
  • Choose an open and accessible area for your base to maximize space and resources.
  • Set up equipment for farming crafting resources to make crafting simple and efficient.
  • Create a happy home for Pals and tamers to keep them motivated and avoid depression and exhaustion.

For all its similarities to Pokemon, there's one thing that Pal tamers have in Palworld that Pokemon trainers don't have – a home. As players level up their character, catch Pals, and craft more items, their base level will increase and allow them to craft even more to improve it further.

Palworld: 7 Tips And Tricks For Beginners

Palworld may feel overwhelming in the first hour of play, but these simple tips and tricks can help players experience the game with greater results.

It's always exciting to craft a Palbox and claim a piece of land, but when a player turns around and looks at that empty blue circle, it can feel overwhelming not knowing what to include in a new base. Palworld offers a wealth of craftable items to pepper around a base to give it personality, but there are a few specific items and areas every base should aim to include.

10 An Open And Accessible Area

Select An Area With Plenty Of Space And Nearby Resources

A pal tamer rides a pal and looks out over a wide, open, and empty base in Palworld

Pal tamers fresh to the world of Palworld might prefer to craft a Palbox neatly against the side of a cliff to keep it out of the way. However, the Palbox is the very center of a base and creates a wide circle around it. If Pal tamers craft their Palbox against a cliff wall, half of the base will be on top of the cliff and out of reach. That's why it's important for a base to have a wide, open area with as much space as possible.

Before putting down a Palbox, it's worth ensuring that the base is accessible too. While it might be great for defensive purposes to build a base on the peak of a mountain, it still needs to be easily accessible for when players leave their base to look for more resources. Make sure each base is accessible and ideally nearby useful items, such as ore veins, a herd of Melpaca for leather, or a flock of Chikipi for eggs.

9 Equipment For Farming Crafting Resources

Make Crafting Simple With Unlimited Wood And Stone

A pal tamer in Palworld looks at a logging site and stone pit

Pal tamers can run around with guns and catch Pals all they want, but they can't do it for long without gathering resources and crafting more equipment. Although players can run around the world collecting wood, stone, and fiber as they go on their adventure, it can weigh them down and become a real grind very quickly.

That's why every base should have an area where Pals can farm crafting resources themselves. Each base should set up an area where Pals farm stone and wood themselves, only needing the player to occasionally instruct them to craft fiber, paldium fragments, and ingots. Once this is set up, players will soon have all the wood and stone they need to make crafting simple.

Best Equipment To Farm Crafting Resources

  • Logging Site (Level 7)
  • Stone Pit (Level 7)
  • Crusher (Level 8)
  • Improved Furnace (Level 34)

8 A Kitchen And Food Routine

Make Sure Pals Keep Themselves Well-Fed

A pal tamer in Palworld by a wheat plantation, table and feed box

There's nothing wrong with Pal tamers treating their Pals well, but making each of them a home-cooked meal every day before they start working on the base can be exhausting. That's why it's a real time-saver to set up a feed box so they can feed themselves without the player's help.

6 Biggest Ways Palworld Is Different From Pokemon

Palworld has garnered comparisons to Pokemon, but Pocket Pair's survival open-world game does many things differently than Game Freak's franchise.

It can be a pain keeping a feed box stocked though, so it's worth players investing some time to keep Pals self-sufficient. Craft a berry plantation and make sure there are Pals who can plant, water, harvest, and transport the berries to feed boxes. For some Pals, berries won't be enough. That's why it's worth players not only having a mill and wheat plantation as well, but a kitchen area to store food and a Pal to occasionally cook special dishes in bulk.

Best Technology For Food

  • Feed Box (Level 4)
  • Berry Plantation (Level 5)
  • Wheat Plantation (Level 15)
  • Mill (Level 15)
  • Cooking Pot (Level 17)

7 A Happy Home For Pals And Tamers

Keep Pals Happy For Them To Stay Motivated

A pal tamer in Palworld standing by a hot spring and fluffy pal beds

Even Pals and their tamer need somewhere to crash at the end of a long day. Although it's not quite The Sims, Palworld still offers enough possibilities to build a cozy home for players and their Pals. Gamers can craft from wood or stone and are free to keep it simplistic or be as creative as possible to give it a personal touch. A home can be useful for storing equipment, but it's even more important to keep Pals happy. Sanity is crucial to keeping Pals motivated to work; if the number drops too low, their mental health and well-being will suffer, and they'll be less productive on the base. Keeping Pals happy with a well-equipped home is the best way to avoid depression and exhaustion.

At the very least, gamers should build an area with a bunch of beds for their Pals. When tamers reach level 24, it's worth investing in fluffy Pal beds so Pals working on the base can restore sanity and health while they sleep. Aside from that, every base should have hot springs for Pals to relax and recover sanity, as well as a medicine workbench to ensure no Pal goes sick or injured.

Best Technology For Pal Happiness

  • Fluffy Pal Bed (Level 24)
  • High Quality Hot Spring (Level 31)
  • Electric Medicine Workbench (Level 43)

6 A Busy And Productive Ranch

Unlock Unlimited Resources By Assigning Pals To A Ranch

A pal tamer in Palworld by a ranch

Most players can get by in Palworld without needing much gold, but it doesn't hurt crafting a Ranch and assigning a Mau to farm gold without doing anything. Even better, assigning a Vixy to a Ranch will make it dig up a steady supply of arrows and Pal spheres as well, making it easy to level up quickly in the early game.

Palworld: All Ranch Drops and How to Get Them

To help you get some extra resources for crafting, here is a list of all the ranch drops in Palworld and tips on how to get them.

Ranches aren't just great for a Vixy or Mau though. Pal tamers can assign Lamballs for wool, as well as Chikipis, Mozzarinas, and Beegardes for eggs, milk, and honey to bake cakes and get those Pals breeding.

5 Equipment For Breeding And Incubating

Add Rarer Pals To The Paldex By Breeding

A pal tamer in Palworld by a Breeding Farm

A base in Palworld is multifaceted; it's a place to store items, craft equipment, and farm resources – but it's also somewhere for Pals to live and even breed. While Pal tamers can go around catching Pals to level up and expand their Paldex, some of the higher level Pals can prove particularly challenging to catch in the early game.

If players want some rarer Pals or find catching some specific ones too challenging, an easier alternative is to build a Breeding Farm in their base and give cake to a couple of loved-up Pals. Just remember to craft an Egg Incubator as well to hatch any eggs found in the Breeding Farm or wild.

4 A Factory For Fast And Efficient Crafting

Maximize Productivity With Assembly Lines

A pal tamer in Palworld by production assembly lines

At level 26, players unlock the ability to craft a power generator and can start building machines to craft items quickly and easily. Instead of assigning just one Pal to a workbench and waiting ages for them to finish crafting, players can set up a production assembly line and assign multiple Pals to speed up the process. Although it looks like something out of a dystopian nightmare, it can be a real time-saver.

Pal tamers can unlock production assembly lines to produce Pal spheres, ammo, weapons, and more. Since these machines are long and take up a lot of room, it's worth housing them in a building like a factory so that players can craft everything they need in one space. Even better, some players surround factories with workbenches to craft other items while their Pals are hard at work.

Best Technology For Factories

  • Pal Gear Workbench (Level 6)
  • High Quality Workbench (Level 11)
  • Sphere Assembly Line II (Level 35)
  • Production Assembly Line II (Level 42)
  • Weapon Assembly Line II (Level 47)

3 Storage Boxes Everywhere

Make Storage Easier For Everyone

A pal tamer in Palworld next to storage boxes in a base

The Pals in Palworld aren't exactly the brightest bunch, and it's not uncommon for players to watch them transport crafting resources to a box on the other end of the base or just drop them where they stand.

That's why every base should have plenty of storage boxes all over the place to shorten the path and make life as easy as possible for the Pals. In fact, it might be worth doing this with feed boxes too, so they don't have to travel far to get food when they become hungry. Players don't need to worry about keeping wood, stone, and other resources in one location. When crafting in a base, the game uses resources from every box in the base no matter where it is located.

2 Range Of Pal Work Suitabilities

Keep Pals Diverse To Complete A Range Of Tasks

A range of pals in a base in Palworld

All Pals have their own specialized work suitabilities. That's why it's important for a Pal tamer to keep a range of Pals around and not just their favorites. Players should make sure they have at least one Pal for each task on the base. No matter whether it's handiwork, gathering, or mining, there should always be a Pal around who can take care of a task.

Palworld's Work Suitability System Explained

Palworld's Work Suitability system offers a unique approach to base building and management that many other similar games don't possess.

This makes it much easier than swapping out Pals in the Palbox every time a Pal tamer needs a different task completed. Keep a range of Pals with different work suitabilities for everyday activities and swap them out only when needed; for example, when defending against attacks, or the whole base will need to chip in to craft ammunition quickly.

1 Walls, Traps, And Other Defenses

Strengthen Defenses To Ensure Bases Stay Safe

A pal tamer in Palworld next to a stone gate and mounted crossbow

Ever since it was announced, Palworld has been affectionately called "Pokemon with guns," so it's no surprise that violent attacks are commonplace in the lands of Palworld. A player's base will often be targeted by enemies, from Rampaging Fan Girls to Syndicate Members, and it's up to the Pal tamer and their Pals to defend their base. Fortunately, there's a range of defenses that players can craft to keep their base safe.

At a bare minimum, it's best to craft sandbags and defensive walls as soon as possible to keep enemies at bay. Even better, as players level up, they get access to traps and a mounted crossbow or machine gun to make defending easier. It's also wise to either upgrade wooden buildings to stone or keep a water-type Pal around just in case a fire-breathing Pal comes knocking.

Best Technology For Defense

  • Hanging Trap (Level 4)
  • Alarm Bell (Level 4)
  • Sandbag (Level 9)
  • Mine (Level 30)
  • Stone Gate (Level 31)
  • Mounted Machine Gun (Level 40)
  • Metal Defensive Wall (Level

January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival