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While most pals in Palworld are available when the sun and moon are up in the sky, some pals have a preference for nocturnal life. Such is the case for Shroomer Noct, a dark-type variant of the lovable, grass-type Shroomer. Shroomer Noct may come off as goofy at first glance, but its ferocious nature is sure to catch players off guard.

Trading the green color palette for a softer shade of purple, Shroomer Noct keeps its Grass element while adding the Dark-type power to its arsenal. The mushroom cap on Shroomer Noct's head is also a slightly lighter shade of purple compared to Shroomer's orange cap, and it is more hostile to players who get too close.

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Palworld appears to be introducing a new feature that has players wondering what the details surrounding it may be.

Where to Find and Catch Shroomer Noct in Palworld

Shroomer Noct Location

Shroomer Noct in Palworld wild

Deep in the center of the mushroom region of Palworld, players can get lost in the mist and allure of the area. Before reaching this location, players will need to unlock the waypoint right at the entrance of the region. Thankfully, for players who have already visited the Sakurajima region, this location is accessible on foot, as the two islands are stapled together.

Shroomer Noct will only be available at nighttime but is easy to spot due to its purple coloring. They're slow-moving and clumsy from afar, often choosing to march around in pairs. Shroomer Noct is also easier to distinguish between all the immovable mushrooms of a different color, allowing players to set up a sneak attack and attempt to go unnoticed.

Should Shroomer Noct notice the player before their attack, they will begin their counterattack and launch an arsenal of dark and grass attacks at the player. This could prove to be troublesome when attacking in pairs, as Shroomer Noct has a balanced move pool of both elements that can lower a player's health significantly in just a few turns.

Shroomer Noct in Palworld location

With either Legendary or Ultimate Spheres , Shroomer Noct has a high catch rate when attempting a back catch. Alternatively, players can use a Ring of Mercy to ensure Shroomer Noct's HP doesn't go below 1, allowing players to get as close as possible to catching Shroomer Noct without slaying it.

Shroomer Noct Skills & Work Suitability, Explained

Shroomer Noct in Palworld paldeck

Shroomer Noct is a well-rounded base worker who can provide Level 2 Planting, Gathering, and Lumbering, along with a Level 1 Handiwork suitability. This combination makes for great labor for players in need of some assistance in all four fields, and it's always adorable to watch Shroomer Noct bounce around while getting work done.

What makes Shroomer Noct especially valuable at the base is its partner skill, Swooshy Spores. Much like Shroomer, who shares this unique partner skill, Shroomer Noct can help keep his pals' sanity from dropping as it normally would just by being a part of the workforce. This extra incentive is fitting enough to keep it around the base, especially for players who don't have the resources to build sanity-reducing equipment.

Additionally, Shroomer Noct can be mounted and ridden around the Palworld map. While there are more suitable mounts that can run faster and jump higher, Shroomer Noct offers a comedic factor to its running animation, bobbing side to side as the player holds on for dear life while avoiding the spores Shroomer Noct emits from its body.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival