Nintendo's latest title, Paper Mario: The Origami King features the Mushroom Kingdom being laid siege to by the evil King Olly. The ruler of the Origami Kingdom seeks to destroy every Toad in existence using his deadly folding skills. Defeating him is one of the biggest challenges Mario has ever faced. Luckily, he has help on this adventure.

RELATED: Paper Mario: The Origami King-The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

Olly's sister, Olivia, joins Mario in order to stop her brother's evil plans. Even though Origami King was only recently released, players have already grown to love the character. However, they may not know everything there is to know about her.

Spoiler Warning: The last two entries contain certain spoilers for various parts of the game.

10 She Was Meant To Be Memorable

paper mario olivia

Many games are plagued with uninteresting and boring characters. However, the developers of Paper Mario: The Oragami King strived to create a character that players would love long after the credits roll.

Her love of adventure and discovering the Mushroom Kingdom makes her a unique character in the Mario universe. While most characters of the beloved characters from that world are used to the wackiness of their home, it's nice to have someone with a unique perspective.  That's certainly the advantage of having a spin-off like Paper Mario where the world can be explored in more depth.

9 Why We Haven't Seen Her Before

A feature fans miss in other recent Paper Mario titles is the beloved side characters. There used to be characters like Koops and Goombella that were fun plays on classic enemies. But fans reacted negatively as the series began to have every classic Mario enemy as generic as their non-paper counterparts.

It seems like its an issue out of the developer's hands since interviews have stated that it was Nintendo's choice to make the characters blander (at least design-wise). From what they've said, if a major character is introduced they have to be an entirely new archetype and not an iteration on a classic character type.

8 Her Predecessors

It's a rarity if the main character in a Nintendo game has a speaking role beyond a few grunts or catchphrases. Because of this, there's been a long line of partner characters that can act as the character's mouthpiece. Some of them are beloved (like Midna) and others have left gamers with mixed opinions.

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Luckily, Olivia seems to be one of the lovable Nintendo sidekicks. However, even in the Paper Mario series, she isn't the first partner character. Earlier entries had a large cast of sidekicks that tagged around with Mario. However, the two most recent entries, Sticker Star and Color Splash narrowed the list down to just two main partner characters.

7 Every Silent Protagonist Needs A Chatty Sidekick

As outlined in this ScreenRant article, there are a few references to The Legend of Zelda franchise scattered throughout Olivia's travels. At one point a Toad attempting to climb a cliffside tells Mario that he's happy it"isn't raining" which is a reference to players' frustration at not being able to climb in Breath of the Wild when it was raining.

There's another Zelda easter egg when Mario is asked to conquer trials of "Power, Wisdom, and Courage" so he can get "sacred orbs." It can be construed as a reference to multiple Zelda titles, but it lines up with Ocarina of Time the most (in that game, Link had to prove his worth to gain sacred items). It isn't clear, but maybe this specific Zelda title was chosen since Navi and Olivia are both talkative sidekicks paired with silent protagonists.

6 Maybe We'll Meet Her Again?

nintendo direct mini predictions

In the previously mentioned interview, Tanabe states that it's up in the air if Olivia will ever appear in another game again. However, it isn't unheard of for supporting characters in the Super Mario universe to get their time in the spotlight. Luigi, Wario, Yoshi, and even Captain Toad have all gotten solo adventures across a number of Nintendo systems.

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There is another place that Olivia might show up. Nintendo loves to throw in the occasional wildcard into the Super Smash Bros. roster. To be fair, it is highly unlikely Olivia would ever become a playable character. However, if she becomes popular enough among fans she could pop up as an assist trophy someday.

5 A Connection To The Past

Even though it's over twenty years old, many consider A Link To The Past the best game that Nintendo has ever created. Its sprawling world was what drew gamers in, but its story is one of the many things that stick with people to this day.

Likewise, many people consider writing in the Paper Mario games to be some of the best writing in the gaming world. So it's no surprise Oragami King and A Link to the Past share a scriptwriter. Tanabe, a developer on the game and the aforementioned scriptwriter, is an unsung hero in the world of Nintendo storytelling. The quirky style of humor he cultivated in that game can be seen at its apex in a game as wacky as Oragami King. Olivia has some of the best lines in the game, so gamers have Tanabe to thank for such a fantastic character.

4 She's Real! (Kind of...)

Typically, if a player wants to have a Nintendo character in their home they have to fork over hard-earned money to get a toy or figurine. However, if players want to have Olivia the only thing they need is hard work and determination. Some paper (and origami skills) won't hurt either.

In an official Nintendo tweet, the company shared how players can make their own Olivia. Other characters, like Blooper, a Hammer Brother, and Princess Peach were also included in the video. If players want any additional guidelines, this unofficial fan video goes more in-depth on how to craft an origami figure.

3 Another Connection To Hyrule's Hero

Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds Nintendo 3DS

At first glance, Paper Mario is the only franchise that has ever made its characters literally two dimensional. However, there is another Nintendo series that sent its protagonist onto the 2D plane.

RELATED: 10 Paper Mario: The Origami King Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words

After fighting Yuga for the first time in A Link Between Worlds, the sorcerer traps Link on a wall as a painting. Luckily, a bracelet he was gifted earlier allows him to escape. Similarly, when Mario first finds Olivia she's been trapped on the wall as well. It likely isn't an intentional reference, but it's a neat coincidence either way.

2 Easter Egg For 100% Completionists

SPOILER WARNING: This content spoils the ending of the game.

Once Mario defeats King Olly, the malevolent patriarch begins to fade away. However, he realizes the error of his ways and uses his 1,000 cranes technique to help fix the world. While the day is saved, Olivia fades away as well because she was a creation of King Olly.

It's an especially bittersweet ending to a Mario game since most, if not all, of them end with him rescuing the princess. However, if players decide to beat the game 100% they'll find a memorial of Olivia crafted by the Oragami Craftsman.

1 Stop Mario! It's Hammertime

SPOILER WARNING: This content spoils the ending of the game.

It's natural that Olivia changes during her adventure with Paper Mario. What isn't natural is when she becomes a giant hammer.

Paper Mario and Olivia will occasionally find items called "Bibliofolds." They're books that contain instructions that teach Olivia how to fold herself into different forms. Her biggest transformation is a hammer during the final battle when she becomes a one to defeat King Olly. This, and the fact that Mario uses hammers throughout the game, is all a fun reference to his first-ever powerup in the original Donkey Kong from all the way back when Nintendo only made arcade games.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Paper Mario: The Origami King You Need To Know