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The duo of Lily and Lyleen arrives as Palworld's second Rayne Syndicate Boss following the battle with Zoe and Grizzbolt. The leap in difficulty may catch many players off guard, as Lily and Lyleen are hard hitters capable of evading counters and using their speed to sneak up on their foes. By no means should they be taken for granted, as their combination of powerful strikes and quickness could spell disaster for anyone who takes them on.

Thankfully, its Grass typing brings some disadvantages to the table, and players must be careful with it. Lyleen does have counters to Fire-type Pals, making a seemingly simple strategy turn into a nightmare for those ill-prepared. Here are some tips to prepare for the fight against Palworld's second boss.

The Best Builds To Play Palworld On PC

Palworld can be a dangerous place without the right PC hardware to back up players' reflexes in real-time

Tips for Beating Lily and Lyleen

Bring Pals With Fire Type

Palworld Incineram

The obvious choice when preparing for a Grass-type Pal is to equip any of the Pals with Fire in the team. Fire is super effective against Grass Pals and can burn their foes, causing additional chip damage. Unfortunately, Lyleen is equipped to handle the counter, as it has access to a Water-type move. It will target any Fire-type Pals and can easily knock out a player's team.

Some Pals do have access to passive abilities that can increase Fire-type moves. Flame Emperor increases the effectiveness of these moves by 20%, while Pyromaniac increases the attacks by 10%. Additionally, Waterproof can decrease the enemy's Water-type attacks by 10%, and Botanical Barrier holds the same resistance against Grass-type moves. Knowing this can help set up for the onslaught and make a big difference.

In terms of which Pals to bring, it's time to shuffle through the best available Pals with Fire in the Pal inventory. For starters, having Rooby's Tiny Spark partner skill can boost the effectiveness of Fire-type moves just by being in the team, while Kelpsea Ignis' Lava Spout does the same. Wixen and Rooby are easily accessible before reaching this battle, and Arsox can hatch from an egg with some luck.

Foxparks' Flamethrower Partner Skill is another good example of adding some chip damage during attacks, while Daedream's Necklace allows it to jump into the action and target Lyleen without having to be summoned. Players can also use a Fire Skill Fruit to teach a Fire-type move to any Pal.

The Pokemon Company Issues Statement on Palworld Similarities

As controversies rise regarding Palworld’s similarities with Pokemon, The Pokemon Company issues an official statement regarding Pocketpair’s game.

Level Up to 25 or Higher

Ribbuny in Palworld

Since Lily and Lyleen are at Level 25, players should not attempt this battle until they match this at least. Lyleen hits hard and often, so it can leave players overwhelmed if they don't come fully prepared. Anything lower and most of the battle will be spent running away from waves of Grass-type assaults and hiding behind pillars while the team of five Pals attempts to take it down.

Between Levels 28 and 30 can offer the player less resistance and an easier battle, as the slight edge in power and stats can go a long way to surviving Lyleen's attacks and producing a team of Pals that can hit even harder. By this time, players will also have access to a wider spread of weapons and armor.

Best Equipment to Prepare With

Palworld Lifmunk holding a gun

Now that players have achieved at least Level 29, a larger array of weaponry and defenses become available, making the fight against Lily and Lyleen an easy one. Players will want to equip themselves with the absolute best shield to absorb as many blows before reaching their HP and the highest-damaging gun. This allows players to remain at a distance while firing away, and their Pals provide assistance at close range.

  • Gun Option 1 - Makeshift Handgun: This gun unlocks at Player Level 23 and uses Coarse Ammo. By now, players should have access to a decent amount of ammo from taking down Syndicate grunts and gunners. If not, they are easy to produce back at the base and can accumulate quickly.
  • Gun Option 2 - Handgun: For those patient enough to wait until Player Level 29, this firearm does less damage than the Makeshift Handgun in a single shot but fires more often and results in higher output in the long run. It also uses Coarse Ammo, so be sure to stock up.
  • Shield Option 1 - Mega Shield: Crafting this shield will require five Ancient Civilization Parts/Paldium Crystals, so some time spent hunting Alpha and Lucky Pals is required. It's the best shield available at Level 25 and offers good defense with strong durability.
  • Shield Option 2 - Giga Shield: A step up from the Mega Shield, Giga Shield's defense is more than twice as great as the one before it, and a higher durability rate too. Unfortunately, it also takes three times as many materials to construct, so it may be worth it to stick with the weaker of the two.
  • Armor Option 1 - Metal Armor: Providing the player with an additional 70 Defense and 250 HP, Metal Armor is the best bet at Level 25. It also has decent durability.
  • Armor Option 2 - Cold Resistant Metal Armor: The upgraded Metal Armor, this dresswear boosts the player's Defense stat by 105 and boosts the Cold Resistance ability from level 1 to level 2. Obviously, the better of the two options if players want to wait until Level 27 to unlock.

For headwear, the Feathered Hair Band should be in the inventory by this point. It offers a slight increase to the Defense stat by 15. It's not a monumental boost, but players can also access the Metal Helm by Level 23, which boosts the Defense by 50 and only requires 20 Ingot and 20 Paldium Fragments.


January 19, 2024
Pocket Pair, Inc.
Open-World , Shooter , Survival
Number of Players
1-4 (Co-Op); 32 Players Server Limit