Table of contents


  • Customize your avatar and choose your difficulty setting in Palworld's Early Access campaign.
  • Collect materials and build structures like the Primitive Workbench and Palbox to establish your base.
  • Level up your stats, complete quests, and explore the world to progress in the game and unlock new abilities and features.

It’s hard to believe but Palworld was announced in 2021, and it had one of the most bombastic trailers of all time. It had an anime-like character running around with Pokemon-looking creatures which players now know are called Pals. The twist was that humans and monsters had guns and were shooting at each other.

Palworld: Best Pals To Catch Early

Get your base up and running pronto by catching all the best early game pals in Palworld.

It kind of felt like a Rick and Morty sketch from one of their TV channel episodes. It wasn't just a fever dream, though, and it has now launched its Early Access campaign on Steam and Xbox Series S/X. There’s a lot to do in this new open-world survival RPG, so here are some starting Palworld tips.

6 Customizing Your Experience

Don’t Forget About Settings

The character creator in Palworld

When players start their game, they can customize their avatar, covering a plethora of elements including gender, hair, eyes, and so on. The game warns players up front that their avatar’s looks are permanent for now, but apparently, the developers might add a way to change things eventually. More importantly, players can choose what difficulty they want, which includes Casual, Normal, Hard, or a custom option.

Since this is an Early Access game, it’s hard to say what will and won’t carry over into the final version. So, players should treat this as a testing ground and push fun ahead of strategy. Start with Casual for the sole reason that nothing is dropped upon death, including items and Pals. Players can go a step beyond this and customize the setup fully from increasing damage to boosting EXP, but that isn’t a completely necessary first step.

5 Setting Up Your Starting Gear

What To Collect And Build

Building a workbench in Palworld

Players will wake up on an island before they can venture off into the wild unknown. A bunch of UI boxes and tutorial windows will pop up to guide players to what they should do first. One of the most obvious things to do in a survival game is to pick up materials. Since players only have their hands to punch things, they will have to rely on picking up loose pieces of Wood and Stone materials.

Palworld: How to Summon Pals

Get your Pals out for work or battle with this quick guide covering the summoning mechanic in Palworld.

They can then pop open the build menu by pressing up on the D-Pad, for Xbox players at least, so they can build a Primitive Workbench. Don’t worry about placement for now, as Primitive Workbenches can be built infinitely anywhere. Do focus on building a Stone Axe to chop trees and a Stone Pickaxe to hack rocks down.

4 Best Places For The Palbox

Become The Ace Of Base

Building walls in Palworld

Stone Pickaxes can also be used on shining blue rocks that will produce Paldium Fragments. This is important for building Pal Spheres, the Pokeball equivalent of this game, along with the Palbox. The Palbox will establish a set area as its base of operations, and this will allow players to access a different sort of building menu. It’s important to note that every world is created the same.

When players start, Palworld doesn’t randomly generate a bunch of landmasses like in Minecraft. So, given that knowledge, all players should try and look for a big flat area to set up shop. This will make things lay out evenly when building structures. If possible, try and scout an area that has a cliff behind it which will eliminate one route for invaders to attack from. That is unless they sail from beyond and climb up the walls.

3 Fight And Collect Pals

Also, Level Up Those Stats

Fighting enemies with Foxsparks in Palworld

Once the base is established along with a few structures like a bed in Palworld, players should then set out and start gathering materials along with interacting with Pals close by. One of the best ways to get strong quickly in the game is through leveling up, which may sound like an obvious RPG fact. Leveling up in Palworld goes beyond increasing stats though, but on the subject, players should beef up Weight and Work Speed.

The nice thing about Palworld is that everything will give players EXP, from fighting monsters to chopping down trees to building stuff. Plus, EXP is shared across the board except for Pals stuck in the Palbox. Another thing that leveling up is good for is gaining Technology Points, which will unlock recipes. A good tier to strive for is Level Five, which will unlock the recipe for the Normal Parachute in Palworld which is like the Paraglider from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

2 Getting Through Missions

Follow The Tutorial Window

Accessing the Palbox in Palworld

There are two types of quests in the game. In the upper right corner of the screen is a tutorial window. It goes beyond telling players what buttons do what and instead expresses a guideline to follow all leading up to a big raid against the Rayne Syndicate, which is this world’s version of Team Rocket from Pokemon.

Palworld: How to Repair Items

Repairing items is always better than crafting new ones in Palworld, which will help you save valuable resources and ensure optimized usage.

The other quest system involves missions found on the Palbox. Completing missions will level up the Palbox, increasing how many Pals can be deployed at the base. The more Pals at the base, the faster things can be crafted. Be sure to focus on both the Palbox missions and the tutorial window for a good few hours, which will involve everything from building certain structures to capturing “X” amount of Pals.

1 Explore

What’s The Goal?

Flying around in Palworld

After doing all of that and beefing up the hero, players should venture off into the unknown. Altogether, players may want to spend anywhere from five to ten hours doing the previous activities to help unlock things. It will mostly be a Minecraft experience with a hint of Pokemon.

This should lead to making exploring easier. Along with the aforementioned Normal Parachute, players should get a saddle ready for Pals like Melpaca, which can run on the ground, or Nitewing, which can take to the sky. The next phase could then be considered The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild aspect of the adventure. Explore the world, unlock fast travel locations, collect new Pals, gather foreign materials, and ultimately grind away. Once players reach their twenties or thirties, they may want to start thinking about taking down the aforementioned Rayne Syndicate or Pal bosses.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.