Paper Mario: The Origami King is the latest installment in the Paper Mario series, providing an entirely new world to explore. There are plenty of new mechanics introduced, including a puzzle-based battle system where players need to line up enemies correctly in order to deal the most damage.

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There's also plenty to do outside of the battles, as players can traverse vast lands and find hidden treasures to collect. Most importantly, players can find and rescue Toads from the torture of being turned into origami themselves. There's so much that is happening in this game, and it helps to learn some tips about how to conquer a game like this.

10 Get Confetti From Nature

One of the interesting mechanics introduced in Origami King is collecting confetti in order to fill holes around town. There may be points where players may have difficulty trying to get confetti. It's important for players to look at the environment around them in order to see what kind of plants or trees or nearby. Trees drop a ton of confetti, as introduced early on, but so do flowers and strands of grass that stick out from the ground. Better yet, these flowers and grass continuously bounce back up after hitting them for players to collect more.

9 Don't Miss A Hole

Speaking of confetti, throughout the world, there are tears in the universe known as "Not Bottomless-Holes," dubbed like this to remind players that Mario will get hurt if he falls into the hole. Some holes will be in the way, but others may just be off to the side and could be ignored. However, it's worth filling up every hole as it may be hiding a hidden passageway or a path to the treasure. It may even result in finding a Toad or two. These holes need to be filled to 100 percent the game, but the potential immediate rewards are just as tempting.

8 Check Every Corner

This game is pretty big, which means that there is a lot to explore in each individual area. Players may be surprised when they walk around a building that they are able to slide into the back of the building to get a collectible or reach an unknown area. Sometimes there are things that are hidden in plain sight, like "?" blocks that only appear when they are hidden. While filling up every hole, players need to explore every inch of where they are because there's always a chance that they'll miss something.

7 Talk To Everyone

Part of exploring the world is also learning about it. There a few areas in the game that are filled with NPCs that are looking to chat. Sometimes, they'll just have something funny to say, which is enjoyable on its own. Other times, they may point Mario and Olivia in the right direction as to what to do next.

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If players are confused and don't immediately have anyone around them to tell them what to do, it's always helpful to hit the X button and talk to Olivia, who would give the player a good idea of what the next step is.

6 Add Time To Battles

When in battle, players only have a short period of time to solve the puzzle that is in front of them, whether they are trying to align enemies a specific way or to map a path out to attack a boss. Regardless of which one of these situations players are dealing with, they have the option to add time to their solving period if need be. This is an important tool that allows a player to not waste a turn. It does cost coins, but those are very easy to come by in this game through battles and hole-filling.

5 Think Out Boss Strategy

The boss fights in Paper Mario are always unique, but most times, they do follow a similar format to normal fights. Origami King literally flips the script, where players must find a way to reach the inner part of the circle from the outside by using the ring-moving mechanic to map a path to the boss. But each boss fight is unique and the strategy for each turn may be different from the last. It's important to ask Olivia on what to do next, as well as use the orange envelopes available on the board itself that would give tips on how to deal with said boss.

4 Kill Enemies Without Battles

The more players progress through the game, the stronger Mario will get. Strength is tied to how many health points Mario has. The more hearts Mario finds that upgrade his max health points, the stronger he will become.

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This strength isn't just related to the battles, though. At some point, Mario will be able to hit some basic enemies prior to activating a battle and kill them without taking any damage. There's also the occasional star power-up, which can knock almost any enemies out of the way.

3 Find And Use Items

Items have always been a friend to Paper Mario players and that's no different in the latest installment. Enemies will naturally get tougher as the game goes on, and they will become harder to get rid of in one turn. If players want to avoid being hit by an enemy and kill them in one shot, upgraded boots and hammers can get the job done. It's also important to invest in other items, such as fire flowers and POW blocks, which can also deal a ton of damage in their own unique way compared to Mario's base two moves.

2 Buy Accessories

Along with collecting items, there are also characters in the game that will sell accessories to the player. These accessories serve the role of badges where, if equipped, will have an impact in every battle they are involved in. For example, there is a heart accessory that automatically increases Mario's max health points at the start of the battle. There's also a time accessory that automatically gives a player more time to solve a puzzle. There are even accessories that, when equipped, would give Mario discounts on store goods.

1 Use Toad Facilities

Toad Town serves as a hub world for Mario. A lot of important places are there for him to use in order to help him get ready for the next part of his adventure. For instance, there is a Battle Lab where Mario can train his attacks on enemies in order to perfect the timing. There is even a portion of the lab that is dedicated to playing previous bosses again. Away from Toad Town, there is the Sensor Lab, where the player could get a lot of gizmos that can help them navigate the game easier. There's also the museum where players can keep track of their collectibles.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Items In Paper Mario: The Origami King (& Where To Find Them)