
  • Palworld's roadmap reveals plans for PvP, including standard PvP and Pal Arenas where Pals fight each other.
  • The concept of a battle royale mode could be a fantastic addition to Palworld, offering a unique gameplay experience.
  • Palworld's setting is perfectly suited for a battle royale mode, with players fighting for resources, encountering random events, and using Pals to gain an edge in battle.

After the initial success of Palworld, the studio has given players a look at what they can expect in the future via a roadmap. This roadmap includes all sorts of things that one would expect, including a slew of bug fixes, new islands, and new Pals. Along with that, the studio also has plans to introduce PvP to Palworld sometime down the line. And while the specifics of this are yet to be revealed, there is a ton of potential for PvP within this world.

Palworld's roadmap mentions two forms of PvP that are coming to the game sometime in the future. Players can expect standard PvP alongside something called Pal Arenas, which will see Pals fight against each other. If incorporated well, both of these could be a lot of fun. But, PvP should not end there, as Palworld feels like the perfect place for another form of PvP: battle royale. Some players may be burnt out by the concept, though Palworld could take it to the next level.

Why Fans of Pokemon Nuzlocke Playthroughs Should Try Palworld

Pokemon fans who enjoy doing the Nuzlocke challenge for a tougher experience might benefit from giving Palworld a try if they haven't already.

Palworld's Future Updates Could Introduce the Concept to the Battle Royale Genre

Introducing PvP is the First Step to Delivering Palworld's Version of Fortnite

As of now, there is no form of PvP within Palworld. The focus of the game is on surviving in a world filled with adorable Pals either solo or with friends. This means that it has all the staples of a standard survival game with the unique Pals mechanic tossed in. And while players can be a nuisance to each other, they cannot actively fight each other in the base game. But that will all be changing soon.

Pocketpair has not said when PvP will be added to the game or how PvP will actually work yet. All that players know is that it is coming and that it will come in two different forms. The first looks to be standard PvP that players would expect in a game like this, while the second version seems to be a Pokemon-inspired mode. Pal Arenas are supposedly PvP for Pals, which sounds exactly like a Pokemon battle. If done well, it could be a fantastic addition, and will hopefully lead to even more mechanics like that.

While the focus of Palworld should be on the survival crafting experience it launched with, it could also do wonders with a battle royale mode. Just like with Fortnite before it, tossing a concept like that into the mix could lead to an unforgettable experience. It would take a bit of work to make it stand out in the crowded market, but if Pocketpair is able to pull it off, then it could make the game unstoppable.

Palworld's setting already seems to give it a bit of an advantage, as it seems tailor-made for an experience like this. Indeed, players could be dropped into Palworld, fight for limited resources, and do everything they can to come out on top. Additionally, players would be able to catch Pals that they could then use to climb their way to victory. As they fight their way through, they could also encounter a plethora of random events or Pal bosses that could net them large rewards that give them an edge in battle.

Many battle royale-like mechanics seem to already exist within the game, including base-building, shields, unique weaponry, and gliders. All that the studio needs to do now is toss in PvP, add some type of barrier, and then let players run wild within its world. No one has really tried to make a Pokemon battle royale before, nor will Nintendo likely ever do that. So, that leaves Palworld to pick up the slack, and hopefully, it does just that.