
  • Palworld players have discovered clever ways to defeat bosses with minimal effort, such as using strategically placed Palboxes and kiting bosses to Pals.
  • One tactic, known as the "Stairway to Heaven," involves building a tall flight of stairs, luring the boss to the top, then dismantling the stairs to make the boss fall to its death.
  • Some strategies rely on luck, such as launching bosses into the sky with a Pal Sphere and causing them to crash down and die.

Palworld players have found yet another clever way to kill bosses without too much effort. Since Pocketpair’s monster-collecting game launched in early access on January 19, it has broken numerous records and, frankly, taken the gaming world by storm. Why exactly Palworld has proven to be so incredibly popular is not entirely clear, but many people consider it a kind of Pokemon for adults, with an evolution of mechanics that many have been craving from Game Freak’s franchise.

Of course, collecting Pals, as they’re called in Palworld, is only part of the fun. There are also numerous boss Pals in the game, and some players choose to kill rather than capture them. As a result, players have begun sharing ingenious and sometimes ridiculous ways to cheese boss fights in Palworld. One example requires placing a Palbox as close as possible to the boss arena, spawning all Pals, and then kiting the aggro’d boss to the waiting horde of territorial critters.

Palworld: How to Catch Bosses

Wondering how to catch Bosses in Palworld without even fighting them? Here's an interesting glitch that will allow you to do so.

Another tactic recently shared by Twitter user VmakeUmove requires a bit more work. In a short clip, the player has prepared to fight the Legendary Dragon Pal Jetragon by building an incredibly tall flight of stairs. From the top of the stairs, VmakeUmove then shoots Jetragon to grab its attention, and the angered Pal climbs the stairs to attack. Unfortunately for the celestial dragon, the player glides from the top of the stairs, lands safely on the ground, and dismantles the two bottom flights of stairs. This results in the entire tower of stairs collapsing, taking the hapless Jetragon with it, which falls to its death.

Palworld "Stairway to Heaven" Trick to Beat Bosses

According to VmakeUmove, this tactic is popular in Korea and has been dubbed the “Stairway to Heaven.” A number of the strategies employed by savvy Palword players likely didn’t occur to Pocketpair when the game was in development. Jetragon, as a dragon, can in fact fly. However, its AI seems to have no programming to begin flying when it suddenly finds itself with nothing to stand on.

Some tactics to defeat bosses or tougher enemies rely more on luck than strategy. Reddit user Nevanada shared how a simple confluence of circumstances resulted in them killing Palworld’s Mammorest in an unexpected way. The player was fighting a little Foxparks Pal and threw a Pal Sphere to capture it.

Gamers had already discovered that standing on a Pal Sphere when it successfully captures a Pal will launch the player extremely high into the sky. This is exactly what happened to the ill-fated Mammorest when it wandered onto the Pal Sphere right as the Foxparks was being captured. The giant Grass Pal flew into the air and then crashed down to the ground, where it instantly died.