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Palworld brings a large, open world to explore that is inhabited by various monsters called Pals. There are over 100 unique Pals in the game to discover, collect, and put to use around your Base or for exploration, so knowing how to track them all down and complete your Paldeck is key.

Among the creatures available in the game is Warsect. This Pal is a large, Grass and Ground Dual-Type that is an ideal choice as a well-rounded addition to your team, whether they're working on your Base or standing with you in combat. Unfortunately, Warsect is quite rare and difficult to obtain, as it is only available in one location. You will need to know this information to acquire the hulking beetle-like creature, which can benefit you as a powerful addition to your Pal collection.

Palworld: How to Breed Elphidran Aqua

Elphidran Aqua can only be obtained in Palworld through the breeding method, so knowing the required pairings and resources is important.

Where to Find and Catch Warsect in Palworld

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Warsect is a Pal that players may want to add to their collection for several reasons, from the versatile and reliable Work Skills it has to offer as a Base worker to the sheer defensive power this Pal has in combat. No matter the reason, players will need to seek out just one area in particular if they wish to stumble across Warsect in the wild, so knowing where to set out on your search will save you a lot of time.

Warsect has just one small habitat throughout all of the islands, which is a location known as No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary, an area where rare Pals can be found roaming. Warsect is available both during day and night so, while the location is relatively small, you won't be restricted to certain in-game hours for your hunt.

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It is important to note that any Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Palworld are occupied by armed officers all over the area. As soon as you set foot on this land, you will be undergoing criminal activity, so if you are spotted or choose to start a fight with any of the guards, you are likely to earn yourself the Wanted status . This status occurs when you cause criminal activity and stir up trouble with the officers, causing them to chase and attack you until you are dead.

Palworld: All Outfits (& How To Craft Them) 

These are the available armors and outfits and Palworld. Crafting them can aid you greatly.

Warsect Skills & Work Suitability, Explained


Warsect is a highly valuable Pal to keep by your side for multiple reasons. Firstly, it has extremely powerful stats, making it an asset in combat by utilizing its bulky HP and defensive capabilities for a lot of success in battle. Additionally, Warsect has a unique Partner Skill known as Hard Armor. This skill provides a defensive buff for players when Warsect is out as an active Pal and will also provide an increase in fire resistance.

Aside from having immense combat potential, Warsect is also a brilliant choice to consider when picking out Pals to utilize as workers around your Base. Warsect has Planting and Handiwork skills at level 1, which enable it to help grow food and build objects, items, and facilities to further enhance your Base. It also has level 3 Lumbering and Transporting, which will enable it to chop down trees to generate wood, and move items to chests and storage facilities around your Base while you're out and about. As Warsect has these Skills at level 3, it is also much more efficient at participating in these tasks than the average Pal, making it a brilliant all-rounder.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival