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Palworld's Melpaca is a Neutral Pal with an alpaca-like appearance, covered in white wool and long legs resembling boots with a purple toe. Melpaca can be found in the early game, but its quickness and reliability make it a Pal worth hunting and capturing, as it becomes useful for traveling Palworld at all stages of the game.

Melpaca won't wow players with its combat skills, as it's not particularly strong or resilient against attacks. It makes up for that with its abilities back at the base, as well as being a handy traveling companion when exploring the world. Melpaca is a mountable Pal, meaning players can make it from Point A to Point B much faster than walking on foot.

Newly Revealed Palworld Creature is Like Snorlax Meets Lapras

Developer Pocket Pair shines a spotlight on a Palworld creature named Relaxaurus that seems like a combination of Snorlax and Lapras.

Where to Find Melpaca

Melpaca Location in Palworld


Players won't have to wait long, as Melpaca can be discovered in most areas of the map early on. While not as common as other Pals, like Pengullet or Tanzee, Melpaca spawn in several regions and are quite easy to pick out from the group for their different color palette and stature.

Melpacas travel in pairs, making them an easy target to attack two at a time and capture both quickly. Unfortunately, they are quite fast and will run at the moment they notice any sign of danger, and keeping on their trails is a challenge. It's best to practice patience with these Pals, making full use of the crouch command and waiting it out before landing a few pre-emptive strikes.

The map shown in the image above indicates just how common they are, but players should be sure to avoid hunting at night, as they are seldom seen when the moon is out. In the early game, they spawn in all but two locations but don't expect to see them at all ends of the map. Melpaca typically spawns in one or two spots at a time, so finding them may come off as a chore.

With their height, it's easier to spot them from the much smaller Pals roaming the area , but be wary of any larger Pals surrounding them, as they are likely to initiate combat with the player if they feel threatened. This makes catching Melpaca even more difficult, as players will need to focus their attention on a more looming threat.

Palworld: How to Play With Friends

Palworld has a couple of different multiplayer options, so here's how to explore the world and catch Pals with friends.

Melpaca's Work Suitability

What's Melpaca Good for?


Melpaca are exceptional at gathering wool, so players should be quick with setting up a ranch and assigning a couple of them to the section. There isn't much utility outside of that, as Melpaca aren't the most versatile Pals to add to a base. Simply put, if players are running low on wool, Melpaca is the go-to Pal for this job.

It becomes more useful when achieving Player Level 7 once the Melpaca Saddle becomes available. This asset only costs 3 Leather, 5 Wool, and 5 Paldium Fragments to construct and will come in handy for players who are looking to travel Palworld quickly.

Melpaca in Combat

Is Melpaca Strong?


With the Melpaca Saddle now equipped, players can mount their trusted Melpaca and ride it around the land, making use of its quick speed. Melpaca's charging attacks also do slightly more damage while this skill is activated, which boosts its usefulness on the battlefield.

Melpaca is the perfect counter to other charging Pals, like Rushoar, and can evade the Fire-type attacks of a Foxparks simply by rushing in and out of range before landing a few blows. Melpaca won't impress too much with its lack of strength, but utilizing its quick feet makes Melpaca a good attacker that can chip away at HP while avoiding any real damage. If push comes to shove and players are in a pinch, escaping battle won't be too hard with Melpaca leading the way.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Unreal Engine 5
T For Teen Due To Violence