Table of contents

Palworld offers players the opportunity to explore the visually stunning environments of Palapogos Island and discover over 100 wild monsters called Pals. These Pals can be defeated in combat to get helpful item drops, or enlisted to join the player’s team. They can serve a variety of uses, including travel, farming items, and more.

Wixen, a Fire-type Pal, offers a Partner Skill that is useful in specific situations, though its effect is significantly less powerful than that of similar abilities provided by top-tier Mount Pals like Ragnahawk and Pyrin. Nevertheless, Wixen is a great pick early on. Players looking to add this stylish Fire-type to their team can learn where to find Wixen in Palworld in this guide.

Palworld Mount Pal Tier List

There are a multitude of Pal mounts in Palworld, so players are likely to be curious about which Pals are best in terms of speed and power.

Where to Find Wixen

Wixen map location in Palworld

Alpha Wixen Location

Players have a chance to encounter an Alpha Boss Wixen at the end of the Cavern of the Dunes dungeon, located within the Sand Dunes biome. The dungeons can feature an assortment of Alphas at its end, so resetting the dungeon may be necessary before an Alpha Wixen spawns. When available, the Alpha Boss Wixen is Level 38. It is a Fire-type that can be defeated using powerful Water-type attacks.

Palworld: Best Locations To Mine Ore

Ore in Palworld is used to make ingots for crafting and building purposes. Here are a few great locations where players can farm ore.

Wild Wixen Location

Wild Wixens, on the other hand, can be found in multiple areas throughout Palapogos. Players can encounter Level 18–20 Wixen in the scarred valley located directly East of the Sealed Realm of the Swift Fast Travel point and just Southeast of the Frostbound Mountains.

Players can find significantly higher level Wixen by exploring the Western half of the Mount Obsidian region. Wixen in this area are generally Level 29–32. It’s important to wear heat resistance when navigating this area in search of this wild Pal.

How To Catch Wixen

Encounter Wixen in the overworld in Palworld.

Players can catch the Fire-type fox Wixen by first weakening it with Water moves, then using an appropriate Pal Sphere. It's important to note that when trying to capture the higher leveled Wixen, Giga Spheres and Hyper Spheres generally won’t be effective enough. Players should be sure to bring along Ultra and Legendary Pal Spheres if they wish to nab a Wixen in Palworld.

Wixen's Work Suitability & Skills

Wixen has an excellent assortment of Fire Active Skills, making it a great choice early on for taking on Ice-type and Grass-type Pals. Additionally, its Partner Skill, Lord Fox, changes the player’s attacks to deal Fire damage, which is a helpful boost when challenging more difficult Pals with that weakness. It also has a great selection of Work Suitabilities. Kindling Lv. 2 is helpful for both cooking and forging, two of the most important crafting activities in Palworld. It also has Handiwork Lv. 3, which is all-around beneficial.

Work Suitabilities

  • Kindling Lv. 2
  • Handiwork Lv. 3
  • Transporting Lv. 2

Active Skills

Skill Name

Cooldown Timer

Power Level

Ignis Blast



Spirit Fire



Flame Arrow



Spirit Flame



Flare Storm



Fire Ball



Dragon Meteor
