
  • Palworld released an update addressing some issues.
  • The recent update for Xbox fixed bugs caused by the previous update, including a black screen issue.
  • Changes were made to the Technology menu, with the Egg Incubator now in the Ancient Technology section, requiring Ancient Technology Points to unlock.

Palworld has released a new update that addresses some of the game's lingering issues, but also makes changes that weren't mentioned by the developers. Those playing Palworld may not even realize this, but there are technically two versions of the game out there. The most up-to-date version is available on Steam, while those playing Palworld on Xbox or the Microsoft Store on PC have a slightly outdated version.

For example, the Steam version of the game has dedicated servers and support for up to 32 players at a time, whereas Palworld on Xbox has multiplayer restrictions with no dedicated servers and only up to 4-player co-op. Since there isn't true parity between the Xbox and Steam versions of Palworld, there will be times when an update is released for one version and not the other, as is the case with the latest updates for the game.

First Palworld Pokemon Mod Taken Down by Nintendo

Nintendo wastes no time in cracking down on the first mod that brought Pokemon to Palworld within days of the survival game's release.

Palworld first released an update for the Xbox/Microsoft Store versions of Palworld on January 22 that targeted multiple bugs in the game, including unspecified "sound issues." However, this update caused some of its own problems, and so another update was issued on January 23. The new update fixes the bugs that came about from the previous one, including a problem where Palworld players would boot up the game and see a static black screen, and various PC-specific problems. The recent updates to the game also made some changes that were not mentioned in the patch notes.

It's unclear exactly how many changes were made to Palworld that weren't mentioned in the patch notes, but it seems that the Technology menu was rearranged at least. For example, prior to the update, the Egg Incubator was part of the regular set of craftable items that could be acquired using base Technology Points, but now it's been moved over to the Ancient Technology section. This means newcomers on Xbox will have to wait a little longer to unlock Egg Incubators, though it seems it was always this way for those playing on Steam.

Ancient Technology is unlocked by spending Ancient Technology Points, earned by defeating bosses. Palworld bosses are marked on the world map. They consist of larger, powerful Pals, and what are effectively Palworld's version of gym leaders. The Palworld "gym leaders" are found in towers and have players face off against not only a powerful Pal, but their human trainer as well. In any case, it's possible that there were other changes made to Palworld that weren't mentioned in the patch notes, so fans should keep an eye out.

Palworld Update Patch Notes

Xbox Version Known Bugs Fixed in Latest Update

  • The game launches to a static black screen

Microsoft Store PC Version Known Bugs Fixed in Latest Update

  • The game launches to a static black screen
  • The control pad is not recognized
  • The key guide display is not displayed correctly
  • There is no button to quit the game