boggly Woods or the Pit of 100 Trials, he will not have any badges to sell. The only time he'll carry badges is if he's in Rogueport.

Timing Tutor sells for 180 Coins. The further you are in your Thousand-Year Door playthrough, the easier it'll be to farm Coins. You can also potentially triple the Coin gain from battles if you buy a Fortune from Merlee in Rogueport Underground (East). However, Merlee's Fortunes have three other effects, so it isn't guaranteed you'll get triple the amount at the end of each battle.

You can "reset" Charlieton's wares by leaving the "scene" and coming back. For example: Go to Rogueport West then to Pianta Parlor or the Train Station, then return to Rogueport Plaza. By then, he should have a different stock to choose from.

How Does Timing Tutor Work?

How Much BP?

paper mario the thousand year door timing tutor badge

Timing Tutor will cost 1 BP to equip. It won't appear as an action command in battle, but when your character attacks, you'll see a red A-button prompt. Mario's appears when he's at the top of his jump, Goombella's appears right before she headbonks the enemy, etc.

Unfortunately, some Stylish Moves are still tricky to initiate even with the Timing Tutor, and if you're mashing the A-button in hopes of triggering the Stylish Move, you'll miss your chance. Some characters have a series of Stylish Moves per attack. Koops' Shell Slam has two chances to perform Stylish Moves. The first appears when he returns to his spot next to Mario after hitting the enemy. If you hit A-button, he'll spin, and as he slows down, another A-button prompt will appear. Double the Stylish Moves means double the Star Points.

Since Timing Tutor's BP cost is relatively low, it's one of the badges that you should have equipped at all times. Despite this, it's also one you can drop if you need to free up some BP for a potentially stronger badge.

Paper Mario - The Thousand-Year Door 2024 Tag Page Cover Art
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (2024)

Paper Mario
May 23, 2024